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Thief: The Dark Project is a really interesting case for me.

On one hand, it offers one of the most thoughtful and well designed stealth experiences the medium has to offer, completely putting most other takes on the genre to shame nearly thirty years later. This is something particularly shocking to me, considering Thief apparently wasn't even supposed to be a stealth game for most of its development.

And... it kind of shows. The full blown supernatural levels of Thief are the biggest sticking point for a lot of people, me included. Levels like the infamous Down in the Bonehoard are very interesting conceptually, but in practice feel mechanically incongruent an a way that can really drag down the overall experience for me. It's safe to say I don't really like these levels, but the way they work in tandem with Thief's overall tone is so well executed that I could never see myself ever outright disliking them.

Thief is extremely dark, brooding, and aggressively late 90's. And when I say that, I mean in the most sincere and endearing way possible. Stuff like the opening cutscene and Stephen Russel's portrayal of Garrett have this angst to them that does an outstanding job at setting the mood for the rest of the game. That combined with the fascinating setting and killer ambient tracks elevate this game to something that me and many others will look back on fondly for more than just it's revolutionary take on the stealth genre.

When Thief puts its best foot forward, it strikes me as one of the most immersive and standout games that I've played this year, but it doesn't really play things straightforward. A decision that despite being for better or worse, resulted in a game that was able to steal my heart in spite of it all.

Garrett is bar none the best protagonist in any video game. Love to play as an apathetic loner who tries to remain separate from society but is inevitably forced to care when the consequences of his actions build up into an inescapable horror.

"Not like I had a whole lot of choice, really...the rent is due...and my landlord's even tougher than the Hammers."

Groundbreaking, unique, artistically ambitious, questionably designed, and honestly a bit clunky (as all the best games are), Thief is a game I can't help but loving despite it's clear shortcomings, as it helped pave the way for many future stealth and RPG games yet remains distinct from the wave of works it led.

Now Thief is far from the first stealth game of course. Metal Gear was already a decade old when it debuted with Castle Wolfenstein even older, however it manages to distinguish itself through its unique design choices. Thief was described at the time as an FPS however not in the traditional sense, an (uncredited) Looking Glass Studios employee coined it as a 'First Person Sneaker' to both compare and distinguish it from the wildly popular First-Person shooters of the era you're certainly familiar with.

Thief is quite notable for being the first stealth game to use visibility, varying floor surfaces, and simulated light occlusion as mechanics which lends the stealth a responsive and tactile feel, building the illusion that you're exploring a real three-dimensional space. Stealth games can often have bad tendencies to create waiting simulators where you simply go between clearly marked safe spots waiting for clearly marked openings, which can lead to boring and repetitive gameplay, this however is where the gameplay excels the most. Considered a keystone title in the Immersive Sim subgenre Thief is built around gameplay emergence and the unique interactions between gameplay systems. Perhaps best expressed through the varying arrow types available, water arrows to extinguish torches (or harm fire enemies) , moss arrows to create silent walking paths (or break short falls), rope arrows to scale up buildings (or back down to escape them). Each arrow type has multiple uses in ways the player can discover as they play for unique and interesting interactions, it truly makes the levels feel like real places you're really try to sneak through. This is actually quite impressive because... somehow... Thief was originally intended to not be a stealth game at all?

Earlier versions of the game were actually intended as sword-fighting simulators (which explains the strangely detailed sword mechanics) and deep into development was when the game was actually retooled into a stealth experience, this is at first glance kind of mindblowing. Like one of the most iconic stealth games was only barely a stealth game at all? woah.... However this becomes more obvious when looking at the most clear shortcoming of the game, the level design.

