Reviews from

in the past

its like an extremely condensed portal/the talos principle
no fluff, no time to get to know the character (singular)
just solve the puzzle, then solve the puzzle, then solve the REALLY hard puzzle, then solve the puzzle
then you win! (i beat the game in 2.8 hours)
i find it funny the singular review in the accolades section on steam is from a website called "GameGrin" that basically says "its good but the final level sucks ¯\(ツ)/¯ 8.5/10"
though in my opinion the final level was fine

theres only two other logs for this game on backloggd rn and one of them mentions how only like 2/3 of the puzzles are actually hard and the rest are really easy and thats true!
the other one says how the disembodied voice talking to you in the game is a good attempt at a glados type character, which is false!
i think the character is kind of a victim of the game's own shortness
you have a notably short amount of time in each puzzle area, with a notably long amount of time in between areas listening to the voice
it becomes frustrating when the game is offering you the door to the next area, but you're standing around waiting for the voice to finish their VERY funny joke
and i checked, the voice doesn't carry over to the next room, meaning if you want to hear the full dialogue you HAVE to sit and wait for it to finish
and there is nothing stopping you from just walking forward and entirely skipping the dialogue, which imo shouldn't be the case
portal has both the elevator rides, and has moments during the puzzles where the test chamber is still being set up, and the games use these moments to kill time so you have a reason to listen to the dialogue
in this game the dialogue tests your patience by dangling the open door right in front of you
(also im not saying portal doesn't have moments where you're just sitting around listening to dialogue, it just doesn't happen between literally every puzzle)

i guess it doesn't really matter though considering all the "lore" you could gleam from the dialogue is just jokes (pretty bad ones at that)
and there isn't really anything in the levels besides the puzzle itself, i searched around for secrets and found some "oh theres probably a secret here" spots and always found nothing

honestly this game just feels like one of those gamejam games that gets polished and released officially but with like zero expansion on the original idea
they made the game mechanic, threw together a lame little story around it, and called it good

also something interesting is the game was apparently funded by "FFF Bayern and the budgetary funds of the Free State of Bavaria."
bavaria being a state in germany that wikipedia says is notable for it's independent identity from the rest of germany
so i guess you could somehow argue that this game is bavarian propaganda? cool?
i guess depending on your opinion of the game you could say its some sort of get-rich-quick scheme by taking money from the bavarian government, making a shit low budget game, and pocketing the rest
and while i DO believe this game probably had a really low budget, its honestly a fine game
so power to the devs i guess, make that bavarian bank
you've got my thumbs up on that one 👍

Nice and short, lacking a bit in substance.

Like many of these types of games, it tries to be Portal, with their own flavor of "test chambers", and its own version of GLaDOS. Fortunately for it though, unlike many of these types of game, it wasn't too obnoxiously written.

Nothing exceptional here, but if you like the genre, you won't have a bad time. And it doesn't overstay its welcome.

About an hour of a quick little puzzle game. Heavy inspiration from Portal with the female test guiding character. 2/3 of the 16 puzzles were challenging whereas the others skewed easy. A nice little game!