Reviews from

in the past

- Its minesweeper but with builds and roguelite meta progression.

Well-presented, enjoyable, and incredibly creative. Has the Isaac problem: the item pool is so big and unbalanced that some runs give you nothing but garbage.

The OST is an amazing selection of mostly royalty-free tracks.

I am addicted to this game like a drug. For a background, I'm obsessed with Minesweeper, so a rouglike Minesweeper RPG sounded like a dream come true. For the first 40 hours my thoughts were meh. The game was too luck-based, confusing, and you die all the time from needing to guess. Then I started to learn, I figured out the mechanics, understood how to use classes, how to create a build, beyond quests, and before I knew it my hours hit 100. Then it became an addiction, then an obsession. I can name the intricacies about how most classes work. I've made builds centered around dozens of different game mechanics. I've broken the game more times than I can count through exploiting item synergies. I have 281 hours in the game and I can still keep going deeper. Every time I boot up the game there's new items, new mechanics, new classes, etc. It's a hyperfixation.

Yeah, the game's buggy, unbalanced, hard to learn, assaults new players with different mechanics, can be frustratingly luck-based, and is grindy, but I don't care. I just want to play this game more. Forever. It's hard to recommend, but when you get into it, there's no turning back. It's like this game was made specifically for me.

This is one of my favorite roguelites ever, and it's funny because it barely has to do with the minesweeper aspect. It's all about the insane scope of the game. There are a bazillion mechanics, items, and classes to unlock and learn, and they all manage to feel relatively unique. This would genuinely be a 10/10 game if it wasn't held back by a few notable things.

1. You don't have to try very hard to get the game to crash and lose a ton of progress, which can often feel terrible
2. Many of the late-game unlocks feel as though you must break the game to acquire them, and I personally find breaking the game to be not nearly as fun as just playing it.

Keeps deleting my save file holy shit once, maybe twice is fine but 4 times is a bit excessive

i would rank myself in the top 10 on the global minesweeper leaderboards, this game is like crack to me