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yani ilk oyunun ortasında yeni mekanik eklemeyi salıyor oyun. 2. oyun sadece daha fazla advance wars 1'den ibaret.
Adamlar resmen 'advance wars maker' yapıp sadece harita değişikliğiyle gitmişler.
Kendi haritanızı yapabilmeniz ve ekstra modlar gibi tonla içerik olması 3.5 puana kadar zorluyor ama fazlası kesinlikle değil.
Grafikler ilk başta stilistik geliyor ama sonra olayın ucuz yapım maliyeti olduğunu anlıyorsunuz.

Me he rendido a mitad de la segunda parte. Lo veo un buen remake de unos juegos mediocres. El apartado visual y sonoro es carismático, lástima que choque frontalmente con un desastre tonal.

En cuanto al gameplay, las bases son buenas, pero los mapas están diseñados de manera aburrida, con misiones frustrantes e injustas, no ayudadas por la falta de un sistema de rebobinado bueno y turnos enemigos eternos.

La saga necesita una reinvención como Fire Emblem Awakening.

Surprised at how much I liked these games. The aesthetic is really cute and good but mainly the gameplay was what really got me. Had a ton of fun playing it and I am not a tactical guy usually. I played this mostly while my wife watched Love Is Blind and The Real World Las Vegas.

Talk about a near perfect remake of the original 2 games! Graphical update, voice acting, new cutscenes, and the addition of online multiplayer(although sadly you can only fight with friends and only on small size maps) make this collection the best way to experience these games! Map maker also has new tools to allow for more crazy player made maps which is a big boon for me! I haven't done all the extra modes yet but in due time I will >:)

I regret buying this, clearly a remastered game style, was expecting more Fire Emblem. No plot to mention, and got bored looking at the same five units over and over and over.

I tried. I just can’t click with it. It doesn’t have what the other SRPGs I like have, like characters, variability that makes your run sort of personalized, or a story and world there with it. I feel as though I am solving developer puzzles rather than strategizing. Squads are faceless and I find myself unable to be attached to an army I can’t really tailor make. I think there’s something here for SOMEONE, but that someone just isn’t me.

I also think the models look really overly smooth and plasticy, and it doesn’t work. Characters themselves look good, BUT their models look rather v-tubery in dialogue and it’s a bit off putting when they’re not fully voiced. Character animations in battle are quite charming though, but there’s just not as much personality to the game beyond that for me. I also cannot stand the music. It is subjected to being a few bars I’ll remember in a derrogatory way. I gave the game a fair shake, got halfway through the first, and it’s just not for me. Tried my best but it’s not. If only it wasn’t delayed 18 months and I’d known that in November 2021.

This game is a fantastic update to a classic strategy game. Being able to make new maps is such a great choice. I think not doing a lot to the main formula really helped.

The AI can be a pain in the ass sometimes, being borderline unrelenting. And my other complaint is the voice acting. Arin Hanson is an acceptable VA, but he did absolutely nothing for Max. Like if you're gonna provide voices to these iconic characters for the first time, it really needs to be larger than life.

But if you like strategy games this is a good way to go.

I love the original and this is a solid remake that is faithful to the source material. I only wish that they would have made it so you could play it online with strangers and added an extra new mode to spice things up a bit.

I was obligated to buy this since it's the first AW game in 15 years. I even bought it twice because I'm a cuck. By the way, did you guys know of this thing called an emu-

I was excited for this game back in it was announced back in 2021 enjoying the 1st game & Dual Strike however I know we had to wait for a while due to delays. Thankfully it was released & it was an absolute blast to play being pretty faithful to the original AW with some quality of life improvements like cutting down the tutorials & the ability to redo your turn if you accidently messed up. I never played AW2 beforehand it was still just as good if not slightly better than the original.

Its a fun turn based strategy game that mostly is a test of skill & managing your funding & units that gets challenging even with the new casual mode. They were a couple of missions I'm not a fan of like fog of war ones & the final mission in AW2 with the latter being frustrating but overall the campaigns were fun. It has a lot of content with the 2 campaigns, the war room challenges, multiplayer which I will play eventually with my younger brother as well creating your own maps. I'm so glad to play this series again & hopefully we see more of it in the future.

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp brings back the successful mechanics of the Game Boy Advance era, but its overall experience feels somewhat outdated. While the graphics have been improved, the gameplay remains unchanged, failing to keep up with industry advancements.

In my opinion, the new cartoonish design doesn't fit well with the wargame theme, and the plot lacks depth, following the clichéd formula of a villain's world conquest. For some reason, the mysterious aura and intriguing lore that the originals had are absent here.

