Reviews from

in the past

Short web-browser JRPG.
Good music above all.

honestly it takes fuckin balls to not only preserve these parts of your own embarrassing history, as well as flash game history, but to charge me like 8 bucks for it too

8 games (revamped and with a brief history of the development), 26 prototypes and 2 pdfs with cartoons; Epic Battle Fantasy Collection offers exactly what my 10 year old self was looking for when I was little.

I was never really that big of a fan of Epic Battle Fantasy (RPG) back in the day, but what my brother and I loved was Bullet Heaven and I'm so glad to see it restored with the addition of 5 playable characters, each one just as good as the other.

I love shmups/bullet hells and very rarely do I usually go from character to character or their shot types, but literally from the moment I opened the game I didn't stop until I got 100% out of it, which led me to think hard about which character I was taking in each stage and it was so much fun to see a shmup that incites so much to want to play through everything. Unfortunately, it is the only game that suffers from quite strong stuttering (i.e.; it runs at 30 fps and with 1fps drops that last two whole seconds) and it's a shame because it's my favorite game of the whole collection, but luckily I managed to get used to it and enjoy it.

The rest of the games are also fun and run well at 60fps.
I wish more devs would do things like this, compiling their flash games of the era and put them on steam because I enjoyed it a lot.

I write the review having played 5 hours, without having played Epic Battle Fantasy 1 + 2 and Adventure story, which is probably the main reason why people would buy this, but I doubt my review will change as every game has that early 2000's charisma and "cringe", which to be honest, I enjoy it quite a bit.