Reviews from

in the past

Very well crafted game that I think is made for someone else.

This game's strongest moments are those of horror. The seconds where you're completely helpless, hiding from the Xenomorph, listening to all the little noises it makes and everything around you to try and keep track of it. Figuring out what times are safe to move and what times you need to stay put. All of that stuff is great.

Unfortunately after dying a couple times it quickly becomes more tedious than scary. I'm no longer afraid, I'm annoyed and I've just seen the same Xenomorph kill animation for the fifth time. All of the tension is deflated as soon as I die a couple times.

Add that along with the fact that the dialogue, while not awful, reads as pretty uninspired and the fact that the stealth sections featuring humanoid or android enemies feel worse to play means that I'm not going to keep playing to see what Amanda Ripley gets up to next.

3 estrelhas ate o momento (não verei ainda, mas pretendo zerar.)

The game is really scary and nails the feel and ambient of the first movie, but there are several missions which are just annoying

This is by far the best movie adaptation game i've played. the AI in this game is phenomenal and the alien is a real D*** at times. while not the only threat, the Robots are just as creepy as the alien, making you really hold your breath and keep you on your toes at all times.

Esse jogo é teste pra cardíaco, tive que marcar uma consulta com o cardiologista depois de zerar, muito bom.

in theory it's probably fun but i tried it over 3 different play sessions each lasting over an hour, the second one i got stuck and had to look up what to do, the third one my friend was watching while i played and i kept dying and just to regular people i still hadn't even seen a single alien yet. unfortunately not a good game for stupid and/or impatient people of which i am both

Loved this game. For one, it is actually one of the best Switch ports of all time, borderline better than PS4 version in textures!

It is just a beautiful one to look at. The art direction and attention to detail, the sound design, you feel like you're in one of the films.

As a horror game it is excellent. Every section with the Alien is intense. The Ai is adaptive and unpredictable. Running is a death sentence. Even while you hide, you can't hide too much without it finding you.

There's one particular section. If you know it, you know it. Just going into that area, you're telling yourself "I don't want to go down there." It's rare for a game to make you feel so unnerved you don't want to keep playing. Thats an example of a great game.

I have my gripes both with the story and certain moments in the game: the voice acting was hit or miss. Most of it was serviceable but there were many strange deliveries. The story also felt kind of hazard, like things were just happening, instead of it being a fully cohesive experience. The ending is also GARBAGE. It's like they hired some bad writer to come in and just add nonsense to the last 10 minutes.

Finally, gameplay wise, most sections without the alien lack the same tension. Some can still work, but they try to throw in different areas and variety when you're not fighting the alien and it just dosent work. I'm not sure how you'd fix this because over using the Alien would be the opposite problem. Many complain that the game's a bit too long which is probably the sensible answer: just trim down what's here to focus more on the best parts.

I want to score it higher, but it does have glaring issue. It's still amazing despite that and well worth your time.

Esse é um caso de jogos que eu tenho vontade de jogar mas não tenho coragem, admito que não sou forte pra jogos desse gênero mas quem sabe um dia não me aventuro pelo espaço com uma das IA mais inteligente dos games?

Facilmente um dos melhores jogos de terror que já joguei. A inteligência artificial do Alien nesse jogo, mesmo depois de 10 anos, é uma masterclass de como criar um antagonista imprevisível e com comportamentos realistas.

Diferente de Amnesia e outros jogos onde você só foge do monstro, eu não fiquei de saco cheio ou irritado com o passar do tempo, muito pelo contrário, só conseguia ficar ainda mais apreensivo com o que o Xenomorph poderia fazer depois.

