Reviews from

in the past

Fun and quirky, but the gameplay has not aged well.

Shenmue may be pretty outdated in terms of open world game standards these days, but these games were revolutionary at the time. They're vibes, I love the aesthetic, charming story and characters, and simple but fun Virtua Fighter type combat. There's nothing like exploring the world and just kinda talking to NPC's and seeing what they be doing, checking out little secrets and activities, and taking in the world around you that feels truly alive. Hell of a foundation for games like the Like a Dragon series.

Shenmue 1:
In anticipation of Shenmue 3 later in 2019 (maybe), I played through both original adventures. I really quite like the first game, and despite its many shortcomings and limited scope the story remains compelling as do the quirks that make it a genuine and fascinating adventure.

Shenmue 2:
In the continuing effort to catch up on the Shenmue series I played through the second one directly after the first. It was much larger in scope and size, and the story weaves an epic tale through the heart of the Chinese mafia while discovering the secrets that Ryo’s father left behind. The ending dragged on, but it’s still such an epic tale and makes me hyped for the third installment.

Full Review:

( Review do primeiro e assim que jogar o segundo voltarei para completar a review )

Após ver esse jogo em algumas lista pelo youtube a fora resolvi dar uma chance para ele, vi umas gameplays, me interessei e logo o comprei e já fui procurar um tradução e achei uma maravilhosa.
Começei a jogar sem saber o que esperar e o resultado foi: superou qualquer expectativa que eu poderia ter.
Fiquei bobo com esse jogo após finalizá-lo. Ambientação incrível, apesar dos gráficos um pouco antigos os cenários são maravilhosos, apresenta muito bem um bairro pequena de uma cidade que aparenta ser do interior ( não pesquisei ao certo se a cidade se situa no interior, mas tem uma "vibe" muito interior do Japão ) mas resumindo, a ambientação é incrivel.
A história me surpreendeu, gostei muito dela e com a tradução consegui compreender completamente toda a história e os diálogos.
O ponto mais alto desse jogo é que ele parece ser muito vivo, principalmente Dobuita, diálogos que sempre estão mudando dependendo do que fazemos e prosseguimos na história, os npcs representam muito bem como se fossem de uma cidade real, o jogo passa muito bem isso, a cidade parece bem viva ao decorrer da história, e esse pra mim foi a parte mais incrível do jogo, nunca tinha visto algo igual. O sistema de dia e noite com o tempo passando deixa mais real essa experiência

Legendary game, precursor and Mentor of all modern Open World RPG or Action RPG.

Since 25y ago when it came out on Dreamcast, I've never been as blown away as I was the first time when I played it.
When it came out EVERYTHING about it was completely insane.

No game as ever succed to immersed me in its story and world like Shenmue did. All hail the king !

okay but highly flawed and buggy remasters of two of my favourite games

the fast load and save times combined with no disc swapping and being able to swap between dub and sub is nice, but you're honestly better off just playing the original two games on the Dreamcast, or emulating them on Flycast, grab the definitive undub of 1 and the PAL version of 2 and you're set

It breaks my heart knowing that we probably won't see the full conclusion of Ryos story...however there is magic captured in these games that no other game has ever been able to reproduce. Sure, graphically better looking games exist, but I don't think any game matches the beauty and life that Shenmue does. This game bleeds with the love of the team behind it. I first played these games in 2019 and they changed my life. Leaps and bounds ahead of it's time, and cursed to never be fully appreciated by the modern gamer. It's 2024 and I don't think a single open world game has come close to capturing the same magic that's inside these games. You either get it, or you don't...and I feel sorry for you if you don't.

In January of this year (2023) I was going through an extremely bad period of my life. My depression was at an all time low, and I started to show a few symptoms of being schizotypal (which have since disappeared a little bit). Around the same time, the next game in my backlog was this game.

As I was playing it, something strange happened. I started to feel extremely happy. Shenmue taught me about the intricacies of life: how to keep a schedule, how to be more friendly towards people, how to explore and interact with the world around you, and so much more. It does seem silly to talk about how a game has changed the way you act in real life, but it happened for me.

For a game to do this to a human means it transcends the lowly status of being a "video game". Shenmue I & II is a magnificent sprawling work of perfection that rarely shows its age. Everyone should play it; not just gamers, but salarymen, wives, children... everyone.

dieses spiel ist literarisch ich

Why isn’t this on the Switch?
I think I would enjoy it more if I could lay down and just vibe with it

From the cozy streets of Sakuragaoka to doin' it big in Hong Kong. My boy Ryo goin places...

Played Shemue 1 again and Shenmue 2 for the first time, which I had previously only played briefly on an emulator. A very decent HD conversion of both games, about which I have little to criticize. I found the second game of the series at least as strong as the first, although there were a few passages (that damned building complex where you had to fight your way through thousands of floors got on my nerves^^) that were a bit too slow in terms of pacing. Apart from that, the finale of the second game is pure magic, I can't believe how well it was realized.

(shenmue 1) a very comforting masterpiece. shenmue's environment and slow-pace story telling with an emphasis on characters is great. i'm very fond of this story and experience

I'm super biased because I adored these games when they first came out on the Dreamcast, but my god I love these two games!

The controls are clunky, the voice acting is a bit wooden, there's no quality of life features that are commonplace these days, but it just works. Go back to when these games originally came out and it's a miracle what the developers were able to achieve. Games that have come out since have arguably done this better, but they're standing on the shoulders of Shenmue.

At times the pace is glacial. But the whole point is to take each day as it comes and make the most of your time. Shenmue is a living, breathing world and its inhabitants all have their schedules to keep to. Need to ask at an antique shop about the old scroll you found in your basement? You can only do it when the shop is open. It can feel frustrating from a 2024 perspective that you can't just do whatever you want whenever you wish, but again, that's the point of Shenmue. The sequel does add a 'wait' feature if need to be at a certain place at a specific time you can whiz the clock forward. It's a handy implementation but does take away some of the fun of filling your day.

If you've not played these before, it's difficult to recommend them because they are showing their age now. If you're level-headed enough to appreciate that they are old games, you might be surprised at how much enjoyment you'll get out of them.

Again, I'm biased, but these are two of the best games of all time.

Also I just noticed that I finished my last play-through on 6th May and finished this time on 5th May! Spooky!