Reviews from

in the past

Fun jog down memory lane. Glad these are on current consoles.

The games are remastered well and the price is awesome for all 3 games

Upgraded textures are nice, some character models look good, but jesus christ ubisoft what is up with the eyes? they're way too bright to look natural (npcs especially).

The contrast is all over the place, the darks are way too dark and the whites can honestly be blinding. Some of the lighting in Revelations is a travesty.
Also, no 60 fps?

Nome: Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection
Plataforma: Xbox
Data: 22 Fevereiro 2024
Horas Aproximadas: 97 Horas
Dificuldade: ☐ Muito Fácil | ☐ Fácil | ☑ Normal | ☐ Difícil | ☐ Muito Difícil

Trilogia muito boa, um ótimo Assassin's Creed. O Ezio é um personagem super legal que saiu de bandido que pulava muro pra pegar mulher dos outros pra um dos maiores Assassinos que o Credo teve e melhor protagonista de todos os jogos Recomendo!
Obs: levei 25h pra zerar e platinar cada um dos 3 jogos

Assassin's Creed 2

After coming from AC1, I had a hard time getting into the character of Ezio Auditore, as to me, he didn't register as the typical assassin, but rather a cliche Italian playboy. But there's a reason why AC2 is considered the best game by many. My first goosebump moment was around 20 minutes, when Ezio and his brother sat on the tower and reminisced about the good life they have, and how this seamlessly transformed to the title intro scene. And the music! Wow! Story-wise the game is fun to explore and play.

While the basic game idea stayed the same (you are an Assassin that tries to sneak around and kill targets), it got extended with much more content - you've got Monteriggioni which is basically a mini in-game construction and management simulation; then there is the possibility to pick up weapons you don't own (and even other items, like brooms [there's an achievement for fighting with a broom :D ]), there are multiple factions you can ask to help you, to be more sneaky, or to distract guards or help you in fights, there are more abilities and upgrades that are pretty neat, you can drive vehicles (one of which [an experimental "vehicle"] is pretty exciting), and there are also a lot of different puzzle games (finding certain historic artifacts, or animus glitches) which where also a lot of fun to do. All in all, this makes the game much more diverse and less repetitive than AC1 felt. Chapeau!

Also - once more - I really loved the setting and the world; besides antiquity and the middle ages I was always hugely fascinated by the renaissance - and AC2 takes us to the earliest times of that era - to Florence, Forlì, Venice and the Vatican. Especially the Venice sequence is so incredible.

On the minus-side of things, the games graphics felt a little worse than in AC1 (especially faces), and I had a hard time with the controls, as many buttons are reused in different contexts and the game tries to aid you but often this doesn't work as smooth as you'd hope it does (sometimes you jump instead of climb, etc.). Also, after a short while you have enough money to just buy everything from any shop, regardless if you need it or not. Another thing that annoyed me, is that you need to be online to play this game - and sometimes I just couldn't because the Ubisoft server wasn't reachable. Considering that I own the disk, I feel this is bullshit; I want to be able to (re-)play this game any time, even if my internet is gone or Ubisoft decides to shut down their servers! Unfortnuately - it became the standard after this. I also felt that the Desmond Miles part fell a bit shorter this time.

Taking the game just by itself, I'd rate it a 4/5; and this includes the DLCs:
- Battle of Forlì
- Bonfire of the Vanities

PS: One last thing - I really laughed out loud at one of the Easter Eggs (right when you meet your uncle). :D

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Different to the switch from AC1 to AC2, we this time keep our main protagonist and continue with Ezio Auditore who has matured, and who in Rome can now build up his own Brotherhood - this opens up new Game elements: Instead of fighting alone we can now call different types of Assassins to assist us, making it possible to deal with larger enemy groups in a more satisfying way. To have these Assassins, we get a new kind of mini-game where we recruit people into the Brotherhood and send them on missions so they can level up and become Assassins themselves (which is a ceremony that gets its own video sequence - that is actually pretty cool). We also get more different weapons, which we can buy at shops - once they are opened. As Rome was pretty run down, we first have to renovate Rome, by removing the Borgia from the city, and then open up the shops again.

Besides the historic story, the modern day story is also extended a lot. Instead of just sitting in some lab room being hooked to the Animus and only seldomly running around the building, this time our modern day assassins get to go on a field trip; they set up base in a known location from the past, and whenever Desmond learns something from the past, he then leaves the Animus to actually use the new knowledge they gained to retrieve items in the modern day. I think this was the most fun one could have in the modern day story in all the Assassin's Creed titles combined. Unfortunately this idea was abandoned again. A shame - never did the two timelines intertwine more perfectly then in Brotherhood.