I'm not exactly breaking new ground here to say that the level design in Thief can leave a lot to be hoped for. The levels feel unoptimized for stealth and often far over wear their welcome or are too obtuse to navigate. Ultimately I feel there are only 2 or 3 levels I don't have significant problems with, but I will defend that these levels as not completely irredeemable or without merit. Even largely bad levels like Down in the Bonehoard are not devoid of interesting ideas and can still bring something to the game as a whole with how it contrasts the more traditional levels. While it's still not great every level has at least something to be brought out of it and appreciate despite the rough edges. It is however far easier to appreciate what these levels do excel at, in conveying a sense of mood and atmosphere.

Thief's just.... vibe is so incredible. A unique setting blurring the lines between late Medieval and Victorian, with fantastical elements bleeding through to the surface but not overpowering to the overall setting. The world is in perpetual shadow and hardship with people scraping through life against uncaring rulers, one of the most interesting elements of Thief's story is the protagonist Garret himself. Unlike most other stealth games Garret is not an assassin, a special operative, a ninja, or the greatest secret agent who ever lived. Garret is simply a thief trying to make ends meet by robbing those so rich they would hardly notice it missing, and this provides an excellent alternative to the more traditional power fantasy elements of other stealth games.

Compared to say, Hitman, Garret is not some unstoppable force that will effortlessly take out opponents but rather one that must go great lengths to analyze situations through notes and sound cues to engineer a victory out of certain failure. As the game progress things take a more and more explicitly supernatural path it places Garret further and further out of his element. Sneaking past not guards but zombies, ghosts, and the absolutely terrifying haunts who whisper sweet nothings about burning flesh as they walk past. I especially love how the maps you use to navigate reflects the location itself, hand drawn from inside sources, floorplans, rough sketches from limited information, metaphorical markings of otherworldly locations, even ancient maps of a lost city marked by hieroglyphics all work to add an extra layer of world-building to each level and help you comprehend the spaces you explore.

Thief provides a unique narrative-aesthetic experience that remains interesting long after it's release with engaging stealth gameplay and a palpable atmosphere that remains vivid in my mind. It's the kind of game that leaves such an impression it's all you can think about until you finally watch the credits roll, there's not many games that engage me so deeply that even while making lunch the next day it keeps my full attention like this game did.

I just can't help but love this game despite (or maybe because of) the many rough edges, and I'm certainly excited to try the sequel

"The Trickster is dead, beware the dawn of the Metal Age."

Thief's adoption of darkness as cover probably helped Splinter Cell come along a little faster. The Dark Engine is such a cool bit of technology, with a lot of great bells and whistles for 1998.

Deliberately painted spots of light and shadow as cover combined with an all-encompassing soundscape make this perhaps the closest a simulated world has ever gotten to transcending toy status, as opposed to the same year's Pac-Man with extra steps. This is why 天照大神 had to smite their vision by only making them realize this by the time they had already made half of the game some dogshit survival horror dungeon waddler. Fuck this. I am confined to the bounds of the emergent systemic design sandbox forever. This is why I only fuck with Blue Archive.

A mechanically rich stealth game with some unfortunately dull levels, even when you exclude the extra levels added with the Gold edition.

I think this was probably my introduction to stealth-focused games. I played that tutorial level over and over to try and get the hang of the sight and sound meters against guards. Don't think I ever got to the end though, as after a few introductory levels that felt breezy and fun I remember it getting much more challenging and hard to navigate. Still, it's an awesome idea for a game, and I feel like the Dishonored games later on did a good job taking the concept and running with it.

This game is best understood as a dress rehearsal for Thief II.

one of the low key best games of all-time. just an unparalleled sense of atmosphere, and the levels strike a great balance between being immersive and realistic-feeling but relatively simple and approachable in a way that i don't even think has been exactly replicated. and then even with a tight and unique mechanics the missions go places you just don't anticipate at all. it really feels like an adventure where you don't know where you're going to go next. the sequel might have (arguably) improved some of the mechanics but doesn't have as much of that mystery. the only real flaw is it peters out a bit at the end - some of those ending missions feel rushed and don't quite work. but that is not unusual for PC games of that era.

