Reviews from

in the past

Amazing DLC all around, the island is an amazing world to explore, the quest here are interesting, and well tied to the base games story.

Far Harbor was the one DLC for Fallout 4 that I bothered playing. If you read my Fallout 4 review, you might know why.

I'll be short and quick with this one, because Far Harbor's only discussable quirks unique from the base game are its writing and - sort of - gameplay aspects.

Let's get this out of the way: The writing is far more bearable in this DLC. You get your usual factions who all have their reasons to conquer the land of lots-o'-fog. For once, however, you get CHOICES where YOU can INFLUENCE factions on how this situation should be DEALT WITH. Crazy, I know! The story didn't feel like a slog and I guess I didn't hate its characters. Whew.

Gameplay-wise, we have a few novelties. First is the elephant in the room, the "workshop" mini-game. If you know, you know. It was such a breath of fresh air, but it all came crashing down with a very unintuitive system. It was awesome, until it wasn't. Damn shame. I was ready to quit after round 3.

There are some new weapons, but I didn't bother with them. I didn't bother with them because I knew they wouldn't do nearly as much damage as my current non-legendary weaponry. It's nice to give more shooty things, but it would have been nicer to have these shooty things do something new to freshen up the room.

In the end, this was just fine. I'm glad they didn't fuck something up, at least.

Fuck this DLC ten fold. This shit pisses me off so much, it makes me think bethesda stumbled into making a really good fallout game. Fuck, why can't they all just be this

good story. okay locations. great roleplaying. 7/10 IMO

Now this is what I call DLC! It adds a whole new location, many hidden dangers, new monsters and lots of quests with endings that remind me of some of the old ethically blurred endings in the classic fallout games.

The main quest line is focused on my favourite character, Nick Valentine where you track down an associate's daughter.

More stuff to craft too and more settlements make this grand!

Steam Review:
Now THIS is worthy of being called DLC! It is mostly focused on a single character, one I quite like, Nick Valentine.

This opens a new place known as Far Harbour and there are many interesting stories and missions going on including a hidden vault on the island for the wealthy who lived in pre-war times! There are also many mysteries to the island revolving around the toxic radioactive fog that appears to fluctuate between being in small concentrated areas or spreading out far and covering most of the island.

Then you have the machine in the trailer...I won't spoil it, but he is a VERY interesting character and has a close connection to Nick too. This DLC is well worth the price, unlike various other ones.

While it doesnt quite match Shivering Isles for me, having the new map also come with some new Settlement points was infact a nice unique value-add (for me, John Settlements-Liker). But also, it complimented the base game narrative more than Bethesda DLC usually does (good)

The best Fallout thing from BGS.

actually insane how good this is. my jaw dropped when i realized bethesda gave me a moral dilemma where i had to stop and think about what the best choice was. it wasn't a no brainer like the entirety of the base game, far harbor's narrative decisions are ones that test your personal concepts of right and wrong.

not only that, but it manages to completely flip a baffling narrative choice into a positive . dima asks the sole survivor if they're a synth, and since your character's origin has been prematurely decided by bethesda , it's an answer you genuinely don't have an answer to. the synth mystery here isn't immediately solved by shooting them and seeing if they have a component. you don't get clear answers and you have to use your best judgement to find the truth! it's amazing!

the mysteries of far harbor are intriguing, shocking, and only escalate from your arrival. definitely check this one out. only reason it isn't five stars is cause those dima puzzles suck ass and my game crashed on one, which meant i had to start all over.

It is absolutely wild that the same people who made Fo4 were able to make this masterpiece of DLC. Whatever team was in charge of this needs to make the next Bethesda Fallout. DiMA Based.

Well, it's suppose to be the largest area Bethesda has ever made for a DLC. While there is a lot to explore there's not much to really do. The story is very short. Exploration feels the same as the normal game, and most of the new items are meh. New enemies are kind of cool though.

o fato de que essa dlc é melhor que o jogo base é o milagre mais enfurecedor possível. por um lado eu fiquei feliz que os pontos fortes de fallout 4 foram usados como base para uma história paralela que acerta nas coisas que ele erra. far harbor é engajante, interessante e bom de se jogar. tem diálogos bons, decisões moralmente cinzas e as batalhas mais desafiadoras da franquia. quando eu cheguei no final eu me senti revigorada com fallout 4, por um breve momento.

então eu desinstalei o jogo.

me lembrei o jogo base me deixou entediada e as dlcs restantes são estúpidas.

uma pena que a bethesda não decidiu encomendar um spin-off da série feito por outro estúdio, porque eu adoraria jogar esse jogo hipotético. imagina um fallout feito pelo estúdio spiders? pela larian? por um terceiro estúdio que faz rpgs modernos que eu não consigo lembrar agora? já parou por um momento para sonhar? eu sonho todos os dias.

se um dia aquele mod que coloca new vegas dentro de fallout 4 lançar eu vou ficar muito feliz.

eu gosto de imaginar que minha personagem foi morar com a marinheira e fez companhia para ela até o fim de seus dias.

é isso. esse é o final da minha personagem.

This DLC made me like Fallout 4, except for the VR level.

Far Harbor is a masterpiece. It builds upon everything Fallout 4 tried to do and does it even better.

The factions are a joy to interact with. My personal favourite is the Children of Atom, a returning religion/theme from Fallout 3 but fully fleshed out here; Not only does it fit in perfectly to the Fallout lore and universe but presents the question of religion in Fallout; How would some people deal with a post-apocalypse? They create a new religion and gain comfort in it.

The quests and levels gave me some serious OG Deus Vibes in its quest design; (Special shoutout the the Sub base!) there are numerous ways to handle the three factions and quests presented here. There's many moral quandries laid out too, all extending from Fallout 4. At point is a Synth sentient? Do they deserve freedom? Annihilation? That's entirely up to you.

Oh, and those puzzles in this DLC everyone complains about, by the way?

...My friend, I am a Shin Megami Tensei enjoyer. Those puzzles are nothing!

Yine aynı bok, lore olarak hikaye çok güzel diyaloglar çöp. En azından ana oyun kadar değil.

They called me crazy when me said Minecraft was the one thing missing in Fallout

Was expecting more. Poor man's Point Lookout tbh.

Dobře udělaný dodatek k hlavnímu příběhu který pobaví. Ukáže vám nový ostrov který je osazen hromadou novych zážitku.

The best thing BGS has created since Morrowind.

This is the only part of Fallout 4 that is a roleplaying game in spirit rather than in strict definition. Got spoiled on the story which probably degraded my experience. It's still Fallout 4 though.

The only good dlc that came out. New area. Decent length main quest. Good side missions. Dont bother with any other dlc unless you buy the season pass on sale.