Reviews from

in the past

é um jogo perfeito.
amei a gameplay dele. é a melhor de trails até agora. e a história, mesmo que escassa, é excelente. as melhores portas são incríveis, e assim como o sc, tem uns dos melhores momentos de todos os jogos.

Here is my proprietary mad-libs prompt for Nihon Falcom plots after playing the three Trails games:

A kid with PURPLE hair who LIKES TO SLEEP is tragically forced to move away from home when HE ACCIDENTALLY MURDERS HIS ENTIRE VILLAGE WITH HIS BARE HANDS because he accidentally STUMBLED UPON THE RUNE OF MINKUS. Years later, he gathers himself to fight the EVIL CORPORATION THAT PLANTED THE RUNE, but then, a pretty girl with GOLDEN hair and is unique because she LIKES TO PLAY GUITAR chases him down because she survived and was like a sister to him (but not his actual sister because they eventually lay down on top of each other). She slaps him, tells him they are like family and that it will be ok, because they are like family and she is like a sister to him (but not his actual sister, because t-). The final boss is ANOTHER GUY FROM THE VILLAGE THAT ALSO SURVIVED AND SECRETLY WAS THE ONE WHO PUT THE RUNE THERE, but then after the battle says that he actually loves the main character like a brother, and only did it because HE WAS SAD ABOUT LOSING HIS PET BIRD. The game ends when a third even eviler guy PUSHES A PIANO OFF OF A THREE-STORY BUILDING ONTO THE SECOND GUY’S HEAD and then everyone cries.

Muchos sentimientos enfrentados con The 3rd.

Sin duda alguna el mayor punto positivo del juego es el poder tener como protagonista a Kevin Graham, el personaje más carismático de la trilogía junto a Estelle. La historia principal está muy bien, adolece de ser un poco previsible con algunos giros argumentales, pero la construcción del mundo y el guión se mantienen al nivel del resto de títulos.

Por otro lado y como contrapunto que me parece imposible obviar está el ritmo nefasto que presenta el juego constantemente, desde la historia principal con 3 capítulos aburridisimos y de relleno hasta varias memory doors insufribles. Comprendo que Falcom quiera mimar al máximo posible el lore y el worldbuilding de la saga, pero es que hay eventos de algunos personajes que son totalmente innecesarios y además innecesariamente largos.

Para más inri, tenemos el apartado jugable, que es un calco del juego anterior y no innova en nada de nada, lo único que hace es aumentar aún más la dificultad con enemigos absurdamente protegidos y con esponjas de vida.

Otro detalle que veo innecesario es el exceso de fanservice, trayendo a la pantalla a numerosos personajes que lo único que hacen es alargar el juego inútilmente.

Dejando de lado los puntos negativos, que no son pocos ni leves, repito que la historia principal y algunos eventos de las puertas me han encantado, sobretodo los que tratan el pasado/presente de Kevin, Ries, Renne, Olivier y los que anuncian los próximos movimientos en la saga.

Muchas ganas de seguir con Trails from Zero pese al sabor agridulce que me ha dejado The 3rd.

Одна из лучших игр в серии. Кевин, я тебя не забуду)

Unfortunately many parts of this game just didn't work for me, so I probably won't ever get through the whole thing, but other than the fact I like Kevin's story this felt like generally a downgrade from the main story games. Reverie was (/will be) a better take on the concept IMO

El mejor de la trilogía. Lo mejor es que enriquece mucho el lore, se centra mucho más en diálogos y personajes y deja la exploración y combate a un lado.

The same game was sold three times.

Una forma absolutamente maravillosa de cerrar la trilogía de Sora no Kiseki y que te deja con la miel en los labios para todo lo que se viene por delante.


The way this games plot and characters are presented is so damn puzzling even if what's there is very good. The dungeon crawling nature of the game worked shockingly well and wasn't longer than it needed to be. However the main appeal of the trails series for me is exploring the world and characters and most that just isn't here. Still a solid entry in the series.

A really well done wrap up and send off of the Sky series of Trails games, not much to say

This review contains spoilers

The only bad thing about this game is Phantom Raid not having Ouroboros' emblem breaking anymore.

even worse pacing. boring hallway dungeons. gameplay finally has a couple new additions that're nice. sidestory doors are about half throwaway but the other half are phenomenal. Kevin's character arc is peak and makes this entry more thematically interesting than its predecessors, but also makes the plot as a whole feel hollow and irrelevant.

