Reviews from

in the past

if you get creative with the combat you can have some pretty awesome encounters. cool ass game with one of the worst final bosses ever

Weirdly fun multiplayer, but forgettable singleplayer offering.

It's ugly and rather boring, but, technically, all right. So these were the guys behind Payday: The Heist, huh?

It felt like a fake spiderman mobile game, this was just an ugly, boring and very repetitive game.

if you can't appreciate this you are doomed to a life of miserable AAA slop. a window into a better future

ever since i played this years ago i have been absolutely bewildered by how inconsistent it is. it can be extremely fun when it wants to be, but the inverse is just as true. interesting way to reboot a franchise to say the least

Obviously extremely rushed and flawed game, but the character controller and basic combat is perfect. Fun to speedrun. Get the save file that lets you play with the retro skin


an utterly repulsive and mostly just kind of sad game. mike patton is the single redeeming quality of this game, and don't tell me it's the swinging. the swinging sucks just as much as the combat and the story and the visuals etc etc etc
BC09 will always be seen as some misunderstood hidden gem instead of rightfully being derided as a culmination of every bad 7th gen trend and this frustrates me greatly

The best 7/10 game ever made in god's image that only took me 5hrs to play n beat. What a gem.

Game was alright except when I encountered radioactive areas that are like invisible walls but instead of blocking you they just kill you. Really crazy stuff. Basically a broken game as far as I'm concerned because of this.

I was suspicious before but I've confirmed it now; game journalist cannot be trusted. When I grew up this game was SLAMMED, for a long time I was under the impression that it wasn't a good game. It is a good game, it's incredibly fun, it's a horrible shame this was so poorly received because if it received a sequel with more polish, more content, more variety, we'd have another Capcom staple on our hands. It's short but really fun, it gives me "proof of concept" vibes like Vanquish does but it's a good fun 6 hours. I highly recommend this game, and do not trust game journalists! They have no idea was a fun game is.

Отвратительная игра даже для своего времени. Геймплей:
Уровни представляют из себя арены с раскидаными
на них врагами и точками активациии.
Вырезаем пачку - активируем - повторять бесконечно
Врагов 3 типа: обычные мобцы, усиленные мобцы,
бронированные роботы которые пробиваются ракетами
или камнями\машинами\другими объектами на уровне
Боевка абсолютно невзрачная, стрельба унылая,
милишка не работает, крюк ведет себя неадекватно
Сюжет плох, механика крюка плоха,
вообщем типичный проект категории С того времени
5/10. Пройдена за ~6 часов

alright swinging combined with shitty level design, bad combat, and a terrible plot makes it live up to it's reputation

It was beautiful, unique and fun, but did have some infuriating platform sections. Story was forgettable, but it didn't really need one to begin with.

Bionic Commando is among worst type of media where it isn't good nor bad enough to be interesting or be thrilled at what's coming next, It's a functional, mediocre product that relies at a gimmick that wears off in first 4 minutes.

The trademark swinging mechanic could've been actually fun in a level design that isn't inherently restrictive and poorly layered out, consisting of circling around same few buildings (that you're not allowed to just climb over) in small areas, straight hallway sewers or underground trains.

if you're not trying to swing around and kick enemies or launch them at each other with a throw, then you're just playing a poorly made third person shooter with 2 weapons limit and perhaps you're better off that way if you plan to invest time just to move things along faster, this gameplay loop repeats in every level until final hour and the only sense of progress you feel are some of the upgrades that are given as part of plot progression.

Many optional upgrades can also be earned through challenges presented at pause menu, I can positively ensure you that outside ammunition capacity increase, There's no noticeable difference at all considering that the gameplay loop isn't really flexible for more innovative moveset, same goes for collectibles that demands you strict platforming that can get you accidently killed and potentially restart in a far away checkpoints and you're not even given the luxury of keeping set collectible in case you're killed, so it's case of doing perfect run until next checkpoint for concept arts you could just google.

The plot is nonsensical in a frustrating way than mildly entertaining with unlikable cast of characters and plot twist that's poorly foreshadowed, there's around 9 cutscene at best in a 4 hour game with most of the dialogue occurring during gameplay or optional data files that keeps pilling up and eats from your playtime, so it's just feels like a homework to make a stupid plot make bit more sense.

Grin and Capcom might have released a functional product, But it's still void of any of their usual quality titles even for their main series spin-offs line up.

This game is so silly of course it's Swedish

Please make another game with the swinging mechanics. I'm begging you. It's so much fun.

I think Bionic Commando has a worse reputation than it deserves, but I also don't think it's a very good game. It's entirely mediocre, the embodiment of a 2.5/5, but it's not a complete write off either.