Reviews from

in the past

Deep sleep 1 2 and 3 as one. Free games on flash/armorgames. I still bought it to support the devs. Fun and my brain was almost too stupid to not finish it. Also MARKIPLIER played it 😎

Muito bom revisitar esse point and click que joguei na infância, permanece um bom jogo.

Serviceable if a little on the short side. If you've ever played a point and click flash game then you've played this.
Mostly simple "lock-and-key" puzzles with a dash of "I've seen the answer somewhere" puzzles mixed with a mildly creepy atmosphere and story. Maybe 5 actual jumpscares across the whole trilogy which is reasonable.

The Deep Sleep Trilogy is a great trilogy, that builds off of the previous games and weaved together a story that I did not expect to span across two different franchises and all come together in a final game. The little easter eggs to events later in the scriptwelder universe are insanely clever.