Reviews from

in the past

Ruim p krlh, os 2 reais mais mal gastos da minha vida, mas eu platinei pq queria pontos

The six hours were so long, that i played it on three days, because the grimd to Level 16 is so boring.

According to a friend who works in agriculture, this game is actually pretty accurate in how it portrays sheep - in that they're boring, fragile, and will randomly die because they ate something growing in their enclosure.

I don't want to be too harsh on this game since this is obviously an iOS game made by a small team quickly ported to the PSN store to make a quick buck, but this really isn't that good. As a virtual pet, the sheep don't feel enough like individuals that you get attached to any of them (you can't even name them! That's the first thing you learn in Virtual Pet 101 right there!) nor do you see any baby sheep for very long, and as a farm sim, you don't end up with enough sheep that you feel like a hot shot industrial farmer. The sheep cap out at around 12 individuals, a number too big to get attached to any of these creatures and a number too small to feel like you're commanding this giant herd.

Instead this game feels part idle clicker game? Most of this game involves awkwardly dragging a rain cloud around and making enough grass and puddles so that your sheep don't starve/thirst to death because they wandered a couple feet to the right. As you do so, you wait for your sheep to either poop out some stars or for them to give you quests (which are things like "feed your sheep seven times" or "play on the swing three times"). You wait for the quests which give you experience which fills up your experience bar which unlocks more levels which unlocks more story and it's all excruciatingly dull.

I was up to level 16, one trophy away from 100% trophy completion (because I'll be blunt - the only reason I was playing this is because this game is leaving the PS Plus service in two weeks), and I was just Waiting, because I needed to wait to get to level 17 so I can discover the map to the Sheep Fountain of Youth because this game has an actual story progression for some reason. It didn't need a story but it has one. It'll take six hours of your life to beat the story and you'll be bored every step of the way.

While you're frittering away your time, you harvest four separate materials. One of the materials you harvest is wool. You might think "oh, so shearing the sheep is a mechanic, right? Sounds normal". Yes, it is, but don't be fooled - this is a trap. This game is weirdly punishing towards the very natural process of shearing sheep by making your sheep very fragile while they're shorn, and the most common way for these sheep to die is by freezing to death whilst naked. This means that the "safest" way to shear your sheep is to create a storm cloud and blast them with lightning bolts like you're Thor, God of Thunder.

Another material is heart petals. You have to collect these quickly or else your sheep will eat the flowers they generate from, get horny, but be unable to breed because you already hit max sheep an hour into gameplay. So you'll just have these sheep with hearts buzzing about their heads. They also like eating poisonous mushrooms and dying from it if you focus on one area of the map for far too long.

Alright, alright, I'll find positives. For an iOS game ported to the PS4, it runs very smoothly and the interface works fine. I also do like the art style of this game and how the sheep are very obviously voiced by humans making sheep noises in a recording studio at least.

And I guess, at the end of the day, they made raising sheep as exciting as it would be. I'm sure a small child that's really into sheep is having the best time ever with this game.

I give it a "bah" out of ten.