(i'm reviewing this version because i think Song of the Caverns was the only essential added mission for Thief Gold, but consider it the same rating for both)

I went into this game expecting a burglary simulator, what I got was more like DnD thief simulator. You do break into people's houses and steal their stuff, but just as often you'll do things like raid tombs infested with traps and monsters.

From a gameplay standpoint I would say the dungeon-y stuff reminded me of something like Doom or other retro FPS games, while the more stealth-focused levels reminded me more of modern Imsims that Thief inspired.

The more dungeon-focused levels lead to some really memorable atmosphere and imagery. I generally enjoyed exploring them, and atmospherically they're borderline horror at times which was pretty awesome. With this said, I'd be lying if I didn't say the most fun part of the game, gameplay-wise, wasn't the parts where you're just robbing places full of humans. I did enjoy the more dungeon-y stuff but some of it could get a little tedious, and it took too much of the game. I wouldn't want to remove them from the game, but maybe I'd loosen the loot requirements in those levels just so they don't take so long to finish.

The more stealth-focused levels where you're sneaking around humans were the gameplay highlight, but I'll point out that I do think that the AI in this game could be smarter. They feel a little oblivious towards other NPCs. Like, I'll accidentally make one guard suspicious and he'll be searching for me, and like 3 other guards will just pass right by without even noticing this. Sometimes they'll team up and work together but this felt inconsistent.

This isn't as much of a problem as it could be, as even one guard looking for you is a real threat in this game. Garrett's not a badass assassin, he's not a soldier, he's basically just some guy. One guy with a sword can kill him. For this reason I still think the stealth is pretty fun, despite the guards sometimes being a bit dense.

Pretty solid game, looking forward to playing Thief 2.

Have you ever played a game you wanted to love? A game whose peaks left you awe-inspired? A game whose lows left you frustrated? A game that makes a definitive artistic impression, but you wish was more successful at its own goals? I've played a few games like that, but none I wanted to like more than Thief: The Dark Project. Looking Glass Studios' next hugely influential title after their magnum-opus System Shock, Thief wasn't the first game where stealth played a prominent role, but it helped to codify many core tenants of the genre and would inspire an unbelievable amount of games to come. Thief is a game that is largely successful at presenting a highly oppressive, unsettling atmosphere and nuanced, innovative stealth mechanics but buckles somewhat under the weight of inconsistent level design and creativity.

Molding the rest of the stealth genre forever, Thief's game design deservedly gets praised relentlessly. Familiarizing concepts such as sound propagation, light and darkness mechanics, and NPCs reacting to unscripted events, Thief has no shortage of innovative design philosophies that make playing through its best levels engaging and tense. The game's best levels, such as The Sword and Assassins, give the player sprawling, huge levels that allow you to bob and weave between light and shadow, leap between carpet and loud tile, and clobber unsuspecting guards on the back of the head. Guards will react to small things being out of place, such as a door being open or a major object being out of place, and the game's best levels intelligently make great use of light and sound to make the stealth experience both immersive and stressful. The game does a great job of making you feel like a thief, sneaking around and shoving ungodly amounts of gold into your pockets. To say that few games are often as stressful and tense as Thief at its best is a massive compliment. You're given a veritable sandbox in terms of your toolset, with different arrows that do different things. Broadheads damage, water arrows take out torches, moss arrows soften your footsteps, rope arrows scale buildings, gas arrows are instant non-lethal takedowns, noisemaker arrows distract, and fire arrows essentially serve as the Thief equivalent of a rocket launcher. This toolset gives you a large amount of freedom in terms of how you want to approach levels and it makes the experience all the more fun. The combat and sword fighting, while typically discouraged, is more physics-based than most melee combat from this era and is surprisingly a lot of fun. The Sword has to be one of the best levels in any game I've ever played - its tricks and traps throughout an increasingly warped and surreal level while demanding the most out of the player is highly memorable and few games can claim to have an equivalent.

