Reviews from

in the past

Profound commentary on imperialism and the very nature of political revolution

Not quite as devoid of content or glitchy as I expected, but this is one of the most extreme cases of the "Hold a directional button and sometimes jump" Sonic stereotype. The most challenging part was trying to make a character that isn't the ugliest-looking thing in the series (I didn't succeed at this).

if you asked a monkey to either smack a typewriter until it wrote the complete works of william shakespeare OR play sonic forces once, i think it would pick the typewriter

Sonic forces is the most bland and boring sonic game ever. The level design consists of holding down the boost button and running in a straight line for 3 minutes.

The story while good in concept is executed very poorly. The game is very inconsistent as well, they say sonic was tortured for months but when we see him next he's still joking around.

On top of this in the main game Infinite is heavily implied to be a robot, but in the shadow dlc we find out he was a normal dude who turned evil after shadow insulted him. Speaking of infinite, he has one of the coolest designs out of all the sonic villians in my opinion, which sucks because he is so bland otherwise.

Another thing that's bland in this game is the writing, it is soooooo bad. I cringed at multiple points and overall it just left a bad taste in my mouth. The same can be said for classic sonic, the only reason he is in the game is for the filler levels and overall he just ruins the prestine nature of him in generations a little bit for me.

Also there is another continuity error with classic sonic, in this game he is referred to by tails as 'the sonic from another dimension' when this simply isn't true because it is made very clear that in generations he is simply a version of sonic from the past.

In conclusion, sonic forces is a bland boring mess of a game which makes me wish I could have the last 4 hours of my life back.

Sonic forces teases the audience with an interesting darker sonic story, cool character customiser and varied gameplay - all of which goes nowhere and fails completely- some of the most boring level design I have ever seen

Acho longe de ser tão ruim quanto colocam. Eu entendo que pra quem acompanhou o lançamento do jogo passou por uma decepção enorme, mas comigo não tendo esse fator, eu só acho um jogo tanto faz, nada no jogo tem alma ou personalidade e carisma, e todas as fases parecem iguais, eu só não sinto nada jogando, é entediante.
Na verdade eu até preferiria que o jogo fosse realmente ruim e tivesse personalidade, eu prefiro sentir ódio do que sentir indiferença com arte, e as vezes você se diverte com coisas que são ruins mas tem personalidade, como Sonic 2006 ou Shadow the hedgehod, são jogos muito piores que esse, terríveis de se controlar, mas eles tem um carisma que te diverte e te prende de alguma forma, você sente alguma coisa, mesmo que raiva.
Pra não falar que eu não senti nada, eu passei raiva nas últimas fases, que são insuportaveis, e as fases 2D são significativamente piores que as 3D com a física estranha, até me diverti com as fases 3D, mas as 2D me impdendem de subir um pouco mais o jogo no meu conceito.

Wow, Sonic Forces is definitely the Sonic game of all time.

There’s a lot of fun to be had with Forces. There’s a few great levels. The soundtrack is, as always, and absolute banger. Modern Sonic controls pretty well, and so does the Avatar. The character creation thingy for the Avatar is pretty fun and you get to customize them as a reward for S-ranking levels… which isn’t hard to do. Finally, the visuals are fantastic, even on my crappy old Switch.

I’d like to take a moment to highlight Null Space, the best level in the game. You don’t actually spend much time in Null Space itself, as most of the level takes place in Eggman’s captured city. Nevertheless, it’s an exhilarating, high-speed level with a plethora of alternate pathways, rails to grind on, and the glorious sound of “Fist Bump” blaring in the background as Sonic and the Avatar plow through Eggman’s forces. Honestly, Null Space is one of my favorite levels in the franchise.

It’s a shame that almost every other level is either just okay or outright bad.

It’s become a meme among Sonic fans that Forces is just “Boost to Win: The Game”. I thought they were exaggerating. They were not. Most of the 3D Modern Sonic levels consist of you holding the boost button. Sure, you can go off the beaten path to look for goodies, but you’ll quickly be spat back out onto the main route, and the ranking system is so forgiving that it’s really possible to just hold boost and get an S at the end.

The Avatar has some fairly strong levels (Capital City is pretty badass). These levels focus mostly on precision platforming, and they shine when you have to slow down a little bit to make proper jumps. The Avatar is equipped with a grappling hook that allows you to swing around like Spider-Man, which was unexpected, but very welcome. He/she also has a weapon powered by Wisps, which is literally just called a “Wispon”. I still hate that they brought back the Wisps for the fourth 3D game in a row when they have no canonical reason to be here, but the Wispon is at least fun to control, and opens up lots of new opportunities for combat and exploration.