The addictive gameplay and enigmatic qualities of the GBA games held a special allure, hinting at a deeper narrative beyond the game itself. Unfortunately, Re-Boot Camp fails to recapture that essence.

The game offers a nostalgic return to fans seeking a trip down memory lane, but fails to recapture the magic that made the original games so captivating.

It was fun to return to this franchise that I liked for a moment as a kid, but it does not reach the same peaks that I took away from it during that time.

The artstyle is very cool and nice and does well with bringing to life the playstyle I remember. It doesn't touch the gameplay formula one bit.

And that is sadly a potential shortcoming, as Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp feels outdated outside the visuals. It could have benefited from a "rewind action" button compared to redoing the entire turn option that's present in the game. It could have benefitted with some modern tweaks or new additions. The gameplay also had weird spikes in difficulty that went from very easy to all of the sudden punishing.

If you were looking to experience nostalgia and relive the advance wars experience, this should be a fun time for you. If you're looking for something different within the stradegy RPG realm, maybe not.

Played only through the first game

goddamn 2 was so much better than 1 lol

super fun duology, really intuitive and addicting with a lot to keep you thinking on your feet. i do think some more rpg mechanics might've been good, often feels like there is not a lot of room for choice in your general strategies for solving problems. at worst sometimes it feels like you are just being thrown at chess puzzles.

sensei's theme is playing on loop in my head

Completed 1... back to 2 at some point

The Switch's sleeper hit, don't sleep on this one

A remake of a strategy masterpiece that doesn't quite nail the presentation. The toy soldier aesthetic is nowhere near as charming as the original retro pixel art, though I guess it does make the game look newer (even if it looks like a mobile game). The character art is hit or miss with some designs looking too simplified while others are genuine improvements.

There's also limited voice acting, but this aspect of the presentation also falls flat. Most characters are only voiced for the occasional sentence and a few grunts. And the character castings and performances are hit and miss too.

The new music, on the other hand, is fantastic! The original's soundtrack was held back by the GBA's sound capabilities, so the upgrade was much needed. Shoutout to Sensei's Power theme in particular, that track rocks.

There's also HD rumble whenever you move your cursor or a tank moves on the map. Of all the things to focus on in a remake I don't know why they chose this, but strangely it's a good addition? It makes the game feel good to play for some reason.

I didn't use the online multiplayer because there's no random matchmaking and I don't know anyone else who owns a copy of this game. Why would I? It's an extremely niche strategy game that Nintendo went out of it's way to make sure nobody bought. Nintendo really set up this game and franchise to fail by delaying this game for 2 years.

Overall I love Advance Wars, and while I think the developers do too, the final product wasn't the slam dunk it could have been. I'd give this game a lower score than the original advance wars games due to the presentation (it still gets 4 stars for being Advance Wars). But it's still nice having these two games widely available and also be on the same cartridge.

??? It's both ugly and cute this is commendable. Fire Emblem is kino so I grabbed this. A good purchase, I got exactly what I expected.

My framerate is fucking off whenever a CO Power is used... Thats probably how real war felt (pensive emoji)

Chiquito vicio me pegaba con la DS

My well written review got eaten so quick summary of thoughts:

-nostalgia bit me here
-fire emblem works because of the characters AND gameplay
-the look is less edgy(though still bright) than the original, smoothed out in 3D
-difficulty is all over the place
-feels like you solve dev strategy puzzles vs actually strategizing
-goofy(but not goofy enough)meaningless war is a bad plot
-its fine but I'm not going to waste more time on it.
-slow as hell, lots of waiting and huge time sink when you lose especially.

De lujo. 40 horacas de estrategia wena.

It's pretty much the exact same game as the originals, but they're so good do you really need more?

Its main additions are better quality of life for the first game (cutting down the 15 mission tutorial to just 3 missions and 3 short early Campaign levels, letting you choose COs for the final battle, the AI not cheating in Fog, the scoring system being in-line with 2 and beyond. And removing the dumb self-insert character) and the incredibly expressive CO Power animations and music. The common trend I see is "WayForward did not need to go this hard."

I'm glad this game is giving the franchise another chance at life, and I hope that leads somewhere.

Dropeado. Lo meto al hilo basicamente para dejar de engañarme pensando que me lo voy a pasar xD. Lo probé, estuve jugando como 10 horitas y me gustó pero no creo que lo termine. Buen jueguito táctico. Si os mola la vaina dadle.