Reviews from

in the past

It looks significantly worse than its predecessor from 2014. It's sound mixing is significantly worse than its predecessor. It's level design is significantly worse than its predecessor. Enemy design is terrible. UI design is charmless and flat. The changes to combat, while interesting, feel a bit at odds with the series' precedent and expectations.
If that's not bad enough, the absolute character assassination of Bayonetta in the writing and plot just seals the deal. It's insulting.

It's not as great as other two, but this one is also very fun. Story doesn't really makes sense (which i don't really care in a hack and slash game), i dislike Viola's gameplay and the thing i hate most was the constant reliance on demon slaves. Demon slaves control good enough, but you use them SO MUCH it kills the normal combat imo. New weapons and combos are really fun. Music is great as always. Graphics and art design is good again. Sometimes changing the gameplay to platformer-esque minigame of Jeanne was quite fun honestly. And sometimes when you fought bosses, gameplay changed signicifantly which i really loved because it changes the pace to racing game etc. and hack and slash gameplay doesn't feel repetitive. Final boss was AMAZING. Overrall a solid game, with flaws. But definitely a must-play that's for sure. 8/10.

Bayonetta se superou mais uma vez. Gameplay absolutamente fantástica, ápice da trilogia, temos agora transformações em diversos monstros e tipos de locomoção, o jogo cresce cada vez mais e sempre com batalhas interessantes.

Infelizmente peca muito na questão técnica e gráfica com direito a muitos engasgos e péssimas texturas, esse jogo carece de um hardware melhor pra aproveitá-lo.

Em questão de história, não sei se quero comentar, não fede nem cheira, tem momentos legais mas viaja muito pra parte final e acho que encerra sem muitos impactos, fica bem animezinho.

Se tenho que elogiar algo ainda mais é a OST, isso nunca decepcionou e NUNCA vai decepcionar, a música final dos créditos é excelente e uma das melhores coisas que bayonetta já introduziu.

I have mixed feelings about this game. It was fun, but the Bayo formula is kinda repetitive by now, and it didn't feel that new, although they added the demons summoning and Viola gameplay. Problem: I really don't like Viola's design since the beginning, so... But her transformation is cool. The story was going fine till it gets too messy at the end. I guess they are going for a reboot in the next game? I don't get that decision, but okay. Can't wait to play the Cereza game, though.

Maybe it's the overemphasis on the Demon Slave mechanic, or maybe I wasn't enjoying the weapon selection, or maybe I just wasn't feeling the story, or maybe it was the compromised performance for the Nintendo Switch or maybe I just missed the wicked weaves from 1 & 2...

This is a great game but something about it rubbed me the wrong way compared to the first two

Certainly way better than a lot of the shit thrown at it that reviewers gave it. Its simply misunderstood. Its mechanics are so cool and so different and out there, but just like Bayonetta 1 it bogs itself down with side stuff and also doesnt teach you the mechanics at all, nor does it really give you a reason to not spam, though I think giving the player the freedom to fuck around with a ginormous move pool is a good thing sometimes, Unless you're on infinite climax. Infinite climax mode is where this game goes INSANE and I love it for that.

By the end I was narratively on board but the game is breaking at the seams. Bad camera and generally ugly visuals. I’d definitely be up to see more on more powerful hardware. This game just pushed past the limit of what should’ve been done on Switch.

Favourite bit is Viola’s victory animation. 🤘

We waited a while for it but here it is,story wise the game is ehhhhh at best,not bad,but playing it safe mostly,the gameplay is plentiful,theres so many moves,weapons,monsters,diferent types of mini games,its just insane how they made this game with so much content,and yet story wise it falls short,all in all the game is one of the better ones i played in recent years,i probably got my hopes too high.

A diferencia de las demás entregas, podemos ver una protagonista más desarrollada y menos invencible, siendo que al final realmente se puede sentir cómo es que todo llegó ahí así como que tiene sentido, por lo que, puedo quitarme el sombrero ante el que decidió que tuviera ese final tan perfecto para alguien tan buena como lo es Cereza.

