Reviews from

in the past

What the hell were they on with this one? Extraordinarily punishing game and the load times were excrusiatingly long. Playing this was like a test of patience instead of a game.

Para os fans de digimon, e decepcionante não digevoluir naturalmente, mas como RPG e bem mediocre, porem na época gostei por não ter nada melhor no formato action

Just nah, nah this game is horrible

to chocado com as reclamações de que o jogo era "too hard" porque eu joguei sempre em grupo kkkkkkkk

Acho que quase ninguém deve ter passado da 1° fase. Assim eu fico feliz de saber que não era burro quando criança quando tentava jogar isso.

A really bad beat-em-up movie tie-in game with short story, tons of padding, and not really a whole lot to enjoy.

This game is MY CHILDHOOD ENEMY. I will one day beat it just to finally say I managed to get over this. Why is it so absurdly hard? Idk, the devs wanted to make kids suffer ig lmao

This game is nostalgic as all hell for me. It's NOT a good game at all, but with a couple of friends it can be entertaining. The OST is pretty damn good too and being able to carry your Digimon on your memory card and take it to your friends' houses was really novel at the time.

I will conquer you someday DW4, but I need to order some hard booze first

Finished with 3 to 4 players in multiplayer. An ARPG with very uninspired mechanics and the digimon theme tacked on. Not really worth the time.

if anyone says they have fully beaten this game please give me your address so i can find you and hunt you down for lying

Tentei dar uma chance pela nostalgia mas um jogo completamente injusto quando jogado single player, não muito claro nas explicações sobre o jogo e com pessimo layout de lobby é osso. Não dá pra mim mas ao menos é bonito

Jogo bonito com boas musicas e gameplay simples de entender podendo ser jogado co-op de até 4 players q poderia ser muito melhor se vc usa-se as habilidades e combos variados e unicos de cada um dos 4 digimons selecionáveis, ao enves disso , vc usa armas com ataques estrema mentes repetitivos q torna a gameplay ...repetitiva e monótona na parte do combate , nenhum dos digimons tem suas habilidades , em vez disso eles tem um tipo de magia upavel q é igual para todos com a diferencia da ordem q serão liberadas , cada fase tem 4 caminhos para ir antes do caminho q leva a o Boss final da fase ( n lembro ao certo se tem uma ordem pra ir logo na primeira fase ou nas seguintes) ao morrer vc deixa no local seus itens junto com toda a EXP q vc adiquiril até ali , bem como um SoulsLike , mas para pegar de volta vc tem q levar um item para isso , o jogo n é muito longo se lembro bem são 4-5 fases , e ao termina vc libera o hard depois o Very hard sem q resete o jogo , n acho um jogo dificil , pode ser no começo mas logo vc pega as manhas.... Os maiores pecados desse jogo se dão as armas, habilidades ja mencionadas E as Digievoluções q n são obrigatorias ( pq sim , vc pode termina o jogo sem digivolver , ja q as digievoluções são liberadas fazendo sub-quest , mas logo digo q n faz muita diferencia pq caem nos mesmo problemas mencionados antes , são basicamente skins ) , minha recomendação é se possivel jogue com amigos , na primeira vez q joguei joguei com meu primo , mas terminei só , ja q mesmo jogando co-op o save é individual , podendo fazer um esquema pra dobrar o dinheiro , um passa o dinheiro o outro salva e o q passo da load . é mais um jogo de digimon com potencial desperdiçado , mas q mora no meu coração , prefiro jogar esse 4x doq 1x o 3 ( logo faço minha revil do 3 )

I love the Digimon franchise, but sometimes it sucks to be a fan. This game is one of those times, as it is a monotonous, unfair, and downright broken mess of a game that doesn't even capture the essence of the Digimon franchise.

This is a top-down beat-em-up game, where you and up to 3 other friends can pick one of the four playable Digimon and explore different worlds with them, fighting other creatures and bosses while looting for weapons, accessories, and other items.

If you haven't noticed yet, this is a basic Diablo clone with a Digimon skin, but in my opinion, it is worse than that. Levelling up your characters doesn't give you much other than increased stats, and sometimes a generic skill to use. None of the characters have their signature attacks but instead use generic spells and weapons.

You also cannot Digivolve in this game, though you can unlock some of these forms by beating missions or stages in a specific time limit or on a specific difficulty. I doubt you would do that though, since the game is completely unfair with its enemy placements and boss fights.

At the very least, the game looks passable. It isn't unique or memorable but it isn't ugly. Unlike the music, which is grating and annoying at times. This honestly should never have been a Digimon game and certainly not a Digimon World game. It has none of the charm, or even understanding, of the franchise at all. Skip out on this one completely.

Awful and way too hard. They probably expect you to play this with a group and didn't adjust the difficulty for single player. Gameplay loop is spamming regular attacks and never doing anything cool. Stupid ass X Evolution CGI opening cinematic is misleading and not even relevant.

i dont think this game is humanly possible according to my 10 year old self so I'll believe him

i might replay

I swear i'm going to beat this shit someday out of spite.

Played it as a kid alone. Died in the first stage non stop. Played it with a friend. We still kept dying.

Like 13 years later we try again "it can't be that bad, we sucked as kids". We get our asses kicked again. At least we managed to beat one boss but holy fucking shit this game is pure evil.

Next time i'm bringing a full team.

jogo feito por alguém com o cérebro comido.

This may strike some readers as harsh but I think everyone involved with this game should die