Reviews from

in the past

tive pra todas as plataformas possíveis, pirata ou não

An amazing game. Creative gameplay and a really unique story.

Rockstar should bring this IP back. All I could remember playing this game are fun times.

Yes, a little rough around the edges, But you're a diamond.

this game inspired me to be better at bullying others

One of those rockstar games nobody seems to talk about nowadays. even rockstar doesn't seem to care about this franchise, and maybe for good reason. I can see why something like this may be considered problematic, however this doesn't stop it from being one of my favourite all time rockstar titles.

Mom can we have GTA?
No we have GTA at home.
The GTA at home: Bully

This game actually goes so fucking hard even today, I wish rockstar focused on making good games and we had gotten Bully 2 by now.

Last time I played, I had a good time. It’s GTA but for those who couldn’t get it because parents lol. Although it was obviously made for that person Rockstar still went hard on it.

One of the many classics Rockstar should be making sequels for but probably won't!

acho que eu nunca partilhei o amor intenso que sinto por esse jogo desde o ps2. Ele é um dos jogos que eu mais zerei, sendo 16 vezes ao total, e eu nunca enjoei dele.

As músicas desse jogo me encantam de um jeito que eu não sei explicar, desde a trilha mais calma para viver um romance em um cinema, até a trilha mais agitada feita para enfrentar dezenas de valentões na base da porrada

O combate do jogo funciona muito bem e é bem simples, contendo poucos combos fáceis de serem executados

O ambiente do jogo foi feito de maneira perfeita, conseguindo inserir o jogador num ambiente escolar decadente de maneira surreal, não tendo uma data exata de quando o jogo se passa, assim fazendo com que todos os públicos se identifiquem

Os npcs do jogo não se repetem no mundo aberto, com todos eles tendo um nome, história e características variadas

O enredo é bem básico e não tem nada de mais, brilhando principalmente nos personagens da história

O mundo aberto do jogo é rico em detalhes e é divido em diversas partes que vão sendo desbloqueadas a partir da progressão do jogador na campanha

O jogo também é divido em capítulos, com cada um deles tendo uma estação do ano que modifica o mapa e a temática da parte da história em que está inserida

Depois de tudo isso, acho que é minha obrigação falar que bully é atemporal e é um dos jogos mais divertidos já feitos.


rockstar's magnum opus imo

O meu jogo favorito de todos os tempos.


Precisava me esconder da minha mãe pra jogar. Até hoje na verdade.


ambientação perfeita e muito nostálgica pra mim, trilha sonora maravilhosa, o sentimento de jogar esse jogo é algo completamente diferente de qualquer coisa pra mim

I used to love this game as a kid. Rockstar not releasing Bully 2 is the biggest crime of the last two decades.

um dos jogos mais criativos da rockstar, tipicamente visto com maus olhos na epoca pq todos os imbecis nao gastaram 3 segundos pra jogar ou tentar entender o jogo

😭😭😭😭 best game ever. juvenile delinquent Jimmy Hopkins expelled from 7 schools gets sent to boarding school while his mother goes on a year long honeymoon with her husband. Along the way he learns how to fight from a homeless man who eventually gets abducted by a UFO, explores his bisexuality, befriends the token gay and his mentally deranged acquaintance, becomes enemies with the mentally deranged acquaintance, purchases an aquaberry vest and wears aquaberry vest in public, is a property owner at the young age of 15, becomes a regular at the insane asylum, gets a tattoo (or multiple), dates a bad goth bitch named Zoe, gets robbed of his shoes after passing out in blue skies industrial park, commits truancy, breaking and entering, graffiti, theft, assault, bullying, stalking, etc., all while staying on top of his English, chemistry, geography, art, photography, biology, math, gym, music, and shop classes. The drama… I’m gagged…

The only game I 100%'d every year or so

It was ahead of its time. Definitely an underrated gem

Ich bin als Kind bei der Mission bei der man Jocks mit dem Kartoffelwerfer umbringen muss nicht weiter gekommen, das Spiel ist aber trotzdem Kuss auf Fingerspitzen muah.

Bully is a game that really surprised me. I really admire how Rockstar was able to create a pretty unique spin on a formula quickly gaining traction in early 2000s gaming, rather than just slapping a school uniform on top of it and calling it a day.

