Reviews from

in the past

perfect way to conclude an arc, really fucking good

Admitro que 3rd chapter era menos ganas le tenía e incluso lo empecé obligado ya que como dije en SC, Kevin no es un personaje que me guste y no me interesaba la idea de pasar 40 horas jugando con un personaje que me desagrada, pero habiéndolo terminado puedo decir que si bien Kevin es el MC, el resto del elenco tiene un peso igual de importante que él para la historia y conociendo más la historia de Kevin ya no me desagrada tanto (aun así sigue siendo un personaje que me cae mal).

Muchos pueden pensar que esto es alargar innecesariamente un arco (yo uno de eellos), pero luego de jugarlo creo que este es una de las entregas más importantes debido a que no solo podemos ver un poco más del pasado y del futuro luego de los acontecimientos de SC, sino que es el puente que conecta este arco con el de crossbell.

Mi opinión del mismo ha cambiado y es obligatorio jugarlo y está a la altura de sus precuelas. Además, tiene una de las despedidas más hermosas que he visto en una weeb media.

Empecé con esta saga hace ya 3 años (fuck... como pasa el tiempo de rápido) y hoy por fin he terminado el primer arco y no me arrepiento de haberla conocido, Nihon Falcolm se ha convertido de una de mis desarrolladoras favoritas junto a MonlithSoft ya que sabe como hacer una buena obra con excelente narrativa y personajes y se nota el cariño que les meten. Es irónico como una empresa tan pequeña puede crear juego superior a casi todo lo que hay en el mercado. Empezaré más pronto que tarde el arco de Crossbell.

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The only bad thing about this game is Phantom Raid not having Ouroboros' emblem breaking anymore.

even worse pacing. boring hallway dungeons. gameplay finally has a couple new additions that're nice. sidestory doors are about half throwaway but the other half are phenomenal. Kevin's character arc is peak and makes this entry more thematically interesting than its predecessors, but also makes the plot as a whole feel hollow and irrelevant.

Kevin Graham definitely one of the greatest characters of all time man his story was insane. This game’s story in general hits so hard, extremely good conclusion and epilogue to the sky arc I love it so much. Only problems would be some parts of the story are slow, a few of the doors are annoying, and a LOT of locations are reused.

also did I mention that Renne is the greatest character of all time

silent hill 2 for septian priests

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Before getting into this game, someone told me that it was “Trails in the Sky- Chain of Memories”.
And they were absolutely right. The 3rd is the most different Trails game thus far, focusing on a rather segmented story that serves to wrap things up, and set up things to come. Though it wasn’t exactly what I played Trails for, it served as a fantastic entry. They ramped up the difficulty a ton, and I’d also be lying if I said this game didn’t make me shed more than a few tears. I’m unsure where it stands in my ranking between the three games, but it’s likely second. Despite me not being super big on some of the choices personally, like the segmented story, and less of a focus on Estelle, I wouldn’t have had this game any other way. This game was an absolute treat, and having Kevin as a protag was an a nice change of pace. Trails in the Sky is the perfect trilogy. I cannot wait to get into the Crossbell arc

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So beautiful. So heart-touching. People said, "you can skip the 3rd because it isn't really that related to the main story" and I'm glad I didn't hear and follow their suggestion. I really love the bonding moments between all the characters. All of them have their own struggles and their tragic stories, it makes me love them more than before. Such a good character development for all of them, especially Kevin! I'm also glad I can see Richard and Renne again in this game. This game made me learn a lot of new things and I didn't regret to play this. Thank you so much Nihon Falcom for making such a masterpiece like this, it changed my life. :)

I cried so much during this game, even multiple times. It’s really a good game although I don’t like the dungeon crawler aspect off it, but everything else is top-notch


A kind of epilogue to the story of the first two Trails in the Sky games. Its structure is different than the other two, but it is still a great game that provides important information about some characters.

Honestly my favourite of the Sky Trilogy, the absolutely perfect epilogue

Una forma absolutamente maravillosa de cerrar la trilogía de Sora no Kiseki y que te deja con la miel en los labios para todo lo que se viene por delante.

A really well done wrap up and send off of the Sky series of Trails games, not much to say

A funny departure from the two titles before it, but with time I’ve grown to appreciate it more. A must play for Trails fans.

Chapter 3 & 4 are a bit slow and that's all. It's another sky game that you will love. i blamed sky sc for setting the bar too high. However, sky the 3rd is still a brilliant game in its own right.

I'm gonna miss Liberl so much man

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in Trails in the Sky The 3rd the seventh plane of the eight total planes available in the game is Gehenna AKA Hell
this is a reference to the fact that Trails fans are not going to heaven

This was the most connected and disconnected game I've played in awhile

Taking place in a more dungeon type area instead of exploring Liberl is something I feel like only trails can get away with. There is no need to explore Liberl anymore since we did that 2 times already and there's no need to build up characters again since they already did that. I don't mean it in a bad way but if I played a game like this that wasn't trails I wouldn't vibe with it. Short version is that trails can get away with a dungeon like game because they've already set up the characters and world.

While I did enjoy the main Kevin story, I think the biggest thing that came from this games were the doors. They either wrapped up character arcs or moved the story forward which I'm very excited about.

For awhile I never really felt like the main group were a family, more like really good friends, but after the send off at the end it got me hard. Its sad that this is the last time we will get to be with the Liberl group. I'm gonna miss their antics between each other. Going to miss my goat Oliver

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Nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Sure, it has a different formula, but it still retains the charm and amazing story of the rest of the games. Plus, it introduces you to some of the best characters in the entire series.