While Brotherhood is basically nearly identical to AC2, I would still rate it a little bit higher then AC2, regarding gameplay - as this one is quite some fun, and had some great ideas. The Brotherhood never felt more like this: A brotherhood. Storywise I'd also give Brotherhood a slight margin, as the characters are more mature and relatable. Where AC2 wins, is the location which is much more diverse than just being in Rome (though Rome looks incredible and it is real fun to explore and renovate it), and the time period which was more interesting to me as well. So I guess it's a tie, at the end. 4/5

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

After the surprising end of Brotherhood, things got really strange, regarding the modern day story, with Desmond being trapped in the Animus due to his coma, having awkward pseudo-philosophical discussions with the KI of Subject 16, and walking through weird puzzle rooms that felt rather hard as you play everything in ego perspective without body. This felt rather absurd, and probably are the least fun "modern time" sequences in the entire series.

Ezios travels are more interesting - now an old man he seeks the wisdom of one of the greatest Assassins: Altair. These are said to be hidden in the catacombs beneath Masyaf - but to get in there, he needs some keys discs that where brought and scattered through out Constantinople. Even as a nearly retired Mentor in the Assassin order Ezio can still learn a lot of new things from the local Brotherhood that does a lot of things different than the Italian Brotherhood that Ezio founded, does. Following the footsteps of Altair, we finally learn about the life of Altair after AC1 as well as his burden and end. And incidentally this is also the end of Ezios saga.

The Story is again interesting; we get to revisit beloved settings from AC1, and totally new locations that feel familiar, but are different. Game-play-wise not much has changed; unfortunately the fellow Assassins aren't available anymore, however we get a new mini-game that's a Tower-Defend game. This as well as the capturing of new areas however was rather annoying and not much fun to play - and unfortunately even in the Ezio Collection Revelations still had a lot of bugs and crashed a lot of time - especially during the mini game. What I liked was the crafting of bombs - though it could be more interesting - a concept that was unfortunately not refined, but dropped in later games of the series.

All in all, while I had fun and was interested in the conclusion of the story, this game did not feel as good to play as the other two, and I am diappointed that a 2016 remaster release did not find the time to fix errors. Therefore I can only give 3/5.


Before I end my review, there is one last thing - an extra that I think is unjustly overlooked: The Collection comes with two half-hour long short movies;

Assassin's Creed: Lineage

A three-episode live-action movie that is a prequel to Assassin's Creed 2: It tells the story of Giovanni Auditore - the father of Ezio. The images look great, swordfights are captivating, the actors are well chosen and can easily be recognized due to the likeness to the in-game characters they adapt. It does not spoil anything of the game's story though, and can and probably should best be watched before.

Assassin's Creed: Embers

The second movie is the perfect counter part to linage: It's animated and a sequel to Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood; while Lineage tells the dramatic and action paced beginning of the live of Ezio who will continue his fathers work, Embers is paced down; Ezio is finally old and retired - he has two children with his wife Sofia, and lives a slow life on his villa somewhere remote. Yet on his final days he's visited by a young Assassin from China - Shao Jun, who is eager to learn from Ezio. This film is rather emotional and leaves you considering your own life. Great work, best watched after finishing Revelations - or as a prequel to Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China which features Shao Jun and plays two years after her meeting with Ezio.

Já fiz review de cada um dos jogos. Quer saber o que eu acho? Entra no perfil. Hehehe

La verdad es que sí es cierto que cada uno se va sintiendo más repetitivo con respecto al anterior, pero tomarlos en cuenta como un sólo juego con un par de expansiones me parece la mejor manera ya que para mí cualquiera de estos 3 es un juegazo y la verdad es que fueran clones o no, cada uno me iba gustando aún más.

Ojalá algún día Ubisoft volviera a darle más de una entrega a un protagonista para volver a tener a alguien con el impacto que Ezio ha tenido.

Até a parte q fui achei bem chatinho.

When it comes to Assassin's Creed, the Ezio Trilogy of games will forever remain the best when it comes to storytelling of both the past and modern day. While somewhat dated with some of its gameplay systems now, this is AC at its finest, capturing the purest form of the assassin fantasy that has since been lost in Ubisoft's modern iterations of the franchise.

Ezio is the most prominent character in the AC Franchise and The Ezio Collection is the perfect portrayal of his Arc.

All great games with some much needed polish in graphics. Nice that they're all conveniently packaged together now.

Love these games. Dated in many ways, but very charming and still a good time. Ezio is still one of the best.

AC2 > Revelations > Brotherhood idc

Gostei muito quando joguei, mas dropei. Quem sabe eu volte a jogar um dia.

I'm just saying this is an unmatched experience and the pinnacle of its genre for its time.