Classic Sonic is absolute fucking garbage. Like holy shit, how did they fuck the little dude up so badly, when they’re literally using the same engine from Generations? Classic Sonic builds up zero momentum and falls like a fucking rock after every pitiful little jump he makes, causing his levels to be the slowest, most boring, and most infuriating in the game. Shout out to Iron Fortress for sucking absolute balls. At least his Egg Dragoon fight is pretty fun, if simple.

The final battle against the Death Egg Robot is pretty good. It starts out with Classic Sonic, which is boring as shit but can be beat in like 40 seconds if you know what you’re doing. Then you switch to the Avatar, where I had lots of fun going wild on Eggman and all of his machines with my Lightning Wispon whip. Then you switch to Modern Sonic (with Classic and the Avatar running alongside him) and… it’s the Nega-Wisp Armor again. Well, okay, it’s a little different and it’s still fun but… it’s basically just the same final boss as Colors and Lost World. Still, if you beat it and get that sweet, sweet S-rank, you’ll feel like a total badass.

The plot is almost laughably bad, partly due to bad English localization. Here’s all the shit I hated about it:

1) That scene where Tails cowers like a complete pussy at the sight of Chaos. Not just Chaos, but CHAOS 0. Remember, Tails has had no problem kicking Chaos’ ass in even stronger forms, so this is just pathetic.

2) Apparently, Eggman had been torturing Sonic for months, but the Blue Blur seems perfectly fine when we next see him. This was notably absent in the Japanese version, meaning that Pontac and Graff added it just to try and be edgy.

3) The side characters are useless. Seriously, Sonic and the Avatar are the only ones who actually do anything in the war against Eggman, while everyone just kinda shoots aimlessly, gets their asses kicked, or— in Knuckles’ case— make stupid decisions that get 80% of their troops killed.

4) Classic Sonic has nothing to do with anything here. If you cut him out, nothing would change… other than the fact that the game would be much better and wouldn’t be seen an insulting sequel to Mania.

5) THE TONE. Holy shit, this game doesn’t know how to juggle its tone. Sure, Sonic stories do need some levity (it’s about a talking blue hedgehog chasing after an egg-shaped scientist, it’s inherently ridiculous), but this game just fucks it up. You’ve got Sonic wisecracking after being locked up and tortured for months on end, Amy randomly bringing up how “dreamy” the two Sonics are, a potentially tense confrontation being immediately shattered by Shadow intervening and saying “It’s a fake” (iykyk), and so on and so forth. That’s not to say these games need to take themselves 100% seriously, though; some of the most beloved stories in the series like Adventure 2, Unleashed, or Frontiers have plenty of comedic moments, but they never clash with or distract from the serious parts, and they manage to strike a good balance. Man, I really wish Ian Flynn had written this game, it would’ve been so much better.

Then there’s Infinite, who I have mixed feeling about. On the one hand, I really like just how evil and unapologetically edgy he is; he’s like a stereotypical Sonic OC villain, which makes him a perfect foil to the Avatar. His powers are cool, his boss fights are good, and Liam O’Brien does a fantastic job voicing him. However, he’s also very underwritten, and the Episode Shadow DLC (which I played) leaves more questions about him than answers. Plus, he apparently joined Eggman because he got humiliated and couldn’t handle a bruised ego. That could be interesting unto itself— a selfish, narcissistic bully who makes others suffer to hide his low self-esteem— but the game glosses over it. Ian Flynn’s prequel comics provide some better context, showing that Infinite was always a sadistic lunatic and that his initial defeat was just the last straw, causing him to seize the opportunity for ultimate power the first chance he got. Once again, if only Ian Flynn had written this game… but as it stands, I’d like to see Infinite return in a future game so we can get some better characterization.

Thankfully, Roger Craig Smith and Mike Pollock perform their roles as Sonic and Eggman just as dutifully as you’d expect. So… yeah, that’s it for the game’s plot.

One last negative to note: unoriginality. Most of the stages are themed after locations from previous games (Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Death Egg, etc.), which just screams “We’re out of ideas.” On top of that, the extra stages— while kind of fun— steal gimmicks straight out of Sonic Colors, which only served to remind me that I could be playing a much better game.

All in all, Sonic Forces is the definition of mid. Seriously, if you look up “middling” in the dictionary, you’ll see a screenshot from Lost Valley. There’s plenty of fun to be had, but Sonic Forces is mostly a mindless, unimpressive, and poorly-written entry in the franchise, filled with ideas and mechanics that have been done far better in Colors, Generations, and Mania.

