Reviews from

in the past

Uma boa mistura de elementos que me surpreendeu, qualidade em todos os lados, gráficas com a arte feita a mão e seu enredo bom e aberto a teorias, curti muito, as vezes volto a jogar só para relembrar a sensação de medo e receio de ser perseguido, a trilha sonora é um 10/10, feita com carinho, recomendo muito.

Like slamming your head against a brick wall in the best way possible.


Fear & Hunger 2: Termina feels a lot more melodramatic than the first Fear & Hunger, the characters seem more like real people instead of larger-than-life literary figures, which lends more nuance to what they all go through. The setting creates a more character-driven game while also putting more of an emphasis on the story of the world. Unlike F&H the story itself doesn't have a somewhat disjointed quality, It’s straightforward with its themes and still has a lot to chew through.

I was genuinely amazed that despite all the praise I've heard about Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, no one has mentioned how it successfully creates an open-world horror experience. While there are some locked doors, a significant aspect of the horror comes from the decision of where to go next at your own pace.

The main difference between the two games is the difficulty level. Fear & Hunger can be quite unforgiving, even on the easiest setting. A single unlucky coin toss can ruin an entire run. That's why I prefer the “Easy(er)” mode in F&H Termina, as it makes the game more accessible without the constant frustration.

F&H Termina is light years better than F&H but the original has a charm that no game can ever replicate. It's one of the most creative and coolest games I’ve experienced and I'm so glad I got into this series. It’s a must play RPG everyone should at least experience this game once.

Plus you don’t get raped in this game so trying it wouldn't hurt...

jogo bom da desgraça

Continua difícil, frustante e injusto, porém em doses muito melhores, com uma história pesada mas sabendo ter limites, sendo uma experiência fantástica que consegue até mesmo arrancar algumas lágrimas em certos momentos.

This game is just the best designed RPG ever, isn't it? No levelling up, no intrinsic growth, even your EXP bar is repurposed into a burden to manage (hunger). Death is a natural consequence of knowledge acquisition, but saves are part of a grand web of interconnected mechanics so deeply integrated into every facet of gameplay that you're always on top if you're sharp enough, but it's never quite enough to feel safe or satisfied. Sort of takes hints from the Foddy school of thinking in that the challenge is always, to an extent, “real”, and progress is a sort of “you know it when you’ve made it” kind of thing - always under threat of going south after a couple bad turns, however. Everybody else using RPGMaker should give up honestly, there's no more up from here

Otra vez un solo final y listo completado

Much like the first game but better because it's more balanced and has more cute girls

It's so fucking good once you get the feel for the start of the game and can get a run going just did my ending A run. knowledge is power baby

Me gusta un poco más el primero por tener una ambientación más medieval, pero mantiene toda la esencia del anterior y consigue separarse lo suficiente como para ser una historia completamente distinta en el mismo mundo pero en distinto momento. Creo que no es tan grotesco como la precuela pero tiene el factor de que se aproxima más a la actualidad y eso te puede hacer sentir incluso peor por la "cercanía" del entorno


yharnam joia

No other game series will ever achieve such visceral feelings of stress, fear and satisfaction as Fear and Hunger !!

Genuinely might be one of the greatest games of all time


Fear & hunger Termina é um brilhante rpg de dark fantasy.
Imagina se Zelda Majora´s mask tivesse um filho com Berserk, é basicamente F&HT.
O mundo de Fear & Hunger é bastante opressor, aqui a violência não tem limites, embora as coisas aqui sejam sim mais leves se comparadas com o primeiro jogo. Eu nunca concordei que F&H passasse dos limites, todo o horror mostrado in game constrói um clima super denso e sombrio, que, na minha opinião, justifica toda a barbaridade presente na tela. Mas confesso esse choque mais leve de Termina me chamou mais a atenção.
Qualquer vacilo aqui pode ser fatal: pisou em uma armadilha? seu personagem perdeu a perna
Algum golpe afiado pegou em seu braço? pode dizer adeus a ele
Dormiu em alguma cama de uma casa aleatória afim de salvar? algum inimigo pode vir te atacar, e se vc não estiver forte o suficiente, pode ser game over.
Mas, apesar de parecer bem difícil, F&HT fica bem tranquilo conforme você aprende mais do jogo.
Um inimigo que me marcou muito foi a Mob, eles são os Nêmesis desse jogo, e ainda ouço o barulho de quando engatamos (muitas vezes sem querer) em batalha com eles.