Después de terminar Sky SC no tenía la expectativa muy alta por el hecho de qué no sabía que seguiría con la historia ya que el conflicto principal había acabado y que cambiaran el protagonista me parecía algo raro, creo que esto mismo hizo que el juego me sorprenda y supere todo lo que esperaba de el y llegara a ser, hasta el momento, mi entrega favorita de la franquicia, tanto por su historia (Kevin al final fue un protagonista que me encantó) tanto por todas las mejoras que tiene su gameplay y los status extra que agregó que me parecieron muy divertidos, que haya tanto contenido e historias adicionales en forma de las puertas me gustó mucho y sin darme cuenta las terminé haciendo todas y gracias al cielo por fin agregaron el viaje rápido porque en el final de SC se notó muchísimo que hizo falta.

The Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories of the series

Es extraño si vienes de los dos kisekis anteriores. Elimina toda la narrativa y world building para centrarse en ser un dungeon crawler más que decente

Honestly looking back I think I might like this the least out of the sky games. The story is pretty good though it retreads too much of Estelle and Joshua's dynamic with Kevin and Ries for me to really like it, hell Kevin even has a dead older sister figure just like Joshua. I really didn't find Kevin or Ries to be all that interesting because of it, since I felt their dynamic was just weaker and less present overall and with how personal this story is (even more so than the other games) that's an issue. The door system is neat and I like the Olivier Osborne door more than basically anything from the actual main story. Some of the doors were misses for sure but I think a majority do a good job expanding the world in preparation of the Crossbell arc. The final goodbye scene was also really sweet but that was basically because of the characters around Kevin rather than Kevin himself.

I'm not huge on the dungeon crawler style of the game, it felt kinda shoehorned. Especially when half the dungeons are reused assets from the first 2 games and the latter half are insultingly short. And I get it Trails reuses assets all the time, but the setting for this game is a literal pocket dimension based on the view point of a guy not even originally from Liberl. Not to mention the fucking new battle statuses good lord these were annoying. insta death, losing a party member for several turns, reducing CP to 0 or 100, restoring health by 50%. These change the course of the fight WAY too much for bosses while doing jack shit for the player. And this is a problem when this is the most gameplay focused game for the first 9 entries of this series.

Sky'ların en sevdiğim oldu

Chapter 3 & 4 are a bit slow and that's all. It's another sky game that you will love. i blamed sky sc for setting the bar too high. However, sky the 3rd is still a brilliant game in its own right.

Unpopular opinion but this is the worst sky game in the series. Still really good but I didn't really like the dudgeon aspect. The trial aspect of the game was interesting but felt disconnected from main story at times

I absolutely loved the first two, but this one isnt nearly as special. It felt like an absolute drag trying to get the doors done when they could have naturally put the STORY OF THE GAME IN THE GAME! Im not nearly as fond of this game as i was the past two, but i will say that i love the characters ans the story in this game. Its just how you get to the story that makes it a problem for me personally.

Admitro que 3rd chapter era menos ganas le tenía e incluso lo empecé obligado ya que como dije en SC, Kevin no es un personaje que me guste y no me interesaba la idea de pasar 40 horas jugando con un personaje que me desagrada, pero habiéndolo terminado puedo decir que si bien Kevin es el MC, el resto del elenco tiene un peso igual de importante que él para la historia y conociendo más la historia de Kevin ya no me desagrada tanto (aun así sigue siendo un personaje que me cae mal).

Muchos pueden pensar que esto es alargar innecesariamente un arco (yo uno de eellos), pero luego de jugarlo creo que este es una de las entregas más importantes debido a que no solo podemos ver un poco más del pasado y del futuro luego de los acontecimientos de SC, sino que es el puente que conecta este arco con el de crossbell.

Mi opinión del mismo ha cambiado y es obligatorio jugarlo y está a la altura de sus precuelas. Además, tiene una de las despedidas más hermosas que he visto en una weeb media.

Empecé con esta saga hace ya 3 años (fuck... como pasa el tiempo de rápido) y hoy por fin he terminado el primer arco y no me arrepiento de haberla conocido, Nihon Falcolm se ha convertido de una de mis desarrolladoras favoritas junto a MonlithSoft ya que sabe como hacer una buena obra con excelente narrativa y personajes y se nota el cariño que les meten. Es irónico como una empresa tan pequeña puede crear juego superior a casi todo lo que hay en el mercado. Empezaré más pronto que tarde el arco de Crossbell.

A funny departure from the two titles before it, but with time I’ve grown to appreciate it more. A must play for Trails fans.