Reviews from

in the past

This game was so bad it permanently halted me and my brother from looking for new local coop games to play, this game was made by a talented artist, not a game designer.

Yeah... So... I want to be generous because this game feels like it has student project written all over it, but plain facts is that this game just sucks. You'd have to some insane level of furry in order to delude yourself into thinking that this game does anything but sucking.

Plus it's not a student project, but a game by a developer that usually does like Bratz shovelware, and you can really tell since everything here either kind of sucks or outright sucks. Level design is super boring and it's cumbersome to get around. Combat sucks with all four characters; from base attacks to jump attacks to special attacks. You can launch a screen-covering animation attack that eliminates like 1% of the boss HP bar. The dialogue sucks and sounds like it was written by and for children. The graphics and art style suck and nothing looks appealing. Boss fights are boring but thankfully also somewhat skippable thanks to healing spam.

Really, the only thing that doesn't suck is the pirate vibe with the shanty-like soundtrack and that's the only reason I stuck with this game for a few hours. Everything else sucks. I was going to stubbornly stick with it, since in only about 4 hours, I've got 75% map completion and I wanted to complete a short game today, but as the game crashes for the third time, I decided that I'm not going to spend any more of my limited time on this game. You probably shouldn't either.

This is a fun co-op Metroidvania. My wife and I enjoyed it a lot. It's a little annoying that you share a money pool, but that's fine. However, this game commits a major trophy sin. It punished me for engaging with the game. There's a trophy for just declining the quest at the start (which is fine to do later, because it is quick). There's a trophy for NOT fighting a particular boss before another particular boss in order to get a bad ending. There's a trophy for NOT turning in a bunch of collectibles in order to get a bad ending. The fact that I was punished for engaging with the game and wanting to explore is bad design.

I randomly bought this on release and finished it then (albeit one of the bad endings) but put it on the backburner to see how the game would mature with future patches. I was pleasantly surprised to see it had quite a bit in the ensuing three months or so. At launch, it had some questionable design decisions that were at odds with what one would expect from a metroidvania such as pitfalls that resulted in game over, attacks that overcommitted as you couldn't cancel the animation, and a bizarre decision to force backtracking in the endgame while permanently blocking certain routes. Thankfully, much of this has been addressed and the game feels quite at home in the genre now. There are still minor quibbles with character balancing, boss balancing, and so on but the devs seem committed enough that I'm certain the end product will be something they can be proud of and something that'll be quite fun for anyone picking this up. I figure I'll be back for more in the future between wrapping up achievements or simply finishing the game with the other two characters I hadn't used yet.