É "melhor" que bayoneta 1 em combate, levemente superior ao 2 e é isso.

É galhofa pura, mais que o 1 e o 2 e foi divertido pkrl, mas que história merda hein e que final decepcionante.

esse jogo tambem é mais feio que bayonetta 2, a direção de arte desse aqui tbm é bem fraca, é triste.

tem umas referências boas e a missão a la tom clancy antigo com a jeanne é muito bacana, a viola é uma personagem ok, ela me agradou com o tempo e seu combate foi definitavamente uma boa adição.

no fim do dia, eu nao vou me recordar tanto de bayonetta 3 e vou seguir adiante, graças a seus o bayoneta origins é interessante.

Fanservice for sure but its still fun to play

It's good if you stop right before the last chapter

An absolutely bonkers experience. Some technical issues didn't stop the sheer joy I had as the game got zanier and zanier.

I wasn't the biggest B1 and B2 fan, though I respect them greatly, but the narrative wildness happening here was the hook I needed.

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The best game of the three, for sure. They ended the serie on a high note (at least this 'arc'). The music and combat were good, as always, but different from the others. This one actually had a cool story to go with it

I have mixed feelings about this game.
gameplay & characters: 3.5/10
The biggest thing that I did not like was the story (multiverse) and the character Viola. I don't like the idea of multiverses, and it just feels lazy". Viola also did not feel too "fit in" to the game and felt forcedly added.

gameplay: 5/10
the combat was not bad but I do not think it flows as smoothly as in Bayonetta 2.

Great combat and music, story could've been more fleshed out but the biggest flaw this game have is the level design, sometimes it really feels incomplete or abandoned maybe it's a remnant of the game initial open world design (?) but it ended up muddling the game still a great bayonetta game though

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é aqui que a historia termina, fechando a trilogia bem em cima do muro pra mim, porem ainda sim é uma trilogia que vai ficar guardada pra sempre no meu coração, Bayonetta 3 é bem 50/50 na minha opnião, ele entrega ótimos pontos positivos mas em alguns caminhos sinto que a historia desandou de forma bem negativa, o final pra mim foi lindo porem senti que a Cereza que conhecemos tem capacidade de ter feito mais e entregado algo a nível Rainha Shiba

No soy mucho de jugar Hack N Slash hoy en dia, me tomo mucho completar este juego, pero es muy entretenido y cuenta con mecanicas bien implementadas, el juego tiene algunos secretos y en general todo se siente bien, lo unico por lo que no le doy 5 estrellas es porque como ya dije, no resulto ser el tipo de juego que me suele gustar

Não clicou pra mim. É bonito o jogo, mas não me convenceu.

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My Game of the Year for 2022, no shade to Elden Ring but this game was everything I wanted it to be. Combat so smooth it felt like it lubed silicone, a multiverse story that wasn't stupid as all get out, and some masterful set pieces this was an excellent game in almost every regard. The sequel baiting where they're pulling a Devil May Cry where the 4th game is a new younger punk protagonist is lame but if you dont finish the credits you wont have to deal with it.

if shit shat it would be this fucking miserable ass game

level of enjoyment : 0/10
a complete disaster of a game if not for a scene in the end of the game

The Bioshock Infinite of Bayonetta games, an incredibly disappointing game in certain areas while also having some redeemable elements. Personally don't have plans to return to this one in the future, I think in terms of gameplay I'd rather play Bayo 1 or 2. The summon gameplay is interesting and its cool to see what probably was Scalebound through this game but that's not what I come to Bayonetta for. Viola also seems like an afterthought and riding off the heels of the amazing torch pass to Nero in DMC 5, this game just did not hit its mark in making me look forward to future games in the franchise.

Worse than you'd hope but better than people say it is

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After a second playthrough, free from all the initial hype, and after replaying Bayonetta 2 once again, this game has some really underwhelming traits.

