Reviews from

in the past

jogo com mais personalidade na história. Uma delícia, suprassumo do PS2.

A game that loves to crash but other then that, it has a nice and funny story, a somewhat dynamic combat system if you learn the moves, good assortment of minigames and side objectives that are fun to play(including attending the classes as you actually receive very useful benefits for passing). A very pleasant experience, just make sure to save after every task/mission/class/race or you may end up losing your progress.

This is a wonderful modern beat em up. In 8th grade this game was my jam. Shoutout to my brotha Jimmy for putting me onto this great game. Great story, fun gameplay loop, and rich open world.

Bully, lançado em 17 de outubro de 2006 pela Rockstar New England e Rockstar Games, recebe uma sólida nota de 8/10. Este jogo é elogiado por sua ambientação única, personagens memoráveis e jogabilidade envolvente.

Em Bully, os jogadores assumem o papel de um travesso aluno de escola, enfrentando uma série de desafios e situações enquanto navegam pelo mundo da corrupta e decadente Bullworth Academy. A capacidade de interagir com diversos personagens e participar de uma variedade de atividades, como enfrentar valentões, jogar peças, conquistar a atenção da garota e até mesmo frequentar a aula, oferece aos jogadores uma experiência diversificada e imersiva.

A atmosfera vibrante e detalhada de Bullworth Academy é um dos pontos fortes do jogo, com cada área do campus e seus arredores sendo cuidadosamente projetados para criar uma sensação de autenticidade e vivacidade. Os personagens são bem escritos e expressivos, adicionando profundidade à narrativa e tornando o mundo do jogo ainda mais envolvente.

A jogabilidade de Bully é variada e divertida, com uma mistura de elementos de ação, aventura e simulação de vida escolar. Os jogadores são incentivados a explorar o ambiente e experimentar diferentes atividades, permitindo-lhes moldar a experiência de jogo de acordo com suas próprias preferências.

No geral, Bully é um jogo cativante e emocionante que oferece uma visão única e divertida do mundo da escola. Com uma nota de 8/10, é uma escolha recomendada para os jogadores que buscam uma experiência de jogo envolvente e memorável.

Great game, not a dull moment throughout the whole experience. I love the vehicles, the characters, the story is pretty fun, the combat system is pretty well made.
Everything is great.

Na Steam tá horrível, crasha demais. Baixar um emulador e jogar, pela Steam nunca mais jogo.

El mejor juego de Rockstar.

Bully es un caso curioso en Rockstar, un juego que se prioriza un ambiente escolar y rutinario, hacer tarea y misiones que deben estar en el limite de lo que un joven tiene que hacer para sobrevivir en la preparatoria, entonces que lo hace tan bueno? LA PERSONALIDAD.

La academia, la calle y todos los diferentes lugares de la ciudad se sienten vivos y armónicos con su propio juegos. Eres un pequeño chico que puede explorar este lugar, conseguir dinero trabajando, ir a la feria, vestirte como quieras, buscar una novia, jugar a los jueguitos y todo para explotar al máximo el juego mas allá de la campaña principal.

Que también, una historia maravillosa sobre intentar conseguir el orden en un mundo completamente hostil y cruel con cualquiera. No es un juego sobre hacer Bullying es un juego sobre como todos se hacen Bullying mutuamente, desde los profesores hasta los alumnos son agresores y victimas de un sistema que prioriza la ley del mas fuerte y quien se aprovecha de mas personas. Desde Jimmy y Gary, los maestros, los nerds, los atletas, profesores todos y cada uno de ellos tienen su momento para brillar y son memorables.

Conseguir cada grupo es un reto y de por si terminar la campaña lleva algo que esfuerzo que vale la pena. Es divertido tener que malabariar entre las tareas y las misiones al principio y tener recompensar buenas para poder seguir con las mismas. Recolectar los objetos es interesante y muchas veces explorar en la misiones te hace encontrar los propios objetos para ahorrar el trabajo.

El soundtrack, que pedazo de joya utilizaron para cada momento, cada vez que te montas en la bicicletas y pedaleas al ritmo de la música es un sentimiento espectacular.

En general, si, deberían probarlo, ya sea la versión de pc, consola o las nuevas versiones. Esperemos que el Bully 2 sea mej- .... ¿¿¿QUE ROCKSTAR HIZO QUEEEEEEE??????

dont rememeber anything from this game except bullying

A truly beautiful game, in addition to having really cool mechanics and incredible gameplay, the game's story is exactly the opposite of the name, it's Jimmy trying to end the violence at school, it's simply the story of someone looking for peace among everyone, It doesn't matter if he's rich, poor, beggar, bum, he wants everyone to be able to just be cool, and that makes Bully incredible, in a world where there is no cancellation, Bully 2 wins GOTY

A identidade desse jogo é única, isso é o simples bem feito, a cidade não é imensa porém ela tem mais vida que até San Andreas, uma trilha sonora inesquecível, sem dúvida uma das melhores trilhas sonoras dos jogos, é um absurdo como um jogo de gerações passadas tem essa liberdade gigantesca, eu zerei esse jogo umas 5 vezes, a rockstar sempre foi inovadora, até em gerações passadas.

