Reviews from

in the past

Mastered with RetroAchievements. Basically just held fast forward and mashed A until I won. I feel lucky to have gotten the vault combination one as quick as I did because that one is pretty unlikely and I feel like that's a potential hours-long grind. But I'm one of maybe 20 people who will ever do that so who cares.

(I played the french game called A prendre ou à Laisser, so it might not be the same)

... Oui j'ai complété ça mdr. Ca m'a pris 3 heures. En vrai j'aime bien les jeux de hasards, et j'l'ai pris car j'aimais le jeu télévisé. J'm'attendais à rien, franchement, et c'est ce qu'il faut pour jouer au jeu DS

I got $200, rigged video game

It's just like the show, but you don't win any money (pejorative)

Sometimes, you play too many good video games and you have to bring yourself back down to earth by playing deal or no deal for the nintendo ds.

For what it's worth, it perfectly translates the level of engagement the show provides, which is none. Except at least those people are winning real money, the stakes here are so low they're endangering vampires in the earth's core. It's boring as sin, and it doesn't even have the courtesy to look nice. The game looks like shit, which is remarkable for something so simple. Even the music and sound effects are grating.

And despite all that, this game manages to crawl even lower. It doesn't even fucking work. The numbers aren't random, they're in predetermined sets, which becomes obvious if you for unknown reasons play the game more than once. They couldn't even get this remarkably simple concept right. Even the audience is broken, cheering and crying out in dismay at the incorrect times.

This game had one extremely simple, boring job, and it couldn't even do that. And it retailed for 30 entire dollars. 45 dollars today if you adjust for inflation. Every time you find yourself in awe of how fantastic video games are, how far they've come as a medium, remember the deal or no deals lurking in the depths, and keep yourself humble.