Apesar disso tudo, o jogo poderia ser um pouco mais curto e o final não é o dos melhores. Ainda sim, recomendo fortemente para qualquer pessoa que goste de ficção científica, jogos de terror e principalmente para o fãs do Alien de 1979, porque tem muito fan service legal para quem assistiu

Sou fascinado no mundo e na evolução do Xenomorph, criados por Ridley Scott em "Alien" (1979). Mas agora quero falar sobre essa obra-prima de 2014 que consegue superar facilmente esses jogos de survival horror que são lançados hoje em dia. A imersão na situação caótica é excelente. A sonoplastia é um espetáculo (praticamente um personagem do jogo), a ambientação é assustadoramente tensa e o fato de que você morre se o Xenomorph te atacar é o que deixa a experiência mais sinistra ainda. Então, devo dizer que Alien: Isolation é melhor que as continuações do primeiro filme, sem dúvidas. Mas o Xenomorph não é a única ameaça. Os Working Joe que ficam na nave são bem bizarros e dão trabalho a Amanda Ripley (filha da Ellen Ripley do longa). E, obviamente, o Facehugger também vai pular - ou tentar - na sua face. Não sei por que demorei tanto para jogá-lo, mas ainda bem que tive essa oportunidade. Quem puder jogar, comece o mais rápido possível. Vai ser difícil ter um jogo tão foda baseado em um filme novamente. Eu joguei praticamente 20 horas sem parar para finalizá-lo e fiquei tão preso nele que os efeitos sonoros e as trilhas estão ressoando na minha mente até agora.

Es un buen gameplay de esconderse 30 min debajo de una mesa, hasta que pillas el lanzallamas y te conviertes en una sádica mata aliens.

Glad this game exists, the Alien license finally got a game that lives up to the hype. Very replayable and graphically pleasing. Well optimised too !

Easily holds my personal record for "most times i've thrown my controller out of terror"

au final le plus flippant c'est d'affronter les saloperies d'androides

Esse jogo é muito bom, ele funciona bem e sua perseguições e mapas são bem legais, a história é boa e cativante porém eu achei que esse jogo ficou bem maçante, pois ele é muito longo e bem repetitivo

Game is called Isolation but you spend most of it being surrounded by others. I'm pretty sure this constitutes as false advertisement

No me gustan mucho los juegos de Miedo/Suspenso, pero este me llamo mucho la atención por estar ambientado en el universo de Alien y por ser de Ciencia Ficción.

Totalmente una joya.

I honestly think this game sucks. Easily top 5 most overrated games I've played

Comecei, tava achando interessante, mas meio boring

Alien is my favorite film of all time, and because of that; I wanted to love this game. I wanted to top my favorite games list, I wanted it to be special, I wanted it to be Alien... got my hopes too high. Don't get me wrong, this game is great. The atmosphere fully captures the look of the 1979 film, the sound design is on par with the best horror games, and the attention to detail lore-wise was so fun. Like the off brand androids being way worse than the Weyland-Yutani ones was both funny and terrifying. But then there's the boring story, the characters I couldn't care less of, the stupid crafting system forced in every late 2010s game, and then the titular Alien just isn't as horrific as it was back in '79. While I agree that this is hands down the best Alien game (except Aliens Infestation), that's not a high bar to clear. I'd kill for a studio like Arkane (pre redfall), or Eidos Montreal, to take a stab at this concept. Cause an Alien game closely tied to the Ridley Scott film would be amazing, maybe SEGA shouldn't have giving the project to a team more equipped to make a boomer-shooter.

Um dos poucos jogos de terror que joguei, nem preciso dizer, me caguei do inicio ao fim, mas a gameplay e imersão eram tão satisfatórias que eu não consegui dropar.

j'aime pas les jeux d'horreur.. sauf un

i think if the alien just gave me a chance we'd be good friends


Survival horror at it's best. Unlike in games like Outlast, you have some fighting chance and the gunplay is amazing. Still also somehow one of the best looking games I have played, despite releasing in 2014.

It's one of the few horror games that manages to be truly scary, thanks to it's carefully designed AI system and the real threat of loosing progress... but not enough progress to the point of frustration.

It's also one of the most immersive games I have played. The atmosphere is consistent and drags you in, and dare I say the world sometimes feels dynamic like a immersive sim, thanks to the always looming threat that is the alien, and it truly feels like it's always looking for you. The world feels alive and always moves.