Reviews from

in the past

Bro this food carried me through Baptist church lol

darling, your doodle is jumping...

Pretty neat back when tilting your smart device was groundbreaking

It’s alright. Put Sonic in it and it would probably go hard

Only a year before this, the iOS App Store was opened. Doodle Jump grasps how motion can be awesome on a phone. The multiplayer is the best part

I killed so much time waiting for buses thanks to this

This game started my mobile game arc.

I give Doodle Jump a 5!

Totally forgot about doodle jump. Excellent mobile game

The first iOS game I got. A classic. Spent a good amount of hours over the years getting higher and higher scores. The different maps were really fun, and their assorted mechanics kept things fresh. Got a bit in-app-purchase-y to me towards the latter additions, like pirate upgrades and ninja upgrades with coins, but still fun.

Simples e divertido, com uma variedade surpreendente de estágios.

Classic game that made great use of the tilt controls on your phone. Easy to play forever, I know cause I did.

Childhood game in wich I spent like 3 euros

Is this the first endless jumping game? Or just the first on modern mobile devices?
This is like the ancestor of the modern endless runner clones and endless platformers.
I think it's alright. I played when I was younger. It's a classic like pong or snake...

comment j't trop jaloux quand ma soeur jouait à ce jeu de merde, mais bon ct fun pour l'époque

1.5☆ - Goofy game, nostalgic but in hindsight it was pretty boring and I always thought so.

Um jogo simples, mas que foi um bom passa tempo!

"Fazlasıyla basit, düşünmeden oynamalık, düşünecek bir olayı yok."

I met a monster from a paper land,
Who said—“Two thin and trunkless legs of lead
Jump on the trampoline. . . . Near them, on the paper,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose stare,
And extended lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Doodler, Jumper of Jumpers;
Look on my Leaps, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Tear, boundless and bare
The lone and level lead stretch far away.”

procrastination enabler