As coisas que mais me marcaram nesse jogo foram a atmosfera e mistério.
Como disse lá em cima, a atmosfera desse jogo é muito bem construída. É muito difícil ver outros jogos na indústria que consigam trazer uma atmosfera tão opressora quanto dos jogos dessa franquia.
E é curioso como mesmo assustado com os horrores presentes no jogo, a curiosidade me fazia continuar em frente.

Mesmo tendo acabado de zerar, ainda tenho motivos para voltar e testar novas rotas, jogar com outros personagens e pegar outros finais.

The sequel to Fear & Hunger manages to be more accessible without losing what made the first game so special. It is a satisfying continuation of the themes and story of Fear & Hunger that takes place in a more modern setting with very interesting characters. I'm eagerly awaiting the expansions to the game that are coming in the updates.

a HUGE Improvement over fear & hunger, and a game i can really get behind. although it still lies in alot of that bullshit, it calms down alot on "crappy shock value for shock value" and ends up being just an amazing game with incredibly unique elements, i love rpg maker games so much, and this, this is one of them that really shines brightly in my heart

Noooo don't cry babe. O'saa + Engrave (F&H symbol) + 1 AGI + Chac chac (x2) + Artificial soul + double black orb (spice forge) = 8800 dmg/turn ok babe?

o'saa raises game score by an entire star

incredible game. somehow even better than the first, though the original has such a unique charm to it that it's hard to pick a favourite. combat is improved, moving through the overworld is improved, the plot has more depth and the map is incredibly detailed and interconnected. the "secret" ending subtly guides you toward it well enough if you're paying attention that it's entirely possible to do it on your first blind playthrough (which i did). the characters are well written and fun to interact with and the puzzles are significantly better than the first game. there's like a thousand ways to make your way through Prehevil. masterpiece of a survival horror game. Miro doesnt miss

génial mais super dur zebi j'ai tjrs pas fini le jeu je suis trop nul

Inglaterra está mais assustadora que nunca

Doesn't feel as distinct as the original game. It feels more neutered, more casual, more fangless. It doesn't have the same terrifying edge of the first game. It feels like a lot of other RPG maker games, albeit, with a more ambitious scope. The enemies aren't as creatively designed, the atmosphere is nowhere close to the original, the narrative feels really messy, the characters are more typical, the lore isn't as interesting, etc.

If the first game was reminiscent of Silent Hill, this one is more like Resident Evil. It's disappointingly more typical of RPG Maker games, and lacks the originality and soul of the first game. This game feels like it was made to appeal to a wider audience and obviously it worked.

More like Anxious & Peckish.

The more I think about this game, the less I like it.

yeah this game is cool as fuck!!!!!! my main complaint with this game is that its just so much easier than the first one, which loses so much of what made the first game special. There's like 1 or 2 actually dangerous enemies, all the bosses are easy as hell, its way more lenient with handing out healing and powerful gear. if you have 2 extra party members, most the fights are really simple and its often easier to just spam the torso and ignore the body part destruction mechanic that makes the combat interesting. There is a gameplay mode which makes the game harder, but i think it goes way too far in that direction, you are almost forced into the same dominant strategies and it can feel like a grind. the first game had 3 difficulty options, and this one is missing that middle option. i really like this game though, the atmosphere, setting and lore are all great just like the first game. the characters in this game are much better developed than the first game, and it handles sensitive topics with much more nuance than the first game does. alot of people reccomend this game as a starting point over the first game, which i can understand as its alot less brutal and more of a traditional rpg. i personally think this game is elevated alot if you played the first game before it, especially some of the endgame content. overall i think this game improved on the first game in some aspects, but making it easier was a mistake in my opinion. cant wait for the new update to come out with the new difficulty option which might just fix my main problem with this game!