Reviews from

in the past

Digimon World Re:digitize é o meu jogo favorito da saga digimon, talvez seja pelo fato que eu joguei por volta de umas 300 horas fazendo tudo que da pra fazer.
Esse jogo tem muitas coisas que me agradam, como a ost e a arte desse jogo, o sistema de morte dos digimons me agradam muito, pois me faz me afeiçoar mais ao mon que eu estou no momento meio que criando um laço por assim dizer, a gameplay é muito boa e responsiva, tanto no combate quanto na movimentação.
A historia é boa, não é aquela coisa que você irá falar que é absolute cinema, mas não vai decepcionar. O sistema de quests é muito bom e recrutar os digimons que foram corrompidos de volta a cidade, torna mesmo que pouco aquela cidade mais orgânica.
Se você nunca jogou digimon é uma ótima porta de entrada para a saga, e se já jogou algum da saga tenho certeza que irá gostar, não é perfeito mas, seus erros não irão atrapalhar sua gameplay.

I came to this game a couple of years after playing Last Order and discovering that it had a translation patch on both PSP and 3DS. And honestly, out of the three Digimon Worlds that follow the traditional monster raising style of gameplay from the original, this one has to be my favourite. As much as I loved Last Order, raising your stats through hundreds of tedious battles rather than the Gym always made me dread every time my digimon reverted to an egg. So, with gym raising being the more effective way of getting your Digimon ready to go out into the world, I had a much better time.

The story is very by the numbers and is just there as a vehicle to enable the monster raising, but exploring the world and growing File City is as fun as ever.

I wasn’t a massive fan of the 3DS exclusive content that came after the PSP story ended, however. What should have been a pretty fun final chapter ended up with a lot of tedious side quests that felt like they were there just to make you move onto another generation of Digimon to pad the playtime, followed by a very tedious final boss. Which is a shame, because right up to the original finale, I was having an absolute blast. That being said, I still recommend this game to anyone who enjoyed Digimon World 1 on PS1. This is a genuinely better iteration on the ideas in that game (even if it doesn’t quite manage to capture the tone and mood of that game anywhere near as well).

Started up this game wondering how i get more digimon, as it seemed as though you would only have your partner. And it turns out i was right because my poor little greymon dropped dead :[ Still really enjoy this game, although the near constant grind due to the mons' short lifespans and need to shit does get in the way of progressing the story sometimes.

Infelizmente foi nesse jogo que descobri que não gosto dos jogos de digimon, em particular os worlds, serio cara, ficar resetando progresso é um saco, odiei o jogo por ter que ficar retreinando 24 horas so pro bixo morrer, achei muito paia no geral, no fim do dia é so um tamagochi evoluido que serve pra te encher o saco, e olha que eu jogo muito rogue like e monster hunter, eu entendo de jogos com repetição infinita, e esse jogo pelo menos não executa isso bem

I really enjoyed this game, it's alive and breathing and every event adds a lot to the world. The characters are really forgettable but the antagonist Vitium is really cool? For some reason i found it really interesting compared to the story itself.

The simulation mechanics were good, i started making a lot of mistakes but by the time i finished the game i one shotted everything and my Mons were as happy as i was playing the game.

Despised the sexualized designs like Rina (a child) and some Digimon like Rosemon X. There is a fine line between sexy and sexualized mess, the game falls in more on the second one. Whatever happened to Yasuda since Desu 1 i don't know, but he really got weird about sexualizing characters.

Un mono de metal acaba de matar a Lucifer con caca

Such a wonderful Digimon experience. This game perfects the already ideal way of adapting the franchise into videogames, and updates the original Re: Digitize so much it's actually kind of insane. A whole main story, with a side dungeon with its own storyline to go to, and a really fun post game. The perfect Digimon game that a lor of people should play.

The only way to get stronger is to grind stupid gym minigames. (in next order you can fight for stats)
If someone made a mod or a cheat to skip that bs it would be great. You're fucked if you play on original 3ds.