Another sonic team banger 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

I wish I could feel anything when I played this game

Eu não joguei muito jogos de Sonic, experimentei alguns e conheço a formula mas nunca de fato desbravei essa franquia a fundo, entretanto algo que eu sempre admirei dentro da franquia, é como ela se apropria de elementos populares lançados em suas respectivas epocas, fazendo com que os jogos soem familiares mas sempre tragam uma proposta muito fora da caixa, e Sonic Forces não é diferente.
Dada a data que ele saiu eu presumo que muito da ideia por trás do Forces venha do boom de filmes "evento" em especial dentro do MCU, temos a culminação de varios elementos familiares da franquia em uma unica obra, e no caso de Forces é interessante o que ele considera os pontos chave do sucesso da franquia, ele trás aquele que iniciou tudo e já se mostrou uma ideia rentavel em outros jogos mais modernos, o Sonic classico, o proprio Sonic moderno que é o que temos atualmente como o mais reconhecivel, e inusitadamente ele coloca o jogador como um personagem dentro do jogo através de um sistema de criação e customização de personagem. Fora isso em sua narrativa decolonialista, ele faz com que os vilões mais marcantes da franquia se unam, então é realmente uma guerra geracional, onde o time Sonic representa a força de resistencia contra o exercito colonizador de Eggman, e no papel isso é enorme, algo que se vende como além de um jogo tradicional do Sonic, e sim como um evento especial, porém... só no papel.
Ideias boas com uma execução que eu julguei como... preguiçosa? Eu não consegui sentir nenhum esforço para fazer esses elementos funcionarem juntos e além do esforço para isso não existe nenhuma pretensão em usar dessa ideia para ser algo marcante, é tudo como uma grande referencia vazia. Elementos funcionam separadamente, não é um desastre no quesito tecnico, mas é tão sem inspiração e sem proposito que eu não consegui sentir nada além de sono e frustração, o level design é ruim mas nem ao ponto de ser algo marcante, a narrativa é atropelada ao ponto de não causar o esboço de uma emoção, talvez se o jogo fosse pior eu teria gostado mais dele, mas ele existir ou não é irrelevante.

This was a fun 3D Sonic entry. fast paced, as expected, but where you get to customize your own character and play through the story alongside your favoirte Sonic characters. Lots of replayability and the controls handle well. I finished the story, but still need to 100% all of the levels.

O Sonic moderno controla horrível em 3D, mas tem algumas exceções e as seções 2D boazinha. O Avatar é muito lento e terrível de controlar, até pegar o Drill ai ele vira o personagem mais divertido de se jogar por quebrar o jogo inteiro. O Sonic clássico é um completo lixo, não sei porque só não importaram a versão do Generations. O Shadow controla melhor que o Sonic e tem fases melhores, mesmo só tendo 3 fases.

Em resumo este jogo seria melhor se fosse Shadow Forces.

when this came out i defended it. at the time it was the only boost game i had played and i thought "eh its average, its playable" but then time went on and i played through the other boost games. this game stayed in the back of my mind as just that average game. after replaying it i had a much different opinion on it. so many of the levels fly by in like 2 mins yet feel like they drag on thanks to the game basically playing itself. the game is scared to let you play it and every time i tried getting out of the automation i was usually punished with death. alongside that the game is like 4 hours long, has shitty boss fights that get re used/are stolen from previous games and has a shitty story where most of the characters don't act like themselves. at the end of the day this game is pretty shit and the only enjoyment i will get out of it is the ost. it has a lot of good songs and sometimes makes me think the game is good (its not)

I've played some BAD Sonic games, but I've never played a boring one. I will still state that I'd play a bad game over a boring game.

This is a boring Sonic game. I don't know how you make the fastest thing alive so slow.

y’all I’m starting to think that Sonic isn’t that good of a franchise

You guys weren't fucking lying with this one. Where do I begin? Some positives, I guess?

The game looks good, models for characters and environments are all pretty nice, and this is some of the best lighting/shaders we've had in the series so far. When it comes to graphics, there's a lot of good stuff here. Let's see, what else, uhh... Oh, Amy talks a lot. That's a plus in my book lmao, I love Amy and I love that Sonic isn't an immediate dick to her for no reason this time around. Everything else... Holy shit.

I fuck with the game conceptually. A story where Eggman managed to win and we have to get things back in order?(Unleashed sort of dabbles in that territory tbh) Sonic is gone so it's up to everyone else to get the job done? We can make our own character, something EVERY Sonic fan cooked up at some point? And we can play as them? These are all sound ideas that open up a ton of gameplay and character interaction possibilities. But then, 20 minutes into the game, Sonic is back.
... Hooray? Also what the fuck is Classic Sonic doing here?

