Reviews from

in the past

I like it, but feel like there's a heavy skill jump between the first area. If you're not lucky with items in the first area, you'll get screwed with the insanely fast enemies of the next

Idk beat it due to luck, and haven't felt that inspired to go back

C'est un rogue like fps de rythme dans un setting un peu enfer, c'est l'encetre de Metal Hellsinger, je conseille.

uninspired, repetitive rogue-like with a lot of poorly implemented mechanics and a lot of the the game is just not original assets. this all sounds bad but the gameplay is genuinely good and an awesome concept I havent seen implement in other games, cant really recommend it

Rhythm games are like ketamine to me

A phenomenal roguelike with a kickin' soundtrack and a superb gamefeel/gameplay loop. If only there was more of it.

That's my main gripe with BPM, it has such a strong foundation with its game design but it just doesn't have enough content to support it for very long, which is made even worse by the fact that it's a roguelike. The sparse amounts of guns and rooms make this feel like an Early Access game at times with how repetitive it can be.

It's still a great game well worth the buy, it just could've been so much better.

عندي اختبار بكره
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Who made a Rhythm Rougelike Doom-like FPS in sepia? Why does it slap?

Fun gameplay that gets stale extremely quickly and visuals seem like im trudding through muck the filters make this game annoying to look at

Amazing game with a unique as well, the movement is perfect and the music is a must listen

Probably the ugliest game of all time, unity asset flip

Really wish this game wasn't a roguelike. Still kicks ass.

Fight your way from Asgard to Helheim as a Valkyrie, and slay Nidhogg to the beat of some killer tunes.

My thoughts are positive, but a little mixed on this one. I enjoy the gameplay a lot, and for me at least, the game is pretty hard. Or it takes awhile to get used to. Or my runs were trash. OR I'm trash. I'm not sure. Either way, I've only played a handful of hours, and I do like it, but there's just a feeeew things bugging me with the game. The music is good, but I don't like hearing a single looping track for each level. It works to set a theme for each realm, and I understand that, but it gets repetitive very fast. I'm most sick of the first realm's music in particular, but that's a skill issue.
On the topic of repetition, and I know it's because it's a roguelike, the game itself feels very same-y. In just a couple of runs I knew every room layout for an entire realm, which..kinda sucks. Once I start recognizing and memorizing the individual rooms, I start to crave some change, some variety. Could just be a me problem, but there's a lot of other roguelikes I enjoy that I don't have this problem with.

Also, the long-term progression in this game is very subtle, for the most part. As you spend money at the various shops, they slowly offer you more display items to pick from overtime, like a loyalty system. This works pretty well, but it doesn't really add anything too mind-blowing in terms of permanent benefits. Just some extra spots for items to be in at the shops.
There is also the other characters to unlock though, which are tied to various objectives. Basically: beat the game, beat the game but hard, beat the game with this specific guy but hard, spend money here, spend money there, spend money everywhere, etc. In maybe 10 runs, with one really good run that went to the end, I had half the roster. Thankfully you aren't stuck with just the one character for too long, I suppose. So maybe that's a good thing.
TLDR: It's fun, but I think I'm getting burned out very very fast because of the repetitive nature and lack of much variety. It could make a good comfort game though, and I'll totally play it some more, because I still might change my feelings on it. The gameplay is quite nice, regardless of my small-to-medium-sized gripes with the game.
EDIT: I just discovered the ability to implement custom music. Absolutely gains another half star for that.

Good bang for your buck if you like shooters, music, or roguelikes. If not, maybe grab it on sale anyway, because it gets CHEAP.
Fun time all around though.

this game is painfully easy but fun

Really fun and kept me constantly wanting more. When I finally beat the final boss I was so contempt! It was so much fun and I loved it. I feel completely satisfied by this game.

very fun! beat all but one angel on normal~ will come back and play~

BPM é para mim um dos jogos mais criativos e únicos já feitos. O jogo mistura elementos de ritmo, com FPS e Rogue-Like, e apesar de ser um dos jogos mais difíceis e frustrantes que já joguei em toda minha vida, é com certeza uma das melhores experiências que já encontrei em um jogo.

É importante ressaltar que BPM não é um jogo para todo mundo, ele apresenta mecânicas complexas que demoram até serem entendidas perfeitamente, e isso com certeza pode afastar uma grande leva de jogadores. Entretanto, mesmo com essas aspas, esse jogo é simplesmente foda pra caralho.

A gameplay do jogo é rápida e bastante punitiva, mas quando você começar a pegar o jeito das coisas, entender como funciona as armas, estudar os padrões de inimigos e chefes... É quase impossível não se viciar. O sentimento de conquista que você sente ao terminar uma run é um dos melhores que já vi em um jogo desse gênero.

É impossível falar sobre BPM sem citar sua músicas, que além de serem essenciais para o jogo, compõem uma das trilhas sonoras que já ouvi em um jogo. Todas as músicas do jogo são excelentes e combinam perfeitamente com ele, e os destaques de músicas com certeza são: The Rhythm KIng e Depths of Hellheim.

A curva de aprendizagem em BPM é sim muito árdua e demora para ser dominada, mas se você se dedicar para aprender esse jogo eu tenho certeza que te renderá muitas horas de diversão, além de ser uma experiência bastante marcante.

sanki 3d enter the gungeon oynuyormuş gibi hisettim
ama ritimle
oyunun ritme ayak uydur panikleme ve ritimel ateş et mantığı çok güzel ama baze dikaktimi dağıtıyor
dikkati öyle bi verip hem eli omur ilikten alıştıra alıştıra ritimle vurup hemi de doğru şekilde kaçıp oynamaya teşvik ediyor
klasik rouge-like gibi ielriliyor 2 saat oynadım o yüzden ileri de kalıcı bi geliştirme açılıyor mu bilmiyorum ama beni tutmuyor böyle enther the gungeon gibi oyunlar ama seveninin bu oyuna bayılcağına emininm
tabiki biraz da ritim duygunuz kuvvetli olmalı odağınız iyi oyunu iyi kavramalısınız çünkü ileri ki levellerde ultrakill cyber grind chapter 50 gibi bişi oluyor her oda
seveni eminim çok sever benlik değil

ha bi de oyunun görselleir de çok güzel değil

A rhythm shooter roguelike with an absolute banger soundtrack and hellishly appealing aesthetics. One of the more fun experiences I've got to zone out and blast some monsters to.

