Reviews from

in the past

A platformer for perverts, unfortunately I couldn’t stand it and dropped out on the penultimate chapter, but the game itself has various arcade modes and they are quite fun.

Платформер для извращенцев, к сожалению я не выдержал и дропнул на предпоследней главе, но в самой игре есть различные аркадные режимы и они достаточно веселые.

It's fun enough platformer with wacky story but it does get little bit too grindy for me in the later levels when screens are just full of stuff that kills you.

Was so much fun back when I played it.

this is what we had before mario maker, it was a different time.

i used to play this on my Wii U constantly in middle school lmfao

The Dark Souls of Super Meat Boy games.