Reviews from

in the past

A rather dry and tedious business sim. There's just not much fun to be hard here unless you let your imagination fill in some of the gaps while navigating the myriad menus.

I modded my Wii so it could emulate stuff when I was in college ages ago and ended up doing that thing where you just start playing every game you downloaded alphabetically. Aerobiz is early on and I ended up spending an entire afternoon on it. It's an okay business sim from what I remember.

Snore huh, sorry, I must have fallen asleep there. On paper maybe this sounds like a decent idea for a game, take control of an airport in a time period of your choice and make it grow, kinda like Sim Air or something. It's a shame it doesn't turn out quite like that. Honestly I just gave up waiting 6 months for negotiations between companies to actually happen, the creators did realise that it's not meant to be like 6 months in realtime didn't they?