The problem is that only a good third of Thief's levels show off the game's complex systems and grand potential. Half of Thief's levels are sort of whatever, they're mostly remnants from the game's development when stealth wasn't a focus for the team or otherwise constrained by strange design decisions. A lot of Thief's levels aren't focused on stealth at all, and moreso resemble adventure gameplay you'd see in something like Tomb Raider (which was probably an inspiration, seeing as it's directly referenced in the game). This isn't inherently a bad thing, after all, variety is the spice of a pleasant gaming experience, but the game doesn't really replace the stealth with anything all that interesting. You're wandering around large levels collecting loot and bonking burricks for the most part, and while that's perfectly tolerable and not exactly unpleasant, it's a far cry in quality from the game's peaks. I'd say The Lost City is probably the most effective of these because it's more demanding of your observational skills and use of rope arrows, but it's still just an alright level. Only a couple of these levels are downright bad, though, so it's not a total loss. The Haunted Cathedral isn't a bad level in terms of design per se but the absurd gold requirements and placement made it thoroughly unfun to play after I had accomplished everything else. Return to the Cathedral is downright rotten, though, having to go through a series of boring fetch quests for a ghostly chud with massive amounts of backtracking, high-level enemies, and an ungodly amount of zombies with not nearly enough holy water to go around. These levels hardly spoil the experience but at their best, they're not even close to as imaginative as the game's best levels, and at worst are downright hair-pulling.

Narratively speaking Thief: The Dark Project isn't a game with layered characters or intricate plotting. For the most part, the scenario just serves as a background for why exactly you're doing what you are. You're introduced to a few characters and none of them other than Garrett, the protagonist, get much screentime at all. This is fine, Thief's narrative gets by on other aspects, and halfway through the game the seemingly disjointed and unconnected narrative does end up coalescing into something intriguing if still somewhat sparse. As far as the scenario-writing goes, the plot twist of Constantine, an eccentric and lonesome lord, actually being the ancient pagan deity known as The Trickster was a very cool surprise and I wish I didn't have that spoiled beforehand. Thanks, Thief Wiki (entirely my fault). It's foreshadowed incredibly subtly by NPC dialog and occasional memos you find throughout the game, and it is a great narrative reward for being so nosey as a thief should be. I love how Garrett goes from stealing prized items from crazy rich lords to accidentally stumbling into a horrifying and esoteric secret that could potentially ruin the whole planet. It's the type of "holy shit" plot scaling that actually works instead of being shocking for the sake of it, and ultimately I like how Garett saves the world by doing the one thing he's good at: stealing. The worldbuilding is fairly cool and each level has an opening text crawl that elaborates on the different philosophies of each faction, which is shown very ominiously I might add. Garrett himself is like if you took any 90s PC game protagonist and made him a reclusive, misanthropic loner instead of a badass action hero. He's quippy and consistently hilarious and while one could argue that might detract from the otherwise gloomy atmosphere it's not exactly uncommon for people to cope with extreme stress with humor, so it makes sense for his character. He's one of the more memorable late-90s game characters for sure. The game's memos give you a good sense of what's been going on in the world and lend it a realistic feeling, however, there's not exactly an "itchy tasty" equivalent in terms of memorability. They're very solid but aren't super memorable, and that's fine.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it - even for a late-90s PC game, Thief is exceptionally ugly. If you look at the release slate for 1998, there are plenty of games for both PCs and consoles that look vastly better graphically no contest. Thief is a game that might have large levels, necessitating some compromises, but asset quality is ridiculously poor across the board. Character models are made of few polygons and feature little points of articulation. Zombies, for example, have no animation for reanimating from the dead, they just simply revert to their idle pose in a jerky and unfinished-looking way. Texture quality is visibly extremely pixelated and often resembles a PSX game instead of bleeding edge PC visuals (and even then, there are better-looking PSX games from the same year). Beyond stuff like quality, texture application is often nonsensical. There's a particular texture that seemingly implies an entire balcony and set of windows, but almost every time it's used it's in areas where that would be impossible to be the case, especially when you can go behind them and see that for a fact. Considering how much thought Looking Glass put into the architecture representing the personalities and ideologies of the individual factions, the lack of care when it comes to texturework is disappointing. Environments are detailed well enough and smaller props are understandably low-poly. The only area Thief stands out is its lighting engine, which was entirely necessary for the gameplay to work, so it's good they got it down. Shadow and light are distinctly visually defined (maybe the light meter on the HUD could use some tweaking) and Thief's contrast-heavy look is often rather striking. This extends to the game's mixture of drawn and CGI cutscenes, which make great cinematic use of silhouette, lighting, and cinematography to hide the limitations of late-90s animation tech.

