Reviews from

in the past

to this day I have no idea what the hell this game was about

Sometimes life reminds you of how shit things are... life being of course a metaphor for Ecco the Dolphin. This game is so bad it killed 5 people in Michigan last week.

Ok maybe that wasn't Ecco, maybe that was someone else who is a Dad and makes reviews, but can you blame me, this game controls like a prison guard beating your ass for trying to get seconds in the cafeteria.

Couldn't get far as a kid. Revisited it later as an adult and it wasn't to bad. Didn't have to use safe states until the brutal last level

billionaires may have forgotten that nature is brutal and unforgiving, but as long as you keep this game close to your heart, you never will. this game will not only let you put your hand on an open flame, it will hold it there if you try to take it back. new traumas lie in wait around every corner; ecco's cry of pain is the brown note in the music of the spheres. watch a longplay of it and claim it as your own experience, I can guarantee no one will care enough to speak against you. there is no reason to put yourself through this game, but if you can pick up what it's laying down, you'll discover a haunting beauty that few games have matched before or since. ecco deserves massive respect for being so unapologetically weird, it's just too bad it's chained to the design sensibilities of 1992 (props for infinite lives though at least).

do not listen to anyone who says the sega-cd soundtrack is better than the genesis one

I think this game is kinda bad but oh man it goes places, so it has gained my respect.

It's just a game about a dolphin I swear

i couldnt process this game properly as a child

This is a beautiful, atmospheric game with an interesting concept (and insane lore), but it is unfortunately held back by being extremely, punishingly difficult in a sometimes pretty cheap manner.

Unless you're into that too, in which case Ecco might be your dream game, I recommend hunting down the fan-made Enhanced Edition, which lets you play the PC port, which has an easy mode. That might sound cheesy, but it means you won't have to get through a 6 minute autoscroller full of insta-death traps and trial and error with no checkpoints every time you fail to the final boss, as well as a bunch of other frustrations that you can skip by playing that version.

It's worth braving through Ecco, though, because I wasn't just talking about the graphics when I said the game was beautiful. It's a beautifully atmospheric game like few others on the system, and it captures the majestic but terrifying beauty of an open ocean like few others, and like no other game of its era. It's not, uh, very fun though.