Reviews from

in the past

This shit can't even be real anymore bruh, what the fuck is a Choo-Choo Charles

This game has some interesting ideas but it's difficult to recommend when it costs $26 CAD and doesn't even last 2 hours.

The first ~30 minutes were the best part since it was when I was most on edge. Your arsenal is at its weakest which means Charles poses the largest threat here, and you never know when he might appear. Moving around the island by train also makes you feel vulnerable due to the limited control you have. These parts came together well to create a good sense of tension.

However, once you start doing the various main/side quests, the enjoyment really starts to decrease. Every quest is some generic fetch quest and none of them really stand out. Having interesting NPCs can make up for mechanically bland quests but unfortunately that's not the case here. The quests that involved sneaking around cult members were particularly obnoxious. Stealth is extremely barebones and enemies who spot you will chase you to the ends of the Earth. But there were points where I could just try to run past enemies and get the objective before they could kill me, something I imagine wasn't intended and made them come across as poorly put together.

Most rewards for quests are upgrades for your train, either a new weapon or scrap metal to upgrade its stats. There is a sense of progression but in this case I found it really took away from the tension Charles created at the start of the game. Your collective upgrades quickly become more than enough to deal with any Charles encounter. There is the benefit that trying to quickly swap weapons in response to guns overheating and Charles' distance can create a frantic rhythm. However, Charles becomes less like a monster you should fear and more like a mechanic you need to deal with, which really took away any horror for me. And after only a couple Charles fights, each encounter becomes pretty routine. So even if you didn't get all these upgrades, I imagine Charles would still become pretty repetitive to face.

There were parts of Choo-Choo Charles I like and would love to see applied on a larger scale, but unfortunately many of them aren't very developed here. The game taking under 2 hours and costing $26 CAD makes it especially hard to recommend. If the concept is interesting enough you might think it's worth it but I'd look to the many other indie/horror games that will cost less and/or have better quality.

More indie horror should be like this. Not perfect but really fun in places.

The fear factor of this wore off after about 20 minutes when Charles started chasing me, I hid in a nearby house and then he just sat outside aggressively whistling at me and doing backflips over the building because he couldn't handle the fact he couldn't get inside too. Honestly, felt bad for the dude by the end. All this giga chad train energy and he can't even squeeze into a tiny shack.

Fantastic. Everything I wanted it to be. I <3 Charles I even got the plushie! There were a number of mechanics that made me go, “Why is this not done more?!”

I remember seeing either a trailer or a devlog of Choo-Choo Charles about a year or so before it came out, and it exploded overnight. I thought it looked quite interesting as well, so I followed the development of the game until it came out. I was genuinely excited, and anticipating the release of this game, it looked as if it could completely overhaul and change the Mascot Horror genre. And did it?

Kind of. But more leaning towards no. It didn't really do much different when compared to others, the only main difference is the gameplay, which is a huge difference, but that's it. The tiny bits of story that you get, you would see in any Mascot Horror. The villain is a trendy looking thing, you can't deny that.

But it does the formula well. The gameplay is really fun for the most part, the times where it really falls flat, is the sections with the cultists. They are pretty poorly made, but either than that, the train sections of the game, which is the main part of it, is by far the best, and a really good part.

The villain, despite being trendy, and colorful, and going off of child-like things like Thomas the Choo-Choo Train, which would attract a lot of kids to play it. Is still a goofy, fun villain.

Nothing spectacular, but it's a solid game. Though, it is heavily overpriced.

Overall: 7/10

You can complete it in like 2 hours if you know what your doing. Its pretty fun though I wont lie. The only annoying bit is traversing the areas with armed guys as you cant attack them in any way makes some of the areas needlessly hard. If its on sale buy it, its mindless fun with some a suspenseful atmosphere.

When I first watched the trailer I was hyped, the concept seemed so good. But sadly the execution is poor, very poor, it looks like a truly unfinished and unpolished game. The assets are terrible, you took the time to do voice acting but could not get the models to even try to move. The mechanics, the story and the progression is all poor. Dont even get me started on the """stealth""" mechanic. Plus, is not even optimized properly, for being such a crude game my GPU fans made it seem like I was playing RDR2 again. The only good thing about this game is the Charles model.

I love the concept but there isn't a whole lot to this game. You're put in a big, albeit empty, open world with a fairly straightforward questline alongside optional side quests which reward you with scrap to upgrade your train's defense, weapon damage or speed. Once you've played for about 20 minutes you'll get the gist of the entire game. The quests are super simple, most requiring you to just walk over somewhere 300 meters away, grab an object, then return to the NPC questgiver. Charles is not very scary, he startled me a couple of times but the combat is easy enough after you get the flamethrower and a couple stat upgrades. Charles is more so a nuisance since he always shows up just when I'm getting close to another quest. For what it is, Choo-Choo Charles is nothing special, but it doesn't seem very long and I am enjoying it despite my issues.

This is how you do stupid.
1) Short
2) Direct
3) No nagging the player every five minutes about how this is stupid

The monster's design certainly doesn't hurt.

For the French -

Fantastic. Everything I wanted it to be. I <3 Charles I even got the plushie! There were a number of mechanics that made me go, “Why is this not done more?!”

Dura bien poquito, no da nada de miedo y las mecánicas estan ok, la verdad pasa más a ser un "Walk" (entre comillas porque casi todo el tiempo te la pasas arriba del tren) simulator porque el mapa es enorme pero está super vacio y las pocas misiones que hay para resolver son super faciles o las tiene a lo mucho a 300 metros y si da flojerita caminar.

Las primeras veces que te encuentres con Charles van a ser muy injustas y posiblemente te llegue a matar unas ¿dos veces? pero ya que pase la primera hora y media no se va a dificultar nada alejarlo.

2 stars for Two Star Games. Too short. Not optimized at all.

there are some really great ideas here, but its gameplay lacks substance. it has a good base in terms of structure, but doesn't capitalize on that structure. it is an impressive game considering that it was made by a single dev, and I am excited to see what comes next.

This game is exactly what you expect going in.

Fairly fun but nothing spectacular beyond the premise. That premise is cool but I admit it gets old after a while.