Reviews from

in the past

"Bro keep playing i promise you the 56th pedo joke will be funny"

i expected this to be an interesting critique of something, but it instead feels like it was written by an edgy middle schooler. the voice acting is pretty good but the best voice actors couldn't save the fact that no one talks like this.

nothing is explored, this is just "lets throw every possible edgy topic at the wall and hope something sticks" the game. this game is supposed to be wildly funny but it just isn't if you're over the age of fifteen. the 1 star is because this game is definitely gay and the half star is because i think the outfit changing thing is cool :]

Este juego me hizo una gracia espectacular.

Las voces son increibles, el lenguaje es literalmente de los 2010, al igual que la ropa y demas, y la historia es literalmente "fuck you" en diferentes y diversas maneras.

great game. i love being a drug addict suicidal teenage girl who leads on the weirdo men with my hot totally not lesbian "best friend" (theyre 1000000% fucking. theyre 1000000% gay)

The only thing I can say about this game is that the voice-acting is actually surprisingly good but the humor and writing is so painfully edgy and bad that I don't really understand why western visual novels feel the constant need to be edgy for the sake of trying to be different and "not like other visual novels"

Actually pretty good as someone who doesn't like the US

Tive risadas aqui e ali mas na maioria das vezes foi muito triste, saber que tudo isto acontece na vida real, e mostrado de uma forma tão precisa faz me sentir mesmo mal não só pela Nicole mas por todas as outras. Se eu já queria terminar a vida de alguns homens, agora quero extermina-los a todos

The edginess is sometimes a little over the top, but I found many moments funny. My opinion absolutely was colored by late night delirium and the presence of drunk friends—definitely more of a great experience rather than a definitively good game.

eu meio q sou uma zoomer mais "Classe de 2015" pra achar isso aqui particularmente engraçado. acho q talvez eu tbm tivesse q ser um pouco mais terminalmente online pra conseguir engajar com qualquer aspecto de Class of '09.

uma garota de anime saída diretamente do DevianArt dando uma de mean girl enquanto carrega um Sidekick da Sharp (q com certeza n é algo q qualquer adolescente nesse mundo realmente tenha usado) deve fazer alguém sentir alguma coisa. talvez dê uma risadinha, talvez sinta nostalgia. fica o questionamento pra quem tiver alguma resposta.

a dublagem realmente é boa, porém! dou esse crédito.

(Played this a while back, but forgot to log it.)

One of my friends really loves Class of '09, so I bought it sometime ago on a Steam Sale for cheap to try it out and played a bunch of routes, but the novelty wore off rather quickly and it got boring real fast. The humor was too over the top for my liking and the writing felt like it became generic satire early on, not to mention the same jokes were repeated over and over across several routes and it's lazy. Especially the pedophilia jokes were recycled way too much and I feel like a lot of swearing was thrown into the writing just to make it feel more mature and edgy, but it comes off as needlessly corny. Maybe I'm just not the target audience.

As I only played two routes, I don't have much to add in regards to content, except that I enjoyed the voice acting for the most part - especially Nicole's voice direction is very well done. Still, there are better visual novels out there, and funnier ones too. Class of '09 might be worth looking into if you're a fan of this very specific type of humor, else I wouldn't bother with it at all.

Really fucking funny for the first couple of routes. I eventually got incredibly bored because I was listening to the same dialogue over and over again trying to spot differences to trigger a different route. I'm glad it's seeing success but this version of the game would have benefitted from a better way to track your endings.

Anonymous Agony for the new generation.

Em uma das rotas de Class of '09 um personagem nerd e otaku extremamente estereotipado entra em uma seita extremista racista conduzida na sua escola e onde a maioria dos alunos se encontra, e mais do que por pura identificação com as pautas, o garoto se sentiu incluído em meio àqueles vermes extremistas, mesmo que eles apenas os estivessem dando ordens em prol de uma linha política, o personagem absorveu como um lugar onde ele teria acesso ao coletivo e acabou sendo captado pela extrema-direita por essa falta de apoio e conversação seja no seu núcleo social quanto familiar.
Class of '09 capta habilmente seu alvo de crítica em um recorte da falida sociedade estadunidense que representa o que temos de mais deplorável no capitalismo moderno e coloca isso na enésima potência e sem filtros, onde o humor é usado da melhor forma em tornar visível os algozes da nossa sociedade, expondo cicatrizes que são apenas maquiadas na nossa realidade. O jogo sabe bem no que está batendo, e bate nisso de forma bem eficaz, e apesar do exagero no choque em algumas situações, no geral a base de paródia é como se você tivesse um South Park focado no ensino médio estadunidense, claro, que resta ainda amadurecer nessa ideia crítica e ir além dela.

is it normal to relate to jecka

Unhinged, disturbing, mean, and funny af.

Uuuuhhh yeeeahhh buddy ill have dark humor burger with a side of heckin irony sauce 😃🤩🤑🤑🤠

a perfectly hand-made shitpost
also the cvntiest

This is how I imagined how my school days were.


funny as hell i laughed a lot

Quite possibly the most unhinged game I've ever witnessed

postal 2 for women
this game is amazing. i do have some issues, like with certain routes not being as fleshed out and the lack of a choice map or skip button. hopefully these issues have been fixed in the sequel, but as it stands, this is one of the best written and most consistently funny games i have ever played. there's such a wide variety in the routes and them being so short makes it so it doesn't get tiring. i adore nicole, she's the perfect protagonist. fantastic.

Es extrañamente atrapante este juego, ni siquiera por el tema de jaja chiste racista jaja chiste clasista... Es en serio, me siento mal por la protagonista, le compadezco y siento pena por ella... Realmente quiero que esté bien, me siento mal por hacerla tomar malas decisiones y me siento peor por ver sus desenlaces... Soy peor que Nicole por hacerla recorrer ese camino... Siempre pudimos decir la verdad o actuar responsablemente, la misma protagonista le tardó entenderlo y nosotros lo entendemos con ella...

Weirdly real. Played while high and it was the best experience

It was an enjoyable experience. There isn't anything deep or interesting about Class of '09. The characters are mostly surface-level, the story so absurd that it can't deliver any meaningful commentary, and the presentation screams low budget indie title.

But for a few hours, I managed to enjoy my time. The comedy sure isn't sophisticated or anything but its crude and over-the-top nature gave it a pretty strong impact that never really let up. As the game constantly switches between cringe, teenage drama, and extremist politics it can be hard to look away. There's always something happening that keeps the experience fresh and the humor engaging. Sure, there might not be anything deeper than that but I doubt the game was trying to do that anyway.

So yeah.... Class of '09 was a fun time. It's pulpy, crude, and entertaining as long as that's the kind of humor you find enjoyable. And as long as you're not going in expecting anything greater than that (And god only knows why you would) you'll probably get enough out of the experience to justify the time spent on it.