The weapons are great, but the dissolution of pairs into unique singular sets, while still good by design, that coupled with the changed progression method through splitting the currencies and aquired moves between weapons made Bayonetta just feel like Devil May Cry, which isn't a bad thing from a technical point of view, but it deters the uniqueness the franchise had build for itself with the previous systems, in which you had more freedom on how you play with the weapons, and more valuable resources that were very tied to your performance, since everything was centered on Halos.

-- Spoilers for the story begins here --

The Story is idiotic at best, Viola was rushed in and had no time to develop well, the villain manages to be worse than Aesir, and what in the actual hell did they do with Jeanne? Getting almost killed at the start of the game for the B2 throwback feels cheap. And getting actually killed by the end in the most unbelievably nonsensical way makes me believe the writers of this game absolutely hated Jeanne. Luka being promoted to a super powerful being felt unnecessary since Rodin already exists, and burned his role as a middle ground between a common person perspective Enzo provides, and the almighty point of view belonging to the other members of the cast. Calling past Bayonettas at the end, with their respective movesets and UI was a nice fanservice bit at the end of all things.

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I'm nowhere near being an overly critical person with narrative, since I'm not the most perceptive individual for these things, but this game went below and beyond my lowest expectations.

The last negative points of this game is that the Homunculi aren't really as memorable as the Angels and Demons of previous games, I wish there were more verses with old enemies. The main story can be quite tedious to go through on a replay due to the many gimmicks the stages have, which I previously said to be short and tolerable, but are really a nuisance when you just want to engage with the core gameplay.

Putting the Lock-on on a obligatory trigger instead of the previous games hold really messes up with targeting and camera controls, having the option to choose either would be for the best, but that isn't the reality we live in.

On the bright side, this game is unbelievably well animated, seeing Bayonetta really dancing while holding the attack buttons instead of just keeping a almost static pose is really, really nice to watch, and elevates the power she provides to the player by literally dancing in front of the enemies without even straight up taunting.

The weapons are quite varied and fun to use, with the added bonus of having an extra attack button compared to previous games, with unique gunshots, movement and effectiveness to each of them.

The summons are a fun addition, they don't really bother with visibility since the camera readjusts to their presence, and do make nice additions to both offense and defense, a very nice substitute to the underwhelming Umbran Climax.

While I still prefer Bayonetta 2 due to the less gimmicky main story, Bayonetta 3 is a great game, a game with extreme positive and negative traits, but a pleasant experience overall.

Zerei Bayonetta no Bayonettaverso.

Fiquei refletindo bastante se havia gostado ou odiado o que tinha acabado de jogar. Apesar do charme único da série (Bayonetta usando tranças e sambando no meio do combate são coisas que me conquistam pra caramba) e de toda a direção artística, eu tive MUITOS problemas ao decorrer da jogatina:

- As missões stealth da Jeanne (que não seriam um problema de fato se fossem opcionais, porém o jogo te OBRIGA a passar por elas pra história avançar);
- As habilidades não podem ser compradas na lojinha do Rodin, visto que o jogo usa uma árvore de habilidades genérica que todo jogo moderno precisa ter;
- Chefes sem graça;
- A gameplay dos demônios é muito chata e rasa;
- As lutas com chefes em que precisa usar os demônios são TERRÍVEIS;
- A história, apesar de interessante, é mais uma que se aproveita dessa onda de estórias de multiverso, apelando pra fanservice forçado na sua cara (fora que o fanservice só funciona na batalha final quando a Bayonetta do 1º e 2º jogo aparecem, porque a cena do multiverso da lua é esdrúxula pra carmba, as Bayonettas LITERALMENTE só aparecem pra morrer logo em seguida (eu juro que ri na hora)).

Enfim, Bayonetta 3 é um jogo mediano que finaliza uma incrível franquia deixando a desejar bastante.

eu chorei quando começou a tocar mysterious destiny

Primeira experiência com a franquia, mas foi divertido e desafiador pegar algumas platinas. Dance e sambe em seus inimigos.

For the most part, it's excellent. Gameplay at its peak, music as exhilarating as ever and the presentation top notch/stylish, but the story alone takes a nosedive in the last 2h and it becomes a mixed bag. I gotta process this honestly lmao