Reviews from

in the past

i have been wronged and betrayed.

Realistically this game is probably just alright, but it is the biggest disappointment of my childhood.


This is a really boring and unfun racing game that was only released so that something called "Skylanders Superchargers" could exist on Wii and 3ds. There was no reason at all to play soemthing this bland even when it was new.

Uma bosta absoluta, só comprei o bundle pelo amiibo do bowser. O jogo é sem graça, tosco e as corridas são chatas, parece mario kart mas tirando a parte do mario e do kart.

it's bland!

The "flagship" version of superchargers on console had its racing stuff kinda relegated to an optional side mode which I was a bit mixed on due to the kinda ho-hum racing mechanics so I was a bit skeptical about a full game being JUST the racing mode. But honestly they added just enough meat to the bones here to be decent enough. Each vehicle has their own unique abilities and ways to go fast (cars can drift and jump for some reason, boats can do tricks to chain boosts and go underwater, and planes have a afterburner boost to go fast on straights but can't turn to save their lives) so the racing itself is decent. It's no mario kart, CTR, or sonic all-stars gameplay but it's certainly a step up from the flagship versions racing. The progression system is the exact same as sonic and all stars racing transformed, with various events that earn stars on higher difficulties with certain star thresholds needed to progress. Despite playing the game on the hardest difficulty the entire time I found every event painfully easy, and I think it's due to the imbalance of the actual character stats. To keep the skylander scam machine rolling and the confusing "supercharger" mechanic from the main game intact, only the new characters get racing stats that can be upgraded, and combining a character with their matching vehicle gives them such a large stat upgrade that it makes any other character/vehicle combination absolutely obsolete. Once I found which character had the highest top speed for each vehicle type (splat for sea, fiesta for land, and astroblast for air), I stuck with them the whole game and breezed through everything. There are certain events that can only be unlocked if you have a vehicle of a certain element for some reason though so it's not like you can get away with only buying 3 characters to do everything (though like the past 2 3DS games all characters are saved onto the game once scanned once so honestly plopping an unlocked save will get you everything for free). The cutscenes are even decent, being animated in-engine with a real ratchet and clank style look to them. They are also sparse enough to not be annoying like the main games characters constantly blabbering their dumb catchphrases every 3 seconds.

As a big fan of racing games I was certainly interested to see what this game was all about and frankly it was exactly as "meh kids-leaning semi-inspired kart racer" as I was expecting it to be. Not bad, and has the same amount of focus as the other 3DS games in the series. Honestly I think the 3DS games in this series have had a higher average quality than their console counterparts which probably isn't saying much but it's saying something. Honestly potentially worth a shot if you are tired of mario kart and S&ASRT on the 3DS and want a solid enough kart racer without going full shovelware.