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Bloodborne is already a fantastic game. So any incarnation of it is destined to have a strong foundation to jump off of. But Bloodborne PSX does more than simply iterate. At first it serves as just a homage to Bloodborne and the Playstation. And it does this excellently, the models and the sound design stand out as incredibly well done. The models have the charm of early Playstation games like Resident Evil. I'd even argue that many of the designs of the monsters are scarier in this version than in the original as your mind fills in the blanks of what these things could be. And the sound design is beautifully compressed and visceral at the same time.

However, after the fight with Father Gascoigne, Bloodborne PSX decides to do its own thing. Taking after classic Playstation puzzle games, there is a mysterious new locale to explore using a series of keys and secret passages. This all feels nostalgic to an era I never grew up in but cherish nonetheless. The new areas fit into Bloodborne in such a way that someone who hadn't played the original could be forgiven for mistaking them as derived from it. The final encounter to the selection of new content is a wholly unique bossfight with an original score to accompany it. Out of the three included boss fights I think it the best. Which is a feat to be certain when you compare the years of design from a creative team on the original to a single dev's own mind in Bloodborne PSX. Gilbert, the Outsider is an expansion on the story of an NPC met early in Bloodborne. His boss fight is a cinematic marvel given the artistic limitations on the game.

Bloodborne PSX is a remarkable little game. It's independent developer, Lilith Walther, has made something striking. This is the sort of project that gets people attached to a developer. I know I am keeping an eye out for whatever her next project will be.

Lovely for what it is. Emulates the aesthetic perfectly without compromising gameplay too much.

I'm begging millennial devs to actually revisit PS1 titles because most of them did not look nor sound this rough.

this demake convinced me to buy a ps4 so I could play Bloodborne

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Winter Lantern can drop ****ing dead!

Impressive demake. Port the bloody game to pc already!

Played some long time ago, that's why I'm not going to rate, but I remember it being really cool.

please make bloodborne kart racer

Why do peoples rate it like its a triple AAA game when it's a fanmade demake. it's literally a "what if this game was on PS1" so of course it's less polished and more clunky than the real bloodborne. at least it now there is a reason why its 30 FPS. Game was great and fun. would recommend for bloodborne fans that need more.

A charming little fan project, nightmare kart looks like a blast. This is the closest we'll get to Bloodborne on PC for the meantime.

Grande clássico da era ps2

It is a classic. I love retro games like this one and 100% recommend it. There are a few bugs though, which might hinder game progression.

For a fan project this game is honestly really impressive in how it interprets the early areas and fights of bloodborne. The completely new areas and events were great natural additions that made me feel like I was able to experience bloodborne in a way that felt like playing it for the first time. Definitely interested to see what the developer has in store for the now legally district bloodborne kart and beyond.

A remarkably faithful fan “demake” of the beloved 2015 action game, BBPSX mimics the distorted visuals, lo-fi audio, and intense bosses in the style of the bygone Playstation One era. Easily one of the best fan projects I’ve ever played.

Full Review:

I get it. Its not supposed to be Bloodborne. Its supposed to be "Bloodborne" if Bloodborne was a game someone made in the 90s. The question it makes me ask is: why does anyone want that? I think theres alot of convenient interpretation for what a 90s PS1 Bloodborne would be here, idk I do not jive with this one. Bloodborne Kart makes so much more sense, I anticipate liking that way more.

Great Demake, I just Wish the Original Was On Pc...

Es maravilloso. Poder jugar mi juego favorito con el sopapo de nostalgia a la hora de usar el mando, la música manteniendo la esencia pero adaptada y el trabajazo porque visualmente sea tal cual sería en una PS1 me vuela la cabeza. Gracias, de verdad @b0tster

I enjoy the dev's aesthetics and her fun lil posts online more than I enjoyed playing this game, which is a shame because visually it's out of the park! It just is clunkier than most ps1 games I can think of. The gamefeel is similar to a bad memory of a really shitty bargain bin adventure game feel which OG Bloodborne is not.

But honestly fan project wise and in terms of actual understanding of PS1 limitations, it is very faithful to that. A fun thing to look at but trying to just go through it for full completion, I do not recommend.