Been years since I played this but I still have good memories

Impecável, Assassin's Creed em sua essência, Ezio é um personagem muito bom e carismático.
Agora só me resta esperar a dona Ubisoft lançar um remake ou remaster do primeiro jogo, eu te imploro, Ubisoft, até um port eu aceito

A great collection that introduced me to the world of Assassin's Creed.

Some of my old favorite games of all time that haven't aged well in my opinion

A collection of 3 of the best games in the Assassin's Creed series, and the ones that feature by far the best protagonist in the entire series. These games are all worth playing, and while their quality declines a bit with each entry, the narrative being told through these games is engaging. The cities that you explore are all gorgeous and a blast to run around in. The visual uplift to these games is nice, but hardly that big of an improvement, with some technical faults really making these remasters feel half-baked.

These games are the definition of what makes Assassin's Creed what it is, and even if they may not be the best games to share that title, few others encapsulate the fantasy of being an Assassin better than the games in this collection.

Desmond you must pilot the Eva again

Fiz questão de incluir a coletânea porque pra mim se analisa essa trilogia como uma coisa só. A história é algo lindo de se ver, mostrando o amadurecimento completo de um personagem muito icônico. Não é exagero dizer que Revelations tem o melhor desfecho da franquia. Embora a gameplay não mude muito de um jogo pro outro, ela cumpre muito bem seu propósito e torna o jogo muito divertido. Isso é fruto da época em que o dia moderno era importante e se ligava entre jogos, e fruto de uma Ubisoft que ainda tinha carinho com essa franquia. Ezio Collection é maravilhosa e meu pedaço de história favorito de AC como um todo.

AC2 > Brotherhood > Revelations

Love these games. Dated in many ways, but very charming and still a good time. Ezio is still one of the best.

The best way to experience my favorite game trilogy

Ezio Auditore da Firenze is one of the most beloved protagonists of gaming history, for good reason might I add. His young fervour, his charismatic leadership and empathy towards the downtrodden, and finally his ever humble quest for enlightenment has secured him a place in the pantheon of gaming's all time best. Aside from the narrative however the games Ezio starred in have always lacked true depth and a ported collection is obviously not the place where this will change.

With AC 2 firstly I would like to address the graphical "overhaul" it received, because aside from including the DLC and the Deluxe content it is the game's most striking feature included in the collection. Ezio's first outing received by far the biggest facelift of the bunch, acting sometimes to it's detriment. Although the new environmental textures look great and add extra detail to a game that already looked great in 2009, the characters lack the same polish, which the improved resolution exacerbates.
This game's almost mythological status among the fans can be accredited to the expertly written revenge tale of a young, charming fighter, who by accepting his family's heritage gains the means to combat the greedy enemies of humanity and by doing that, giving hope to not just his time but the future as well. To set the story in Renaissance Italy was an inspired choice. Firenze, Venezia and all the smaller towns are beautifully rendered, each with their own atmosphere, which invites exploration of their nooks and crannies as well as their rooftops. Now, climbing puzzles were never difficult in any AC game because there were plenty of other things to keep the player busy. The parkour system is simple and effective if a little choppy at times. This is true to all aspects of gameplay. AC 2 is not interested in skill-checking you, it merely ensures you have the necessary tools to live in it's world while you complete it.

Brotherhood here is an interesting beast. If by inches, it is probably the best game of the package, even if the story is shorter and more stripped down than 2's and none of the core gameplay systems received a substantial upgrade. The answer lies in said systems finally starting to overlap. In Brotherhood in order to meaningfully explore you have to either fight or sneak and kill for the chance by eliminating the Borgia towers, which in it's place unlocks the town and assassin management aspects of that region, along with unveiling the location of the much deepened side content of the game.
It is fun and more tailor made to be an open-world game than the previous entry, still I can't feel the beating heart of it all.

Revelations is exactly like a spry grandpa. It still knows all the tips and tricks to keep up with the youth, even picked up a few surprises along the way and the stories he can tell ... good god! But ultimately he's just getting to old for this sh*t.
So by this point the yearly release cycle started catching up with Ubisoft's top franchise and to tell the probably still greatest story of AC they had to dial back the meaningful side content of Brotherhood and throw in more lifeless fluff just to keep the game somewhat sellable as a completely new entry. Don't mistake my words for lack of love though. Constantinople is as beautiful if not more detailed than any previous city we've seen so far but the lack of innovation in game mechanics and ever broadening, meaningless toolkit drags the experience down significantly compared to the predecessors.

P.S.: Just as a footnote I would like to call out Ubisoft's porting team because the thing that the fps is still locked at 30 regardless of the generation leap is one thing (game logic and all, though the PC ports can run in more than 30 so no idea about this decision) but the drawing distances for geometric detail and foliage is laughably bad, especially in AC 2. This collection is good because the games it contains are good, but the mistreatment and lack of care those games were showed in here with is a travesty.