This review contains spoilers

For personal reference more than anything else.

Fourth time playing through this game (third time playing the original version and second time playing it on PS4).

I love this game, I was pretty sure of that going in and this playthrough truly solidified it. Starting was a little awkward as I noticed that the camera was pretty bad and Jimmy felt a little awkward to control, I almost considered leaving it and waiting to get Scholarship Edition again as I felt that might not be as bad but within a couple of hours I had already come back to it as I figured that I would get used to it and I mostly did. Bike races were sort of painful to do as the tracks were quite narrow and I straight up could not see where I was supposed to be going at times because of the camera but everything else felt fine.

This is one of my favourite worlds in a game as it feels sort of alive, there's a ton of stuff to do and interact with (with the majority of it being fun) and the characters that populate the school are memorable due to their distinct appearances, quotes and even the fact that they have names. While I don't know literally everyone, I do know a fair chunk of them and it felt so cool just being able to see characters out and about and be able to go "oh look at Algie trying to pick a fight with Trent" and that's another thing, this feels like one of the few games I've played where NPCs feel like they can basically do half of what you can do (using items like firecrackers, making out with each other and getting into fights). I can just be wandering around the school and usually come across some interesting event to watch.

And one of the funniest things to me is that I barely even register about half of the world, once New Coventry opens up I don't really care as much about the new areas, even the towns aren't the biggest deal to me but I do admit it is fun to go doing whatever in a town while Jimmy's supposed to be in class. The school is not really that big compared to a lot of areas in other games but it doesn't need to be, the characters make it and then the ways you can interact with it only adds to it, starting food fights in the cafeteria, shoving students and prefects in lockers and creating panics when pulling the fire alarm. It feels difficult to me to say the world feels truly alive as it is common to hear repeated lines, see glitches and all that but even those aspects I kind of enjoy as they can usually be quite fun, but other than those the world does feel alive for a game world I think.

Classes are another aspect to the game which could've probably sucked but just don't and not only are mostly enjoyable but also really impacted how I played the game as I would lightly plan doing missions around classes and even play truant some times just to get that experience. I think something I've noticed is that while this game is an action-adventure or whatever, I think it manages to hit the simulation genre as well as the whole going to school and doing school things aspect was really good. As for the classes themselves though, I think that basically all of them are at the very least decent whether that comes from the minigame attached or the reward for doing them. English, Chemistry and Shop were probably my favourites as the first two were really fun and it felt great to get better and better bikes from doing the shop classes. Art is kind of weird and I'm not entirely sure that I like the minigame but the rewards are useful, Photography is kind of dull to me and most of the rewards don't matter to me but I do quite like the yearbook thing and Gym is kind of fun if a little easy when doing the dodgeball matches (I think I was a lot more into it when I was younger) and I like the wrestling classes as along with the 'A Little Help' missions its quite useful to learn new combat moves in this game. I will say that its something that SE improved but I do think there only being six classes in this game was maybe a little too low and I did wish that there were more.

Speaking about combat though, its kind of boring to begin with but as Jimmy learns new moves it gets better even if its mostly just a case of hitting square a couple of times, holding it and then just kicking whoever when they're down. It feels kind of slow almost and I actually quite like it. Its not as though melee is the only way to fight enemies in the game as there's various items to use that are mostly fun to use, throwing a firecracker at something will never get old to me, putting down marbles while being chased is useful and fun and its a special moment anytime I get one of those firework volcano things.

Now the story was something I think I was paying more attention to then usual this time around and its fine but not particularly paced well I think, things just happen and a bit too quickly most of the time. It gets pretty bad in the last two chapters as Chapter 4, while mostly decent and kind of neat to see two cliques focused on for once just felt like it sped by and didn't focus on the jocks enough. Chapter 5 on the other hand was trying to do too much in one chapter and I think it would've been better if it had been split into two chapters with Jimmy being top of the school and his eventual downfall leading to his expulsion being Chapter 5 and then him getting to know Zoe and the townies, then him taking the school from Gary being Chapter 6.

