Reviews from

in the past

this game is so fucking hard and i've 100%'d Cuphead

OK, now we're talking.
Great characterization for world and cast, even better than its own successor. The immersion in the narrative is much greater than its predecessor (now it really is one of the focuses), and its characters are very interesting and intriguing. This second entry emphasizes the characters and how they navigate the story, improving the setting more than the first game.
Unfortunately, its major flaw is the execution and the fact that to get a fully comprehensive view of the story, you need to play with almost all the characters.
In my opinion, they should've made an idea of alternating between character POVs or something similar (like Octopath Traveler does); would've made this story from good to top-notch.
Other than that, Fear & Hunger 2: Termina is the best survival game I've ever experienced. Fascinating setting, and could've been even better.

me encanta. esa es la review

Watch my friend play this im sorry its garbage. Clearly made by a smelly 4chan user who's probably super racist (considering almost all the characters are paler than the fucking moon).
Also hate how 90% of people like this game just watched a video essay and pretend they play it.

On est face à un top carrière

Takes the foundation placed from the first game and expands. More playable characters, a larger world to explore, replacing the heights and depths of the dungeon to a large and spread out, yet condensed town.

Universally frustrating type of game, but can still be enjoyable because of how mean and intense it is

Fear & Hunger 2 does everything the first game did but a whole lot better its the first game but with a whole lot more content, this time the time where this game takes place would be around the second world war which means that there is a whole lot options to use for design and writting.

Talking about writting this game kicks a mile away the first game with its writting and interactions it really is a whole new experience every place you go probably has interesting dialogue for you to read and that changes depending of the main character you choose, there is 8 characters you can choose to play as each one of them encouraging a different playstyle than the other and each one of them having their own reason to go to the town of prehevil where the story takes place.

This is a must buy for RPG entusiast.

At first I thought I would hate this game but I was pleasantly surprised when I started playing.
As many know, the combat and general gameplay is often criticised by being called 'too difficult'. However, difficulty fully depends on how much you know the game's mechanics.
The way encounters are handled is actually very unique since fighting is dicouraged, adding to the horror aspect of the game. Being scared of losing your progress also adds stress which honestly just makes the game more fun to me.
I'd say it's a great experience if you wanna torture yourself.
Though in all honesty, it's very well written and drawn hence exploring the world is really fun.

I adore the original Fear & Hunger, but somehow, this one trumps it in almost every way. I do think I prefer the atmosphere and dread of 1, mostly due to its environments and difficulty, but 2's approach is just as good, just different. It goes for a different type of tension and horror that works insanely well with a huge world and a massive cast of characters to get familiar with. I only got Ending A, but I'll probably come back to do the other endings once the game is fully complete down the line.

is it okay to log a game i havent played but know everything about and love a lot v.2

Fear & Hunger 2: Termina es lo que considero un Anti-RPG.

Combatir casi siempre es una mala opción. Los recursos son escasos y limitados. Algo tan simple como formar un grupo, es bastante difícil. Es un juego donde cada paso cuenta, y tus decisiones pueden condenarte en un futuro. Cada cosa, por pequeña que sea, tenés que ganartela. Y como consecuencia, es muy satisfactorio conseguir avanzar.

Fear & Hunger 2: Termina es un muy buen juego, y cómo secuela consigue todo lo bueno posible.
- Toma lo bueno de lo anterior, lo mejora y lo expande.
- Permite un mayor nivel de experimentación y corrige problemas del primer juego
- Es coherente por sí solo, y se puede jugar sin conocer el primero. Y aun así, mantiene la suficiente consistencia y guiños para que aquellos que lo jugaron entiendan las referencias.

Es un juego que presenta temas sensibles (desnudez, abuso, guerra; vean el disclaimer del propio juego para más detalle). Definitivamente es menos grotesco que el anterior, y las veces que lo es, se siente mejor justificado.

Recomendado? Si. Pero no para todo el mundo. Es un juego muy difícil. Hasta el punto de que a veces se siente injusto. Es una experiencia para jugadores experimentados, o que quieran salir de su zona de confort. Denle una oportunidad.

Dude, they put a gun in Majora's Mask!!

not for the faint of heart but god it's so good

Eu apanhei... Apanhei pra caralho!! Mas o jogo bom :)