Reviews from

in the past

Ich bin hier, du bist hier...Schnabeltier!

More of the first and a lot of fun as well. Clearly this new company should be watched for what else the might be making and I can't wait for the final conclusion about Deponia on what might happen. Hopefully, it will be a brilliant, but also fun ending :)

Edit: I had been reviewing these games as they came out since I had fallen for the developer and that they were bringing back 2D animated games as something it was great to see make a return! Something we had, at the time, not seen since games like Sam & Max: Hit the Road and some other classics from Lucas Arts before they become exclusively Star Wars and nothing else. Outlaws also come to mind with the cartoon art style that works well and is very entertaining and sets the game apart from your typical ones of the time, but now there are some more coming out. Not just from this company, but you have games like Cuphead which also bring fun animations back into video games. I'm so excited to see these kinds of games coming back into fashion once again.

I'm going to start making my own platypus greeting cards.

Me quedo con el anterior, este tiene el plus de que le agregaron unas nuevas "mecánicas" en los minijuegos.
En verdad no hay nada nuevo que ver y me da la sensación que ya para este punto el juego pierde la lógica en las tareas a cumplir para avanzar.

Sometimes the humour feels like it's trying too hard, and sometimes it's genuinely funny. Good puzzles though.

The one where it all started to take shape

Very cool world and nice continuation of the story from the first game. Some cool mechanics to switch up the puzzle format in this one!

Bajón respecto al primer juego tbh, los puzles son más crípticos y en general no es tan interesante, aunque tiene varios de mis chistes favoritos de la saga pero debo admitir que es inferior a la precuela y la secuela. Aún así me encanta este juego, tanto los personajes como la historia siguen siendo graciosos y divertidos aunque en general se sienta que hay cosas que no tienen motivos reales para ocurrir. Me gustan mucho los ornitorrincos. El final es un poco una costra.