Most of the chapters are good though as they usually give a bit of insight as to how each clique works but something I think could have really worked was if there were more missions that allowed you to get to know various members of the cliques as optional content. As it stands, optional missions seem to cover the Galloway & Hattrick storyline, two missions for each girl from a clique and certain characters getting a mission or two (Algie, Edna, Ms Phillips). I think too much of the focus on each chapter is spent on the leader of the group and then like one or two other members which makes sense but I think more time with other characters could have gotten the player even more attached to the characters in the game.

The main characters are another weak point for me as Jimmy is kind of interesting and I like his 'fighting for the little guy' thing and the fact that he's not a completely moral character but I think the game doesn't really know what to do with him as his level of intelligence doesn't really feel consistent throughout the game. It seems like one aspect of his personality is that he's easily manipulated and in that respect kind of dumb (him thinking that Gary was actually his friend until the end of Chapter 1 is... interesting), but he also feels like he's supposed to be a little smart with some of the plans he comes up with and how he views the people and world around him. Gary isn't a great character and the game stating that the reason he is the way he is is just that he has A.D.D and is off his meds is kinda shit. But I think he's such an entertaining arsehole and I kinda love that his reasoning for why he does what he does is just 'because I can and its funny'. Petey feels kind of true to his character as he fades into the background, unfortunately though that's not great for a character to me and I just didn't really care about him or even really remember him when he wasn't on screen. The rest of the characters are a mixed bag with some of my favourites being, Algie, Christy, Beatrice, Johnny, Lola and Trent.

This being a game from 2006 and a Rockstar game at that means that this game isn't really afraid to do and say what it wants. A lot of things can be chalked up to things being more acceptable at the time or making sense as this is a game filled with people who really aren't nice or good people, so of course they're going to do shitty things in general or to each other (Cook's Date, Paparazzi/Discretion Assured, Panty Raid). There are some things that a bit much I think, even with the previous reasons in mind (some things that were a bit much including some or all of those examples of missions) but I don't really know enough to properly talk about but it usually just felt either uncomfortable or kind of gross. There's also a lot (and I mean a lot) of homophobia in the game which makes sense and feels realistic for the setting but it did get kind of annoying after a while as its sort of insulting and repetitive. Something that I did really like though was the ability for Jimmy to make out with other guys in the game as not only is it a welcome surprise from a game like this, I also think that being able to do this kinda helped me be able to accept my own sexuality more when I was growing up (in some way at least) as the game just treats it as normal (somewhat).

On to something more positive, the soundtrack to this game is one of my favourites in gaming, it may be from it just being really good and hearing a lot of it over the years but there are so many great tracks and throughout this replay none of it ever got annoying. The game is also quite funny and there are many lines or moments that I always remember and look forward to hearing or seeing whenever I play this game.

Overall, its not a perfect game at all and I have my fair share of problems with it but I just can't help but love this game. It feels so unique and its just incredibly fun to play whether its doing missions, side activities or just fucking about in the world. I had a fantastic time coming back to this game and I really feel comfortable calling it one of my favourite games of all time.

Incredible game!! This game has such personality and an amazing soundtrack.

The caos on the final of the game is soo cool

Ow yeeaaa Boy... esse jogo... Começando do começo: no fim de 2023 eu decidi que em 2024 eu iria zerar 12 jogos, perceba q eu disse zerar, e não apenas jogar. Isso porque desde sempre tive uma certa dificuldade de terminar jogos, principalmente por dropar eles muito rapido ou por me fisurar em um e conseguir singelas 2000 horas. Mas nada melhor para começar esse desafio do que com um jogo que me acompanhou por anos a fio durante a adolecencia(hoje tenho 20) um jogo que descobri em meados de 2016 e que me levou a loucura. Bully é um jogo onde um baixinho entre aspas "Luta conta" o bullying dentro da academia de bullworth, o que é de fato algo engraçado, uma vez que eu era o cara que fazia bulling na minha epoca de escola, mas vamos falar de presente. Eu zerei o jogo em janeiro, e pretendia fazer a review naquela mesma epoca, porem nada do que eu escrevia me parecia de certa forma bom. Eu sou escritor nas horas vagas, então ter certeza que algo está ruim é preocupante. Então engavetei a review pra quando estivesse preparado, e essa hora chegou.
Recentemente passei por um termino que me fez instalar Bully novamente so para sentir a liberdade de correr pelos corredores mais uma vez, agora com o jogo zerado e proximo do 100%, e posso dizer que é libertador, devo ter passado facilmente umas 5 horas so vadiando por ai. A liberdade que esse jogo traz para o player é inacreditavel. Ate hoje ele é incrivel e devo dizer que é ainda melhor que me lembrava. ele me trouxe de novo a vontade de jogar depois de tudo, visto que desde o inicio do mês não toco no meu controle, alem de estar 2 meses atrasado com o desafio, sim, minha vida virou de cabeça para baixo, mas depois de repensar com esse jogo, alguma coisa pode mudar.
Sem duvidas é um 10/10, ou 9,5/10 uma vez que no PC para se ter uma experiencia decente é preciso colocar alguns mods, tanto para o jogo não fechar sozinho quanto para a tela não bugar em munitores atuais. Tirando isso é um jogo excepcional, obrigado rockstar por essa perola..
Podem comprar sem medo.

