Reviews from

in the past

as vezes um coração aberto n é o suficiente. as vezes um jogo infelizmente só faz jus a sua reputação mesmo. o q é uma pena, pq apesar de tudo eu amo esse jogo.

ele é sem dúvidas uma das coisas mais lindas colocadas no Mega Drive. eu amo a água, os golfinhos, as lulas e as baleias. eu amo o pouco q vc pode ver da superfície, alheia a todos os perigos q te esperam no fundo do oceano. eu amo a estranha e serena hostilidade q permeia as profundezas. eu amo o Ecco, as estrelinhas q decoram a sua cabeça, e sua determinação para salvar sua família de aliens além da compreensão humana.

a versão de Sega CD, em particular, tem algumas das melhores músicas q já ouvi em um console da sua geração. são meio q no geral apenas trilhas ambientes, mas conseguem elevar a já maravilhosa apresentação do jogo pra outro nível. amo de paixão.

mas infelizmente, aqui temos meio q diversas decisões contraditórias de design. o Ecco n é lá a criaturinha mais responsiva do mundo, e um ritmo mais lento e metódico casaria muito bem com os puzzles de exploração do jogo. porém, os constantes inimigos e armadilhas, aliados ao terrível e brutal limite de tempo da respiração do Ecco, tornam a experiência extremamente hostil. esse golfinho n consegue ficar nem dois minutos debaixo da água, e como vc pode imaginar, meio q é onde vc vai passar o jogo inteiro. a versão de Sega CD tem até alguns checkpoints um pouquinho mais generosos, mas nada q realmente salve a experiência.

eu nem sou contra esse jogo ser hostil. eu acho q uma certa hostilidade é algo q Ecco the Dolphin precisa. ele é só um carinha enfrentando seres extra-dimensionais pelo tempo e espaço, no final das contas. mas meio q a única forma de progredir nesse jogo é decorando perfeitamente o cenário e conseguir navegar por ele com a precisão de um speedrunner. o q tipo, talvez eu só n seja gamer o suficiente pra isso, mas sei q n sou a única q passa por esse perrengue. e considerando q um dos designers já foi bem honesto sobre a origem dessa dificuldade, n consigo deixar de ficar um tanto q amarga com isso.

de qualquer forma, eu amo o Ecco. eu quero dar uma chance pros outros jogo com esse carinha, e espero q o Ed Annunziata consiga um dia financiar seus planos pra um sucessor espiritual da série.

essa é a música q toca em uma das fases finais, aliás. vc precisa jogar Welcome to the Machine pra crer.

beleza psicodélica que me deixou meio hesitante, como pode tão puro assim, algo deve estar errado mas não há como saber o que, o mistério chama mas nada aqui faz questão de mim, nem eu nem o golfinho temos a destreza pra sobreviver em cavernas tão profundas com tão poucas bolhas

Sometimes life reminds you of how shit things are... life being of course a metaphor for Ecco the Dolphin. This game is so bad it killed 5 people in Michigan last week.

Ok maybe that wasn't Ecco, maybe that was someone else who is a Dad and makes reviews, but can you blame me, this game controls like a prison guard beating your ass for trying to get seconds in the cafeteria.

Swimming around and jumping out the water in that opening section is so much fun, shame there's a game attached to it.

I'm giving it a five for reasons that I can't explain yet

billionaires may have forgotten that nature is brutal and unforgiving, but as long as you keep this game close to your heart, you never will. this game will not only let you put your hand on an open flame, it will hold it there if you try to take it back. new traumas lie in wait around every corner; ecco's cry of pain is the brown note in the music of the spheres. watch a longplay of it and claim it as your own experience, I can guarantee no one will care enough to speak against you. there is no reason to put yourself through this game, but if you can pick up what it's laying down, you'll discover a haunting beauty that few games have matched before or since. ecco deserves massive respect for being so unapologetically weird, it's just too bad it's chained to the design sensibilities of 1992 (props for infinite lives though at least).

do not listen to anyone who says the sega-cd soundtrack is better than the genesis one

jogo do golfinho
nele vc é um golfinho
eu amo videogames e golfinhos

nunca supe que poronga hacer. estuve varias horas cuando era chico nadando como un pelotudo sin entender un pingo

The game has a rich atmosphere and pleasant aesthetic, but it carries all the frustration of early Metroidvania level design with few of the positives. Levels are arcane, rarely fun, and made stressful to explore by the need to constantly refill oxygen (until you get the right upgrade, anyway). The final level and boss encounter is a terrifying and awesome sight for the Genesis, but a great example of how this game is more fun to look at than actually play.