This series' writing isn't consistent or competent enough to pull off a setup like this. We know next to nothing about the world Eggman took over, your OC & Co. just blaze through stages back to back until the credits start rolling 4 hours later. What happened? Unleashed did a pretty good job on that department, you actually spent time with people all over the world. Sure, it wasn't very deep, but I can remember some of their names, some of their stories. Hell, when I saw the country flags flying around Rooftop Run back in Generations, I was giddy as all hell. Here? Who cares if Eggman is wrecking shit up? Aside from our OC, we never get to interact with any non-core-cast characters. There are 0 stakes, especially considering that the one personal crisis at hand-- Sonic being imprisoned and """""""""tortured""""""""""-- is resolved in a matter of minutes.

WHAT IS SILVER DOING HERE???? I guess he's kinda like Trunks in this universe, but it's never even acknowledged. It's never brought up! He's just hanging out! And if he managed to time travel back to the past, why not time travel far enough to stop Eggman from razing shit to begin with? WHERE'S BLAZE? "Oh, she gone gone" SHUT UPPPPPPPPPP

Forces has some of the worst instances of cutscene incompetence I've seen in a game yet. You're wiping the floor with Infinite, then the very next cutscene acts as if he's had the upper hand the whole time and Sonic proceeds to kiss the floor for some reason. Tails shits his pants on multiple occasions even though he should be able to handle some basic ass Egg robots by himself.

God, don't even get me started on the villains. They tease returning villains as soon as the game starts, and then THAT'S FUCKING IT. They show up once and immediately fuck off. You don't even get to fight them all! Ruby Shadow gets kicked in a cutscene and farts out, and Chaos is spindashed to death by Classic Sonic. "They're replicas, but just as strong as the real ones" BRO WHERE???????

But honestly, who cares about the story. At this point, Sonic games having good narratives is the exception, not the rule. If only the game felt good to play.

This is easily the most automated game in the series. Sonic games have been accused of feeling like rollercoasters before, and Forces is a game that was made solely to legitimize those accusations. You barely have to do anything here, you press the Boost/Blast Wispon button, move forward and watch the score counter fly up, that's fucking it. In my Sonic Unleashed review, I mentioned that modern Sonic feels more like a driving game than a platforming one. The enjoyment comes from trying to clear these stages as fast as possible using your knowledge of the level and Sonic's movement options. To me, good modern Sonic games are very replayable and arcade-y.
Forces still gives you access to the stomp, slide and wall jump, but it hardly ever asks that you use any of them. I don't think you're required to slide at any point in the game at all, and the wall jump is used in one stage close to the end of the game.
"What about drifting?" What about it? Forces has no drift. Whenever there's a curve, the game will either swerve Sonic for you, or automatically drift for you when playing as the avatar. There is no drift.

I guess it's a good thing that most of these stages are short as hell! You barely get to do anything on them, I was wrapping things up in 2 to 3 minutes, sometimes not even that much. Mortar Canyon has to be one of the most worthless stages in Sonic history, it's like a Sonic Chaos stage in 3D. I swear I held down Boost and jumped like, twice, at most, and it was fucking over.

Why are there rings in this game. They serve no purpose. There are no lives, they don't refill the boost gauge, they don't serve as fuel for your Wispon, they don't serve as currency for the OC customization options, there are no special stages. Why the fuck are they here? There was one stage where I racked up 500 rings and I don't even know where they came from.

I guess their inclusion is just as puzzling as Classic Sonic's. This guy serves 0 purpose. His relevance in the story is limited to "Sonic is gone, what are we gonna do :( Omigosh Other Sonic, hi! Can you help us?", which is a moot point anyway since again, Modern Sonic comes back mere minutes after that. And good god, what did they do to his controls?
They felt pretty good back in Generations, why couldn't they simply make it a 1:1 copy here? Playing as Classic Sonic here feels like hot garbage. And his stages aren't any longer! They also end in 2 to 3 minutes what the hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
I will say though, I laughed out loud like a maniac when I picked up a sneaker item, and it lasted for like 4 seconds tops. I had to get up and hug my wife.

Just. Wow, dude. They had some gigantic balls releasing a game like this after Sonic Mania, I'll give them that. Full honesty, I think Iizuka may have a humiliation kink, cause there's no way in hell you put something like this out hoping it'll do good. The lack of self awareness here is almost as baffling as Shadow '05. Thank god I didn't start getting back into the franchise before this came out, cause if so... This game would've forced me to abandon this blue fucker again.