The school setting makes this one of the most unique open-world games ever, coupled with the amazing score by Shawn Lee and the wonderful quirky tone.

Better than Shitsona, you can be gay (?

Um dos jogos mais divertidos da Rockstar, que definitivamente prende o jogador durante toda sua duração, uma pena não ter recebido uma sequência.

Man this game is so much fun. The gameplay is engaging and fun. Combat, though it isn't the best, is very great. Love the weapons that can be used. Missions are very fun in this game. Characters is written well. Jimmy even became one of my all time favorite video game characters. Maybe one of my all time favorite of any media I am into. Story is great. They designed Bullworth very good. Love how each area is designed. Really show variety in this game. Really like how each clique in the school is different and plays into the stereotype. The soundtrack is so damn good. Love and every track that is played. Also man there is so much to do in this game. You can do the classes, do bike races, go kart races, arcade games, dodgeball, and plenty of other stuff. Each class minigames is honestly fun.

Ngl I hate how when you do shop class the control stick can act weird and janky. I thought it was the PS4 emulation, but after watching many playthroughs of this game on youtube, both original and Scholarship Edition, yeah this is a game issue. I feel like this game should be better looking graphically. It's not bad looking I will say. It's just that I seen better looking PS2 games.

Overall, a very fun experience. Really enjoyed how they did the gameplay. and combat. Variety in this game is so good. So many different things you can do that makes open world very fun. For anyone who enjoys GTA or Red dead, you won't be disappointed. This game holds up extremely well. Definitely one of my all time favorites.

Bizarro que eu mal joguei no play e fui zerar de fato no Android anos depois, mas sem dúvida é um dos maiores jogos já feitos, poder tacar o terror nos alunos, pregar peças, fazer as aulas pra aprender as habilidades, desbloquear novos gadgets como a bola de elástico é maravilhoso e muito divertido.

Il gioco più sottovalutato di Rockstar.

Funny story about the different social classes at school.

Nostálgico, uma pena que nunca vai existir a continuação :(

Outra Master Piece que merecia uma continuação ou Remake para PC

Um dos melhores jogos que ja joguei...
Me diverti muito com a história e a jogabilidade, seria realmente um grande lançamento o bully 2!

A good game that desperately needs a sequel

Não é surpreendente que o escopo de uma cidadezinha conseguiu ser mil vezes mais bem trabalhado do que o mapa estupidamente grande do San Andreas. Até essas porcarias de coletáveis são aceitáveis de pegar aqui já que não preciso andar 50km pra cada um. Bullworth exala personalidade, detalhe e interatividade. Tem as melhores missões de campanha de um jogo da Rockstar até agora, puta jogo divertido.

História simples e mensagem direta ao ponto, um retrato bizarramente identificável do cenário escolar hostil e tribalista, porém a Rockstar tem um problema em fazer vilões nos jogos dela, todos eles roubam a cena mas são mal aproveitados narrativamente, e esse também é o caso do Gary, ainda mais com essa boss fight final boba e cutscene rushada.

E DAMN que Soundtrack ein.

Billed as Grand Theft Auto but in school, Bully is, well, just that - almost. It definitely follows the same basic principles as Rockstar's crime-sandbox series, but it's not entirely a reskin; instead it builds upon the genre and produces something with a distinct identity of its own. Its story certainly feels very GTA-like, given our protagonist, Jimmy, is a young lad no stranger to breaking school rules but arrives at the bottom of the pile in Bullworth Academy, a brutal school of hard knocks in which cliques battle and bully their way to the top of the social hierarchy. Jimmy starts his own campaign to unseat the cliques however, battling against them and the corrupt teaching staff to attempt to rule the school.

Much like GTA, Bully is an open world sandbox, this time set in Bullworth and its surrounding town. Instead of driving Jimmy can skateboard and bike around, and the only guns we have are spud guns and bottle rockets, but in many ways the formula is familiar. There's a ton of personality to be found in the world though, and wandering around it to make trouble or hoover up collectibles is a genuine joy. Add on top of that a slick school-day system to give structure to the day and some fun character writing and you have a really solid addition to Rockstar's crime-em-up collection.