Reviews from

in the past

jueguen la versión remasterizada, es obligatorio en pc jugar con mods me mejoren el rendimiento, a pesar de eso, es uno de los juegos que inicio mi pasión por este generó.
muy recomendable

Não confie em quem fala que é melhor que o 3.

Flawed yet perfect somehow. As From build and innovate on the formula they came up with so many years ago and create phenomenal games, there is an uncapturable essence this game has that makes it stand out in this rich catalogue. There never was a game like Dark Souls and there never will be a game like Dark Souls.

поебота ебучая, а не горгульи и еще те мудаки по пути к ним. вот

it was a throwback at the time, so as you can imagine more than ten years on it feels extra clunky. however the core appeal of its art design, lore, and combat system remain as strong as ever. worth playing for the historical importance alone.

Fuck the Crystal Caves, all my homies hate the Crystal Caves

I’m extremely happy I finally tried this game. It’s a beautiful work of art but it’s also bullshit sometimes. Blight town ended my first playthrough and I just recently replayed this game to completion and I’m glad I did

While we take it for granted for how influential this game has become, Dark Souls I feels like a remnant from previous console generations when devs took risks to make the games they wanted.
Because of this, it now stands above nearly every game and is one of the few games I'd say everyone needs to play.

Lots of fun; even though it's flawed, still has lots of charm and unique ideas

I just don’t wanna download it at this point

La atmosfera y las bossfights son honestamente lo unico q lo hace tan bueno, fuck blighttown

Played it like 3 years ago, was a lot of fun exploring and killing bosses but I feel like I had no direction at all. I wish the lore was explained a bit less cryptically because I felt absolutely nothing after killing the final boss other than "oh thats the last boss ig".

Re-jogando em 2024, com todos os avanços que o gênero teve, Dark Souls me dá uma sensação estranha. Os problemas de design incomodam bem mais que os outros jogos, mas no geral ainda funciona muito bem. Depois de zerar, fiquei com vontade de jogar mais uma vez, com mais um build diferente.

O clima do jogo ainda é excelente, e um dos melhores da From, e o fato de no início não ter fast travel é deixa uma sensação de peso das escolhas. Ao mesmo tempo, acho que adicionar fast travel em certo ponto e nos outros jogos é acertado. O gameplay em si funciona melhor.

Em relação aos seus sucessores, acho que o que mais me incomodou dessa vez foi o combate. Muitos inimigos são simples demais, e muitos também tem um design ruim, como os Drakes. Muitos chefes também são ruins (Ceaseless, Centipede Demon, Bed of Chaos, etc..) e só no DLC os chefes tem um padrão de ataque mais ativo, como nos outros jogos. Os outros funcionam bem em sua simplicidade, mesmo que alguns sejam muito fáceis para alguem já experiente.

Apesar de o mapa interconectado (super legal) ser geralmente citado como uma característica muito importante, eu não acho que faz tanta diferença assim no gameplay. E as áreas serem feitas de forma que parecem não ter sido feitas para serem jogadas é bem interessante, lutar em ambientes bem fechados complementam bem a simplicidade de movesets, porém trazem suas frustrações também. O estilo de áreas mais abertas de Dark Souls 3 em diante é menos frustrante, especialmente quanto à câmera.

Apesar dos problemas, minha primeira experiência com Dark Souls foi muito boa e ficou na minha memória por anos, o valor histórico é altíssimo e eu colocaria nota 5 facilmente, mas vou diminuir um pouco para comparar com os outros da série.

De los peores onboardings de la historia. Una vez puedes pasar, es un juego único, pero lejos de ser perfecto. La historia mola si eres un friki, si eres una persona normal no vas a enterarte de nada. Recomendable no tener miedo a usar guías

backtracking shortens my lifespan

This review contains spoilers

I first played this close to release, around 2011 2012 and i dropped it upon reaching the Capra Demon. I returned to it frequently, 3 or 4 times, and hardquit each time at that fucking box room with that miserable prick.

I finally returned to it in 2022, after conquering a lot of what Fromsoft had to offer, and found the Capra Demon still difficult, but not insurmountably so. This time i pressed on, further, to see iconic bosses whos names i'd heard of in passing but had no experience with.

Game is good, and has become synonymous with quality for a reason. Docking it a point for bad bosses and some dull NPCs, but remains a must play.

Real gamers don't attack Priscilla.

Eu tentei, eu JURO que tentei, mas jogos lentos como soulslike não é pra mim, nada aqui funciona o suficiente pra me agradar, simplesmente desisto.

I love this game more than life sometimes. This game's environment is unmatched compared to the other games.

I like to make fun of people who hate the Demons Souls remake because it “Looks too good”, but then I thought about how I would feel if this game got a remake that made it look like Demons Souls. And uh, ya okay I get it now. It would feel completely different. And this game, one of the most important games ever made, doesn’t need one.

Incredible interconnected world & level design that takes what worked from Demon's Souls and brings it to an even higher level of greatness. One of the most important & influential games of all time for good reason.

jogo de quem tem macropenis

se discorda já comi a sua tia.

but that's only because the second half is unfinished and half of the bosses are complete jokes. this game is such a unique experience when compared to the rest of from soft games (havent played demon souls), the areas and bosses just play of each other so incredibly well, it's not a feeling they managed to capture in any of the later games (truly a turning point for them since it feels like a modernized kings field now that im thinking abt it).