There are so many aspects of this game that are so well thought out:
- The varied minigame aspect with classes, and the in game rewards that going to class gives you, while not completely stunting you if you decide to skip.
- Small school things implemented into the gameplay like how you use the controller to open lockers, bikes/skateboards/buses in exchange for cars in quick travel, and forced stealth aspects (being able to be bad as a kid involves A LOT more sneaking than for adults lol).
- Popularly stereotyped high-school cliques, with unique challenges based on their individual aspects: having to get a video game high score for access to the nerd base, beating the preps in their country club sports for their respect, etc.

The humor is very 2000s Rockstar, with many of the jokes still able to stick the land, while others are just straight up uncomfortable. I think the biggest thing I couldn't stand was all the vomit and piss in the game, but again, it's a 2000's Rockstar game, I knew what I was walking into. The greasers were the only clique in the game that had me scratching my head on why the hell they added them, but the game itself even pokes fun at the choice with comments like, "Do those guys know it's not the 50's anymore," towards it. I personally think a group like "The Emos" would have been more fun to have, but that might have been just a bit too underground for Rockstar to pick up on yet.

The ending for Bully was really fun, with all the cliques in complete chaos. My only nitpicky complaint would be not seeing Gary for a fairly long time (think he's last seen with the greasers at the half-way mark), only for him to reappear as the ultimate villain, because I mean, did you expect the kid that dressed as a Nazi for Halloween to NOT be? His final boss battle is great though, building up the suspense and drama of FINALLY being able to beat up the kid that acts like all the worst people on online forums, and man, it feels fucking AMAZING when you finally do beat the snot out of him.

I had a lot of fun with Bully, and could see it being a game I try and 100% at some point! Some of the humor and relatability is a bit of a miss for me, but that's just something to expect not being the target audience for the game. Even then, I really enjoyed it, and think it works great as an example of some of the PS2's best of the bests.


Not quite as fulfilling as I remember, but still fun.

Ahh school, we’ve all been through it…unless you were homeschooled or were just naturally born smart. But I bet a good 97% have all been through the struggle that is school. We’ve all experienced the classics: homework, friendships, relationships, and bullying. Someone should probably make a game about it…and that’s when rockstar came into the picture. I’m sure many people would’ve laughed at the idea of the devs behind gta creating a game about being in school, how ridiculous. But it fucking rules.

You play as Jimmy Hopkins, a troubled school boy who has been sent by his mother to a new school in the town of bullworth. As you proceed through the game you become accustomed to the town and the school itself. You find the groups: the nerds, the jocks, the greasers, and the preps. Unfortunately I’m from Britain and only 2 of these groups exist in my school and the rest are just more of an American thing I guess. It pretty much controls like a gta game with obvious changes.

For starters you can’t drive cars or steal cars, you can however use bicycles and steal them from other students…except the girls, DO NOT STEAL A BIKE FROM A GIRL. There are also no guns and instead you have to resort to more friendlier weapons such as potato guns and fire crackers. You can also go to lessons which are basically just little time wasting mini games with slight benefits. For example if you go through English, you’ll have to assemble different words using a certain number of letters…so you could put the word ‘war’ down and all of a sudden you know how to flirt with girls better. You can also do jobs around the town if you want to but it’s not that necessary as you just get money from completing jobs and can get pretty rich for a 15 year old. You can also compete in bike races which I’m literally an expert on. Move over Lewis Hamilton, Jimmy Hopkins is the new champion.

The story is basically about assembling the school together and forming a more friendlier society. You go up against Gary who wants to basically do the same but take it a step further by taking over the entire school and creating chaos. I don’t usually like to copy from others but there was a YouTuber that pointed out quite a few parts of the characters in the game. For example Gary mentions how he takes medication which adds a layer of sadness to the character and almost makes his actions make sense. Which is another thing about this game: it is very well written. From the grease wannabes to the alcoholic English teacher each character has interesting and unique details and dialogue.

The town itself is also a part of the game I wish to quickly discuss. You play throughout the game whilst the world slowly changes from season to season. You also get to go to the different places around the town, such as the amusement park and the insane asylum (which is right near to a school for some reason lol). Also you have the opportunity to unlock new places to rest and save. To start with you only get your room at the school to save and rest but as you continue playing you can get the basement of a comic shop all the way to a lighthouse. A 15 year old is now a property owner.

Bully is one of the most creative and witty games I’ve probably ever played. In my honest opinion it’s one of rockstars crowning achievements and it deserves a sequel or revival of some sort.

Brilliant gameplay, excellent music, beautifully designed world, well written characters, great story, everybody do the cow dance

Maybe the funniest game ever, impossible not to laugh