Basic gameplay and nonsensical levels but dripping with such a bizarrely weird atmosphere and story that I just couldn't put it down. That last boss, derivative as the design might be, is absolutely terrifying in presentation. Underwater is about the last place I would ever want to run into one of those things.

Couldn't get far as a kid. Revisited it later as an adult and it wasn't to bad. Didn't have to use safe states until the brutal last level

Este juego encaja perfectamente en ser un "concepto artístico", bastante bueno, pero si tiene cosas que son un dolor de huevos, como la barra de vida y de respiración, checa versiones modernas, donde te dejan guardar cuando quieras y te dan una barra de aire ilimitada

Who would want a remake today?

I thank this game for introducing me at a young age to the idea that quitting is not only okay, it can be absolutely logical.

I guess this is a game I thought it was just a dolphin simulator.

Vamos lá. Eu cheguei a desistir de Ecco – cheguei até a marcar o jogo como Shelved depois de pegar um walkthrough e ficar meio tonto com tudo que tinha que fazer para passar de uma determinada fase. Não sou a melhor pessoa com jogos no geral, só agora estou começando a jogar mais, então... eu jamais conseguiria zerar esse jogo.

Mas aí fiquei curioso... fui assistindo... e acabei vendo todo o gameplay. E resolvi marcar aqui porque sim.

É um jogo lindo, de verdade. Dos gráficos às ideias à trilha sonora, é tudo deslumbrante e melancólico e poético. A história é uma maluquice deliciosa, e até a dificuldade meio que colabora para a mística da coisa toda. É um jogo que conheci quando criança e, apesar de ter jogado pouco na casa de uma pessoa que não lembro nem quem era, acabou me marcando. Talvez um dia eu crie coragem e paciência e pegue pra fechar eu mesmo. É um grande talvez...

Ecco, em tempo: eu te amo, você é o melhor golfinho do mundo.

To everyone that says this game is too hard, the only thing I can say is skill issue. This is one of the most challenging, interesting, scary games I've ever played. Play the Sega CD version. Some of the most atmospheric tunes you'll ever hear in a game.

to this day I have no idea what the hell this game was about

I played a lot more of Tides of Time, but it was fun when we finally went back and got this one too. I miss when we got games starring non-humanoids more regularly, and always have fond memories of these even though some levels were really frustrating. Cool music too

This is a beautiful, atmospheric game with an interesting concept (and insane lore), but it is unfortunately held back by being extremely, punishingly difficult in a sometimes pretty cheap manner.

Unless you're into that too, in which case Ecco might be your dream game, I recommend hunting down the fan-made Enhanced Edition, which lets you play the PC port, which has an easy mode. That might sound cheesy, but it means you won't have to get through a 6 minute autoscroller full of insta-death traps and trial and error with no checkpoints every time you fail to the final boss, as well as a bunch of other frustrations that you can skip by playing that version.

It's worth braving through Ecco, though, because I wasn't just talking about the graphics when I said the game was beautiful. It's a beautifully atmospheric game like few others on the system, and it captures the majestic but terrifying beauty of an open ocean like few others, and like no other game of its era. It's not, uh, very fun though.

Never played this game but i fw dolphins

I think this game is kinda bad but oh man it goes places, so it has gained my respect.

i couldnt process this game properly as a child

Is everything better?... down where it's wetter?

Stands out in memory with its pensive, eerie atmosphere. Quite the environmental legacy, I should try and finish it one day.

This game is unnecessarily hard. Thanks to the Switch Online Expansion with rewind and save states, I actually played through the whole thing for the Super Switch Club. It has moments that are fun, but it has too many unnecessarily difficult things. Still better than Halo: Infinite.

Só jogava pra matar o tempo em 2009

The first 3 minutes is fun...

Like Chakan: The Forever Man, this is a Genesis game with an awesome atmosphere that's just terrible to actually play. Aesthetically, this is among the most interesting games of the 16-bit era. I love the somewhat cryptic dialogue, the claustrophobic feel, the eerily beautiful blue ocean, and the engrossing Sega CD soundtrack. I understand the game goes in a more horror direction as it goes on, which seems really cool, but I'd never be able to make it that far because Ecco does not control that well (especially in tight spaces, i.e. seemingly most of the game past the intro area), the camera seems to move a bit overzealously, and the levels aren't especially fun to navigate. What a waste of awesome potential.