Reviews from

in the past

Arkanoid makes a pretty solid battle royale, too bad this game got basically nothing in terms of promotion, I mean I only know about it cause I bought it used at a game store.

Thankfully, you can play the game with bots instead of sitting there in silence wait for no one to show up.

But beyond that you get a new version single player version of Arkanoid which is pretty fun, a multiplayer mode and an emulated version of the 1986 original.

To me it all hits a sweet spot of minimal fun but lacking in content. Maybe a big modern Arkanoid sequel is out there with a lot of push to make you play further or have a unique aesthetic, but until then this is a fine way to have Arkanoid on your modern consoles and PC

Esperaba mas modos, pero es demasiado sencillo.

Tetris 99 and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

I don't think Arkanoid works as a battle-royale-style game. This is still a working version of Arkanoid though, so it's at least got that going for it. It's not offensively bad or anything, it just isn't treading any new ground whatsoever.


This was £2.69 in the eShop sale but I got it for free using gold coins. Instant disappointment when I discovered the switch version doesn’t have a tate mode. I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t think the controls are very well suited to the analog sticks. It’s really hard to keep the ball from dropping. I was just playing Neo mode (single player).

Mit 4 Spielern eine absolute Gaudi!
Klar gibt es nur einen Vs Modus, einen Online Modus und einen 1 Spieler Modus und die Level sind auch schnell durch.. aber dennoch macht es zu viert echt Spaß.