Reviews from

in the past

your experience will depend heavily on which version you play. most of them are dogshit, but the ps2 one's not too shabby

Imposible que pueda ponerle un rating al juego, simplemente lo jugue de niño y me encanto

This game makes you feel like Spider-Man.

This game fucking sucks but I can't help but love it
Also you know your game is bad when it doesn't even have credits

This game really pissed me off as a kid. I still have flashbacks to the dragon tail warehouse boss fight...

It's one of those games I played as a kid that taught me that videogames can be bad. I constantly getting bored with missions and taking constant breaks to jump off the empire state building and trying to splat on a car.

The game is super funny to me now. Animations and weird and goofy. Still a bad game, but it's funny bad.

A lot of fun ideas mixed together with some goofy stuff.

A massive downgrade in what should have been a decent movie tie-in game. This is NO Spider-Man 2 for the PlayStation 2, but more akin to Spider-Man 2 for Windows.

How do you fuck up this badly

Past Gen version of SM3 on PSP, pretty good decent game, I like the inclusion of Shriek and Morbius (Bully Maguire fought the Morb!). Story got a bit more jumbled around and its obviously shorter but it's pretty good, I like how they have multiple FMVs with Red and Black suits for some moments (and they change how Peter acts in the scene too ofc), I also used variety of costume mods during this cuz why not? Black suit is interesting in how its utilized but oh well I don't mind.

Due to motion controls on Wii and PCSX2 being the way it is, this was the best version of SM3 Past Gen to emulate but PCSX2 has improved since then so hopefully it'll replace this? Appereantly there is a non motion control mod for Dolphin but I didnt mess with that, wonder if its any good assuming it's easy to setup

mi primer jueguito de spidey me encanto

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special game from my childhood. i did the slingshot jump every time i booted. never progressed passed peter getting black suit cuz it was DOPE AS FUK

It's not as good as the first two movie games.

Excellent dans mes souvenirs, un balancement plus réaliste que spiderman 2018

Esse jogo por algum motivo só tinha em francês no meu Play 2, mas era legalzinho da jogar.

Did not follow the story and just swung around.

It is incredibly broken on the ps3, and the last level is not even beatable unless you have memorized the QTE buttons because the game doesn't register the time allowed for button presses correctly from when it's shown to when you press them, no matter how fast you go.
It did give us the "I'm going to die" meme though, so I couldn't give it 1 star.

Esse jogo tem um sistema de domínio de território mais avançado do que deveria para uma adaptação de filme. Nem sei por que, mas na época eu gostei muito.

I really enjoyed it when I played it on PSP. Maybe it doesn't hold up as well as I would like.

I play this game on the Wii, I don't know why there isn't an option for it?

I tried to finish the game because I was convinced that you could unlock New Goblin, Venom and Sandman's story modes. That's why I played this game. Imagine being disappointed when you wasted your time on a mediocre version of Spiderman 2.

Just completed the ps3 version, OH MY GOD, this game is bad, worse than ultimate in my opinion, ultimate started out stronger and had it moments in the beginning despite arguably the difficulty and clunky gameplay being worse and more notio from a quarter a way through the game onwards, however this game still has a really bad difficulty which isn’t helped by the games frame rate running inconsistent, add on the annoying and repetitive boss fights, worse than ultimate Spider-Man and I don’t like that game either, but this? This isn’t even ok like ultimate Spider-Man was, this is baddd, bad combat, bad swinging, bad story, this game sucks

Feels surprisingly fun to play with a controller, unbearable on KBM though. This game has it's certain issues, graphics alone look terrible for its time and some parts just felt pure bullshit in terms of difficulty (fuck The Lizard! and some parts of the Kraven arc) but I like the gangs and their designs and the inclusion of Jeane DeWolf. Scorpion plot was pretty compelling but considering how much shit was cut, and from a certain vibe it gives and how late Sandman is introduced to the game it's very clear the developers were sick of doing the movie stuff and just wanted to tell their own story...hence how we got WOS but yeah and it sucks some of their original plotlines were quickly end or cut due to having to wrap it around to movie and work with movie deadlines sadly but I see the potential in this game, not in a Sonic 06 way but yknow, not exactly uhh unfinished here, sorta. Venom is fucking hilarious in this game, he's dummy thicc for some reason and he's a lot more jokey than the movie and the way they poorly did his voice goddd, that whole scene with him and Sandman first meeting is pure fucking gold.

Either way, fun decent game while I get why'd you wanna skip this but personally I think this is a game worth your time atleast once, assuming you're a Spider-Man/Raimi Trilogy fan

оказывается, в 2007-ом году вы могли устроить мизогинию эмо-девочкам, отпиздить скинхедов и панков, управляя дружелюбным соседом и его кринжёвым Тайлером Дёрденом

The qte's are so notorious I had to get ahold of it.

Боёвка норм просто бьешь ебла челам на похуй. Лицевые анимации, сами лица персонажей и графика это пиздец. Сюжет, как и в фильме кал говна. Но стоит похвалить открытый мир где тебе дают огромный по масштабам Нью-Йорк, по которому кайфово летать и доп квесты которые не сделаны по шаблону прошлых и следующих игр про чп по типу пойди набей ебало бандитам, здесь это полноценные миссии со своими катсценами, сюжетом, локациями и боссами, но есть одно, но есть клевые миссии по типу скорпиона, а есть такая хуйня как миссии по обезвреживанию бомб.

Where do I even begin? This is one of the worst games I ever played. Hell this is definitely the WORST Spider-Man game I have ever played The only good thing about it is that the actors return to voice their characters.

Other than that, this game is an unplayable mess. It's very rage inducing and very broken. Tobey's voice acting is bad. It sounds like he's bored. The missions are awful. The times where you fail during missions can be very annoying. Stealth is awful. The enemy AI is just annoying. The characters in the game is so ugly. Some of the missions can be either tedious, badly designed, hard (in a bad way), or all of the above. I'm sorry but I just can't finish this. I literally kept trying. I literally do, but this game is just too bad.