Reviews from

in the past

pretty underwhelming, ending was super funny cause it made no fucking sense

Even in it's early state it is an enjoyable game with a story that'll probably only improve with time.

I played The Forest throughout it's EA and loved it. So I am planning to enjoy every update the devs push out for SoF!

Não chega nem aos pés do primeiro, talvez daqui a 5 anos fique bom.

ending really sucks, kinda rushed through the game, not as good as the first game

Концовка не понравилась, cюжет однообразен, но есть хороший графон и кооператив.
Первая часть однозначно лучше.

j'aurais préférer me prendre un platane a 100 km/h tout compte fait

Fun with friends cant wait for it to be finished

The one wheel in this game makes you the fastest thing alive

Fun game beat it in around 30-40 hours, definitely recommend playing with at least one other person. Be prepared for low fps though, game is badly optimized.

Played the full story with some friends, it was a great time.

nice graphics, step up from the first game in any way, not as scary tho...

waiting for the real story, meet me when the third comes out + needs to be longer
6,0/10 - Length
7,5/10 - Enjoyment
5,5/10 - Perfomance/Bugs
7,5/10 - Story/Experience
7,5/10 - Gameplay

Score = 6,8/10

pour l'instant nul et vide j'attend les maj

Played for arround 6 hours with one mate, was a great experience so far. The forest looks INSANE, the caves are always challenging and fun too explore. Building / housing system is decent at this state of the game. There are still a few things that are not that great tho. For example, the melee system feels kinda janky because the hitbox of the first few melee weapons is pretty small. Game also could be a bit harder, apart from the caves there are not too many threats, even on hard difficulty.

Based on what I've played... stick to the first game.

I do think when the full release rolls around the game will be in a much better state, but that's gonna take a long time.

This was so much fun with a friend. Very similar to The Forest with a revamped building system and new enemies. As of this time still in early access, getting better with every big update.

Check out entire review here:

Entertaining but can get very difficult at times. If you like the challenge, go for it.

Didn't feel as good as the first one

There is something about video games that doesn't feed me every single piece of information required to play but rather, encourages discovery and problem-solving to uncover endless quirks and abilities within the game.

I quickly fell in love with the co-op and building mechanics of this game, it was as if I was playing Minecraft for the first time again. Filled with wonder I ventured into this 40-hour experience in such a unique cannibalistic setting, I have always been aware of the original 'forest game' but never got around to it, this time I am glad I did.

Chopping down trees in this game is equivalent to throwing Kratos's axe in GOW, this alone is reason enough to play. I am excited about the full release!

bah c'est de la merde hein même en coop

Lot of mechanics mashed in together. Quantity > quality. Still fun

Was really excited for this, but the gameplay loop was too similar as the first one with not many new interesting things added to keep me going like the first game.

If you were like me and played this during the first versions of early access, it was truly an unfinished mess and I wish they didn't charge $30 for it, or at least delayed it by a couple more months so it could be polished a bit more. I haven't gone back to see every addition to V1.0 and beyond to be fair, but I can't see it becoming a 4.5 or higher.

Me hubiera gustado que... me hubiera gustado más. Esperaba con muchas ganas este juego y no decepcionó. Buenos gráficos, nuevas maneras de construir que te permiten hacer bastantes cosas, ciclos de estaciones del año que cambian el gameplay, los vehículos están muy bien, los enemigos suponen un reto y, sobre todo, jugar con amigos es divertido.
Pero no lo sé, no acabó de hacerme tanto "click" en la cabeza como el primero, y creo que es sobre todo por la historia. Te va dando muchas motivaciones, abre muchas posibilidades y hay algún momentazo, pero luego no me parece que las resuelva bien. El final es abrupto y confuso (hasta el punto de que a nosotros nos dio todos los logros -tiene varios finales- de una) y nos quedamos todos como "¿wait, what?", con la sensación de que faltaba más, que se había desaprovechado todo lo que nos habían ido presentando de manera tan meticulosa.

O seo o nos perdimos nosotros algo. Pero para mi ese es el resumen : un juego con una gran presentación en pantalla, que te va creando una expectación y cuyo último tercio baja mucho.

La batalla final está lograda, eso sí.