Reviews from

in the past

Kind of played this on a whim and I'm not really a Fantasy Zone fan but for a Famicom game, it's not too bad. I wasn't sure if this was a port or not but it seems to be a port of a Mark III title.

I like the warp system as it makes the level design feel a little more interesting even if it's basically still hallways. I noticed a lot of weapons felt weaker this time around outside of that fireball one. I actually resorted to bombs most of the time for bases. You also have a health bar but idk if you can get more of it? I once found a hidden item to restore health but only once. Also thank you for whoever fixed the shop system, it's now not just that stupid balloon you can only use once at the beginning of the level.

Bosses are pretty decent but I'm not a fan of the bright pink screen that occurs if you die. It doesn't even do the thing where it pauses the game a second when you get hit so it's like BAM pink screen. Speaking of graphics, they're okay but it's kind of hard to comprehend everything and the framerate can be not good at times, never get the 7-way shot. Also going back to bosses, it was mean when they put one right next to your starting point. This also happened with two warps spawning you right next to bases. Pretty cruel Sunsoft...

But yeah regardless, it's oddly confident. Maybe that's why Sunsoft did the Mega Drive game. I don't remember if Metafight was out yet but if it wasn't, this is one of Sunsoft's better before Metafight games, up there with Wing of Madoola. Though I can only really recommend this to Fantasy Zone fans if you wanna try everything.

Also the ending to this game is very weird. What's up with that?