The graphics may be somewhat poor, but I can't fault the art direction, which features a unique mixture of low-tech and steampunk-esque visuals and environments. While buildings and cathedrals look straight out of the Middle Ages, the game is defined by its vague mixture of electricity, steam-based technology, and unclear magic. The world is seemingly in a strange transitionary phase; on the precipice of great technological revolution as seen by the limited amounts of electric technology yet still in some sense clinging to a past that no longer exists. It's cool that you have people walking around dressed as knights with swords, but you can also whip out an arrow designed to combust in a blaze of fire. The game's aesthetic and atmosphere are haunting, not a single place feels populated with friendly people and the game is often quite isolating and morose. Eric Brosius is often known for his similarly excellent work on System Shock 2, though his prior work for Thief is decidedly less "listenable". The music he composed for the game consists largely of ambiance, keyboard drones, and occasional bursts of electronic and drum and bass. It's difficult to tell where Brosius' score comes in and where his ambiance takes precedence, and to me, that's a hallmark of great ambient music composition. The Bonehoard's theme conveys a sense of extreme loneliness befitting of the maze of the undead it became. The Cragscleft Prison's thumping percussion and holy chanting echo the ongoing religious march of the Hammerites. Small electronic flourishes play when you make progress in Assassins. Some of the sounds in Return to the Cathedral wouldn't be out of place in Silent Hill. It's an incredibly disturbing canvas and while I personally would not call Thief a horror game, I can at least understand the argument for saying so.

Thief: The Dark Project is a game that deserves its status as one of the greatest video games of all time. Yet, simultaneously, it is proof that a game deserving that title does not mean it is without major flaws. The innovative stealth design, immersive game mechanics, unique art direction, interesting narrative, and haunting soundscape are laudable, but the wildly inconsistent level design, lack of creativity in the adventure levels, and poor graphics even for the time are noticeable enough to make me genuinely sit down and think about the rating I'd give the game. Ultimately, I think Thief holds up rather well and is a very good immersive sim despite these flaws, but these flaws are hard to ignore. It's not exactly what I'd use to introduce people to the genre but for pre-existing genre enthusiasts, it's an essential play not just for its importance but for its many qualities.

Gonna be honest, I never finished this cause I'm a wuss, but it's a masterpiece.

In itself a great retro stealth game with a very dense and dark atmosphere and a cool storytelling approach. The German dubbing wasn't bad either and in general I could really immerse myself in this world.

What really bothered me though was that there were so many action missions where you had to fight your way through and it wasn't about stealth at all. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed the game and had a good time. The Hammerites are just a cool and super goofy idea, I found them very funny :D

Como um jogo que só virou um jogo de stealth no meio do desenvolvimento conseguiu ser tão importante, revolucionário e a frente de seu tempo? Pqp

Level deisgn is very hit and miss, and the last few levels are atrociously bad. Do yourself a favour and just play Thief 2.

Atmosphere is insanely good though. Missing a bit in Thief 2, but not worth slogging through the game to see.