Reviews from

in the past

humor was pretty okay. Music was also amazing. Story was not.

Tho the whole concept of being inside an smartphone was fun enough.

Never thought my knowledge on Asdf movie videos would be useful one day lol

The humor is inconsistent, the narrative is very loose and honestly drops many opportunities to elevate its emotional attachment. I can say that only 1 plot point really got to me, and it built momentum for absolutely no payoff. The twist carried frustration for being too late and lackluster. You walk and talk and occasionally solve easy puzzles.
For a unity game this game had performance hiccups despite very basic lighting and a lot of surfaces having textureless colors. I'm not gonna put down indie devs or act as if developing even for unity is easy, but as a user I can say that the technical issues were genuinely affecting my experience.

TBH this feels like a Pixar-ish world with the humor of a Warner Bros production. Cool concept but gives the vibes of - God forgive this sinful souls for uttering such words - a Reddit tier game.
This has been my 404th game logged so it's a nice coincidence.

Serviceable, sometimes fun, sometimes fucking infuriating.

The humour on display here is hit and miss; as are some of the mechanics and puzzles. A LOT more could have been done with some of the player's powers in regards to secret areas and better puzzles. Too often a puzzle is solved before you've even got your teeth into it.

There's a handful of things you can do for achievements but you will undoubtedly miss them on your first playthrough and you will not want to play this again just to get them unless you're a completionist with a 100% walkthrough open.

There were a few story moments that genuinely threw me which I'm as surprised as anyone about.

Backfirewall_ kann mit seinem Humor, Artstyle und kreativen Ideen en Masse punkten und ich hoffe, dass das nicht das letzte war, was wir vom Schweizer Studio gehört haben. Die Entscheidung sich vom Medium Film erst mal abzuwenden und ein Spiel zu entwickeln war auf jeden Fall die richtige, wenn ich mir angucke, was dabei herausgekommen ist. Wer wieder einmal Lust auf ein nicht allzu langes Indie-Spiel hat, das man in ein paar Stunden auch schön am Stück durchspielen kann und generell Fan von unkonventionellen Ideen ist, sollte hier definitiv einen Blick riskieren.