Reviews from

in the past

Meh. It's trying to be Angry Birds but more interesting but it's really just Angry Birds but more confusing.

It's fine though I guess. I haven't played much of it though.

I don't even want to talk about this one. I even forgot that it existed.

Same formula, same shitty game play, except 3D this time. Seriously nothing is different compared to the original. You can tell that they ran out of ideas completely and just want to shit this out for more relevance and cash

I have forgotten about this game completely and I am pretty sure it's going to stay that way in the future. It was released so long after the first Angry Birds it didn't even have any nostalgia factor. Nobody cares about this game.

2 stars for angy birb 2

GooeyScale: 45/100

A mi, en lo personal, me molaban los pajaros nuevos

Oh what’s that you wanna get the sonic hat set for your birds FUCK YOU, you have to go to that fucking tower of fortune and cross your fingers that you don’t get a pig card which by the way if you end up getting the pig card you can either use your gems to keep going or watch ONE random ass Ad OOOORRRRRR pay us all your hard earn money for MORE GEMS.


rovio is the worst gaming company, prove me wrong

angry birds 2! a great numbered sequel to the original and an improvement in everything! would recommend

Remember how they made Angry Birds amiibo's?
Those were the days

Another iOS sequel game I picked up sometime, played a bit, didn't like as much as the original, then deleted. Then re-downloaded during the pandemic, played, didn't like as much, and then deleted. Level structure was again weird. Did play for a bit because, you know, it's Angry Birds again.

Angry Birds, but twice. It was pretty similar. 6/10

I like this game! I think it gets skipped because of all the hate towards Rovio for removing the other angry birds games. My only complaint is that the lives system sucks (and it's no angry birds epic)

look how they massacred my boy

A melhor jogabilidade de um Angry Birds tradicional de longe, com varias mecânicas que deixam as fases muito mais dinâmicas, como escolher qual pássaro usar, uma excelente trilha sonora apresentação visual.

Seria a continuação perfeita se... não fosse um jogo lotado de microtransação pra tudo, jogar faz gastar energia, jogo sem final com fases infinitas, entre varias outras coisas.

Too much shit in this game, it's almost unplayable. I just wanna throw birds at piggies.

Silly bird game. With more birds.
And more in app purchases.


After a long time having not played any Angry Birds games, I tried this sequel after being bombarded with ads for it. Holy shit, the amount of microtransactions and other mobile game bullshit crammed into here is abominable, it's so disappointing to see Rovio fall so hard. I'm through with mobile games, so I will not be returning to this one.

Inspired concept, but why angry birds 2 instead of angry birds, i unno, 5?

What was in the water that made Rovio lose it's touch? I'll tell ya, adding gimmicks nobody liked, why does a game over screen exist in angry birds. A mobile game? And why are the gimmicks so improperly done? The artstyle is neat I suppose but thats it. Fucking hell this game is so catastrophically dogshit.

how do you fuck up a game as simple as angry birds that hard

Nice animations, but the original is much better in terms of gameplay.

2.5☆ - Not as memorable as the original, but decent nonetheless.

Aaaaaaaand the franchise died with this

Why Did They Even Think This Was A Good Idea This Game Is So Bad I'm Glad I Shunned It Out Of My Memory For 8 Years