Reviews from

in the past

Not great... Gameplay is interesting but the game is a victim of too much cool shit and none of it really utilized. Also the difficulty can be ridiculous at time, especially with the final boss who I couldn't beat without cheats.

Considerando que es un juego muy early de la ps2 me sorprende pero fuera de eso no sobresale mucho, disfrute jugarlo y lo voy a recordar por tener plataformeo bueno en un survival horror pero no tiene momentos memorables que no sean las veces que el juego estaba bien culero.

Que onda con el pinche jefe final, no se moria, estuve 20 minutos disparándole y le valía verga todo, tuve que ver el final en youtube.

Platforming + Survival Horror = An unfun experience. The controls do not help the game in the slightest. The menus are obtuse and every single enemy in this game is not fun to fight.

I liked this game and thought it was a decent maybe somewhat janky RE clone, until I faced the final boss. This game would’ve been so much better if they just cut out the fight and go straight to the ending. The game’s control just isn’t fit to handle multiple enemies at once while also avoiding projectiles coming from the sky, and then also has to shoot a relatively small weak spot without aim assist (because if you use the game’s aim assist, it won’t aim at the weak spot).

Before the final boss, this game is okay, you can avoid most if not all combat if you know where to go immediately. There are only 3 forced encounters that you have to fight to get out of, 2 of them are easy and 1 of them is that stupid final boss.

really is like a playable early 2000s full moon features movie in that the acting is really funny but the important parts (gameplay) is pretty ass, except it cant really be enjoyable in a “so bad it ends up funny”’ kind of way

also praying that whoever added the train psudo QTE stubbed their toe