Крутой ритм шутер

Proof that you can get away with a lot of major flaws by having a really really good core gameplay loop. Haven’t played in a few years so I’m sure they’ve also fixed some of the major issues since then.

👨‍👩‍👦 Hitap Ettiği Kesim 👨‍👩‍👦

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😡 Bug var mı 😡

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🎮 Sarıyor mu 🎮

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✅ Ehhh işte
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Sonradan belirli şeyleri yaparak açabildiğin karakterlerden birini seçiyorsun. Bu karakterlerin kendine has silahları ve minik özelliklere sahipler. Sonrasında seni belirli bir map'e atıyor oradaki boss'u kesiyorsun. Bunu 7 kere yapınca final boss'una geliyorsun. Final boss'unu kesiyorsun ve bitiyor. Böyle bir temaya sahip. Oyun ortasında sonraki ellerde sahip olamadığın statlar kasıyorsun. Çeşit sayısını bilmediğim ama çok da birbirinden farklı olmayan silahlara sahip. El başına 4 tür eşya(tür başına 1 tane seçebiliyorsun) eşya seçiyorsun hepsinin başka bir özelliği(düşük canlı canavarlara insta-kill at , patlayan mermiye sahip ol felan) var. İşte böyle gelişerek sona ulaşmaya çalışıyorsun. Eeee abi bu oyun zaten rogue-like anlattığın her şeyi biliyoruz da bu türden binlerce oyun var bunun farkı nedir. He işte oyun hakkında dikkat çeken ve az güzel yanından biri bu. Her türlü silah silah hareketimizi(ateş etme, mermi doldurma) arka planda çalan şarkının beat'ine göre yapmalıyız. Ve bunu güzel yedirmişler oyuna kendine has bir hava katıyor. Ama bunun getirdiği birkaç sıkıntı var. Diğer oyunlardaki gibi bazı zamanlar dışı sadece arkaplanda ses olsun diye bir müzik değil bu oyun müziği. Oyunun en önemli mekaniği bu yüzden müzik çok dikkatimizi çekiyor. Bunun yüzünden de hep aynı müziği arka planda dinleye dinleye insan biraz bıkıyor. Yani kısaca müzikler çok iyi olsada az sayıdalar. Başka az sayıda olan ne var biliyor musun? ANNEN.... eee şey , işte kas adam şakası felan. Neyse. Başka az sayıda olan şey canavar çeşitliliği diğer oyunlardaki gibi seni oyunda tutmuyor , hep aynı şeyler. Zaten karanlık bir teması olduğundan oyunun çok da içine giremiyorsun. Bu oyun da böyle bir şey yani. Oyunun genel mekaniği seni ilk 2-3 saatte ayakta tutsada tüm her şeyi yapmak için gereken ortalama 20 saate ulaşmak akıl kârı değil. Şu anki fiyatıyla dışarıdan 1 çiğköfte alamıyorsunuz o yüzden şuanlık oldukça ideal bir oyun. Ortalama bir oyun. Ben rogue-like türünü seven bireylere bu oyunu öneriyorum. Deneyin ve güzel bir 2 saatlik macera yaşayın.


It’s fun, great music especially and I love how the rhythm of the songs ties into gameplay, never seen that before this game. Not a very long game but there are so many scenarios that are possible due to it being a roguelike I can imagine some people putting a lot of hours into this.

The game flickers for a bit as a doom like experience , with the additional quirk of a rhythm based shooter , but the spark goes away rather quickly.
The art is horrendously ugly , and though you should cut it some slack for being an indie title , there is no excuse for your art style being 'saturation x 100'.
The game play itself is quite good and the loop of rhythmically jumping and shooting creatures is very addicting.
The soundtrack is absolutely stunning and benefits the game massively. The guns and their sounds are also an adrenaline hit.
Unfortunately it gets very old very quickly as everything looks samey and the enemy variety is minimal.
Give it a try , have a few hours of fun and then move on to better things . (maybe keep the game on your devicefor a quick run sometimes 😉)

I just don't have any rhythm, but I love the game.

An incredibly creative idea for a game, and the concept is pulled off really well. Feels great to play, moving and shooting to the beat. The music itself is great, not just in the context of the game's mechanics, but as standalone songs. Can feel super easy or ruthlessly difficult depending on the character and mode you're playing on, but mostly strikes a great middleground. Would definitely recommend.

This game is just plain fun.
It's not particularly pretty, and it doesn't have the unlimited replayability of most roguelikes. What it does have however, is a very addicting gameplay loop and a killer soundtrack, which are the most important qualities for a roguelike rhythm shooter to have.

The core of this game is that every action, player and enemy, is taken on the beat and adds to the soundtrack. I cannot explain the euphoric feeling when it all comes together with you shooting, dashing, and reloading on beat, adding even more impact to the already incredible soundtrack.

All in all, this is an incredibly solid roguelike and worth checking out the grand-daddy of rhythm shooters. Even if you pass on this one, you owe it to yourself to give Huggin's shop music and Draugr boss fight music a listen.

Amazing concept, good rougelike, and an amazing soundtrack. Solid use of time.