Reviews from

in the past

Esse jogo é ÉPICO, o cara aqui no review disse que é uma experiência audiovisual incrível! Eu concordo plenamente, obrigação de quem tem Playstation, é aqueles games para zerar a cada alguns anos, extremamente oriuginal eu diria ;D

this game was kinda peak as a young child

The big guy happened all over my screen

My first experience with this game is one I will never forget.

I was 13, in Hawaii with my family for spring break. There's a weather warning that there was to be heavy rain, and the gloomy grey sky was rolling in as we saw that we weren't going out that day. My dad took the opportunity to catch up on some work, my stepmother was reading a book in the dining room and my brother was on his phone texting his friends.

Our hotel room had a PS2 connected to a TV, and I had my eyes on the game rental box they had outside in the hall. I popped over and saw they had Shadow of the Colossus, which was something I heard rave reviews about. I grabbed it, got back to the room, put it in the PS2 and sat on the beige carpet floor.

With the winds howling, the rain peppering the window and the general melancholia in the atmosphere, I began the journey.

I finished the game that day. I was, for lack of a better term, completely engrossed. This game had basically sucked me into its world, placed me in Wander's shoes and told me to get at it. I felt that cold descend into questioning what the hell I was doing, but I couldn't stop. This game made me feel some real ass emotions, and I hadn't done anything in my life besides complain about homework.

Everyone should play this, plain and simple.

os gigantes só querem ser amados

gosto de infância e só lembro o quanto eu ficava meu deus não tem mais ninguem nessa porra carai jogo solitário

acho que não existe uma pessoa nesse mundo que odeie shadow of the colossus

game of the years game of the century game of all time 10000★

Acho que eu mais vi vídeos dele do que gameplay, nunca zerei por não entender na época o que era pra fazer mas vi a gameplay inteira no YTB, a Aguro sempre será um dos melhores pets dos games.

Uma das maiores obras de arte de todos os tempos

Shadow of the Colossus will likely go down in gaming history as one of the greatest fables the medium has ever crafted. In fact, it already has.

a gorgeous, emotionally crushing masterpiece. however, given its myriad of technical problems (especially on ps2) and at times clunky controls and frustrating AI, as much as i love this game i can't give it a perfect score. they wind up hindering the player in such a way that doesn't feel more 'immersive' and 'realistic' like some others might say, they just make the game weaker. it's good then that everything else about this game is so fucking amazing

que jogo foda, cara. um clássico cult com todos os motivos.

One of the best games of its era and in my opinion still a perfect game. Monumental atmosphere, introspective, beautiful, mysterious, addictive, awe-inspiring... awesome in every way and one of my all-time favorites. 11/10

Verdaderamente de mis mejores experiencias jugando videojuegos, un juego que me transmitio un sentimiento de soledad muy feo que lo senti en el alma. Esteticamente maravilloso, tiene una armonia perfecta entre el mundo que presenta, los temas que toca, la jugabilidad, el apartado gráfico y el artístico y lo cautivador que llega a ser el soundtrack. Un juego para perderse por horas.

The best sensations i've ever had playing videogame.

Los videojuegos son arte y pueden ser más...

Meu jogo travava no colosso voador, triste d+, nunca zerei.