Reviews from

in the past

Bonbon, oh Bonbon, you giant turd of a game. From the moment I booted it up, I knew I was in for a shitstorm of monumental proportions. The premise is as thin as toilet paper - you're just a toddler toddling around, picking up oversized toys, while a giant rodent-looking thing lurks around like a creeper at a high school prom. It's supposed to be nostalgic and unsettling, but it just feels like the game developers were high as fuck when they thought this was a good idea. The controls? Absolute dogshit. Trying to maneuver around feels like wrestling a greased-up pig - slippery, frustrating, and leaving you questioning your life choices.

Then there's the "horror" aspect. If you can even call it that. Bonbon's idea of scaring you is about as effective as a fart in a hurricane. The sound design seems to have been done by someone who thought random noises and whispers were peak horror. It's more like listening to a drunk uncle at a family gathering muttering under his breath. Plus, the visuals? Christ, it's like they wanted to recreate the essence of a bad acid trip without any of the introspection or fun. Everything is so garishly colored that it might just burn your retinas.

In conclusion, Bonbon is a shitshow wrapped in a crapfest. It's a short game, but even the roughly 30 minutes of gameplay feels like a lifetime sentence in gaming hell. Save your money, save your time, and just about save any shred of sanity you might hope to have. This game is a glowing example of how not to make a game, complete with a fucked up rodent that will haunt my nightmares, not because it's scary, but because it's so goddamn ridiculous. Two stars, and that's me being generous because, fuck it, at least it ended.

No. People are wrong about this. Yah it’s a short little game no more then 30 minutes long but it was never meant to be anything more then that. It’s a simple idea but its execution is really well done in my opinion. I still think about this game like 6 years later.

Wasted potential, its a good concept but nothing happens.

Has some very tense moments, but ended up feeling a little shallow by the time I hit the credits.

Whatever I liked about the 1980s British setting and the story was completely offset by how unplayable and janky this game was. The controls made it borderline unplayable and while I understand that is partially an artistic choice, you are playing a child, they were still annoyingly slow, sometimes I'd have to click multiple times on an object to pick it up. Finally, the fact that I had to restart twice due to a glitch just made the overall experience more frustrating than scary.

Mi fa ancora ridere se ci penso