This game was my first exposure to Persona 5 so it did something good for me

I used to consider Sonic Generations 3DS as my least favorite Sonic game. It was automated, boring, and overall not really that fulfilling as a game. I must apologise to Generations 3DS, because this is genuinely one of the most BORING experiences I’ve ever had with a video game. Just nothing about Forces (at least compared to Generations, Colors, and Unleashed) is good. The level design isn’t fun in the slightest, the controls feel both loose AND stiff at the same time, and overall this game just feels misguided. There were lots of good ideas here, but they unfortunately went to waste in this shallow, bland, and budget game.

Although the game itself wasn't exactly great, it's an absolute blast to riff on. Perfect for something to play in one night while getting drunk, laughing at it, and singing Fist Bump loudly at 4 a.m. for the neighbors to hear.

Who designed this? More fun in the beginning but once they start trying to throw you curveballs and make the levels more difficult, all that ends up happening is they ruin the game's forward momentum, and it makes the player frustrated. Boss fights are poorly designed and the story makes no sense. I like decking my character out in swag though, if only ironically. Just a poor excuse of a game overall.

It's hysterical how Sonic 06 apologists have a hard-on for making this game out to be the spawn of Satan when it's still not as bad as the one they defend, get a grip guys lmao

Sonic Unleashed and Generations are banger games that I can probably replay at a drop of a hat and still have a great time, I'm not the biggest fan of Colors but the series did kind of need it at the time and I can understand why many people love it, I'm just more of a fan of the DS version.

Sonic Forces is a different story on the other hand, for Generations, they were able to improve upon the already incredible foundation Unleashed had. Forces feels like a FUCKING MASSIVE step down in comparison, Sonic and Classic Sonic actually somehow control like shit, same goes for the avatar, and the levels feel so underbaked, short, and don't even leave an impression on you unlike the other three boost games. And Mania came out the same year which makes this game look worse in comparison. The game is short as hell but so is Generations and that game was able to be fun as hell and leave a great impression. The soundtrack is kinda good but some of the songs are funny to me, especially since they come from this game. The story also sucks and is missed potential as well, they reuse some stages from past games but it had the potential to do something cool with it but instead its just feels thrown together. The story needed better writers in order for the story to reach its potential, there's this video I listened to at work call Sonic Forces Rewritten and its a very interesting watch and it shows how story and gameplay styles could have been handled, even being back the alternate perspectives formula from the Adventure games into play with some elements from Heroes generally could have been interesting, even expanding upon bringing back more past locations from other games but with them being taken over by Dr. Eggman could be very interesting to see. But instead we get this half baked, piece of shit that is worthless and straight up fundamentally flawed. At least '06, for as shit as that was, there was some great ideas and it would later give us Project '06, which slaps. At least Sonic and the Secret Rings gave us this: . At least I can make fun of Shadow the Hedgehog for how fucking stupid nearly every aspect of that game is and it at least controls fine. At least Sonic 4 Episode I.... uh....emm....uh.. I honestly don't know.

I actually never want to touch this shit ever again.

imagine if you ate this beautiful cake in 2011, and then when 2017 came around you were like "i'd love to eat that cake again." but the guy who made the cake was a shambling necromancied beast of what he used to be and just groaned in response and handed you a cake made of fingernail trimmings and baby powder. that's sonic forces.

When everything you know has come and gone
(You are at your lowest, I am rising higher)
Only scars remain of who I was
(What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire!)
When there's no one left to carry on
(This is an illusion, open up your eyes and)
This pain (persists)
I can't (resist)
But that's what it takes to be Infinite!

nunca gostei muito de sonic, joguei alguns de wii quando criança e só o de lobisomem me marcou mesmo, fora isso eu cagava pra franquia por ser meio "igual", você corre bem rápido com o sonic, e às vezes outros sonics apareciam, um vermelho, outro laranja, enfim, nada me interessa muito.

esse jogo só foi cair na minha mão porque ele foi jogo de algum mês na plus durante 2020, sair de casa não era uma opção, então esse jogo calhou como um passatempo, e caiu bem, talvez ele seja objetivamente ruim (ele é meio odiado aparentemente), e de novo, eu não ligo muito pra sonic e minhas referências da franquia são aqueles sonic com espada do wii, logo esse jogo foi divertido na época. Provavelmente se jogar outra vez seja diferente, mas acho difícil, ps plus anual ta 300 reais.

overhated, it's not that bad but i'd rather play something else