Reviews from

in the past

probably not beating this for a while cause ultimecia is kicking my ass I'm just logging to say its peak

Junction and magic system way too complicated. I like grindin in FF games but if you don’t want to have hard time at the latter stages of the game you shouldn’t level up here cuz enemies’ level scale as you progress. Without grinding and exploring not much fun for me…

This game has always been a blind spot in my Final Fantasy history. From 7 onwards I played every non-mmo entry but I missed out on 8 because of a faulty PlayStation.

After the juggernaut success of 7, 8 is a much more thoughtfully paced story that takes some time to really get going. It's not perfect, the junction system in particular providing many annoyances along the way, but the story told is up there with the best of the series.

The love story between Squall and Rinoa is endearing and one of the best of the series and despite the game not quite being as good as 7, it's still one I'm glad I returned to.

My partner I have tackled yet another game. Our very first Final Fantasy together. One that we both tried in the past but couldn't get past the tutorial screen.
So how did it stack up once we actually played it?
Final Fantasy VIII (FF8) probably had a lot to live up to after Final Fantasy 7 and for me, this game sits up in it's own high place amongst RPG's.
It does things differently from most RPG's that I found truly fascinating. It features a mechanic called Junction which is essentially adding summons to your abilities thus making you stronger. It even puts levelling to shame. It's actually recommended to do AS little levelling as possible in this game. Which is very anti RPG.
So combat isn't as necessary here. Which is sadly the games biggest drawback and only one that I have.
Combat is essentially won via summoning Guardian Forces (GF's lmao) and it basically makes the combat encounters time consuming due to how easy they are and how simple it is to win.
While the combat felt like a quick easy trip, the story itself is anything but which is why I can excuse easy combat if you Junction well for intense story that had me and A, absolutely begging for more night after night.
Squall is the main lead here and is basically the typical "I'm a jerk with no feelings" but grows on you. I honestly thought I wouldn't fall for a character like this again buuuuuut they did a fantastic job at creating a well fleshed out character with genuine emotions.
There is one particular scene at the end of disc 2 that is possibly one of my favourite video game scenes of all time.
I think that's what FF8 does really well. It is so insanely bonkers all throughout and it just hits each note so fantastically.
The entire games themes is to have faith in others and to allow yourself to be open. Which hits hard in all of the characters stories. Like any RPG, the characters are what you should love most and this is especially true here. Squall is supported with a great range of companions both in and outside of the main party. Choosing companions felt important when we went seperate ways. I cared for their well being and wanted to desperately know more about each one of them.
Overall I absolutely adored this game, clearly. I think it's character's are written so incredibly well. The story is engaging and leaves you questioning and screaming for answers. Whilst the combat is underwhelming due to a broken in game system, I think the strong drive to move foward does overshadow that.

This "remaster" is hot garbage. No analogue movement or rumble, no AI upscaling on the blurry prerendered backgrounds, and censorship.

Greatest Final Fantasy game don't @ me

Ultimecia is the shittiest boss I've ever seen in my entire gaming life.
At the end of game, the developers decided to shit a disgusting boss that is impossible to beat until ALL GF & characters (not just in the squad) are pushed to the limit. And even so, it's not a given that you'll beat it the first time.
Sorry, but I refuse to call a good game forcing the player to endlessly grind.
Also the basic plot of this game is broken by the lack of any logic to the action. It was not thought through to the end and dumped on the player just some set of incidents in which he must participate.
FFVII is much better than this game in every way.

One of my favorite chapters since my childhood. This Remastered version is very well done, it's always nice to be SeeD again! I gladly replayed Final Fantasy VIII after all these years, the story is as enjoyable as the first time!

This game is secretly good if you have a degree of brainworms and an eye for the rule of cool. One of the best soundtracks, Squall is cool, the world is cool, the plot is weirdly half baked but compelling. Give this game the remake treatment PLEASE

Jogo maravilhoso, uma vez que a estranheza do sistema de junctions passa vc começa a realmente gostar do jogo. História e ambientação desse jogo são incríveis, gosto de praticamente todos os personagens desse jogo. A trilha sonoro é uma das melhores da série. O único defeito que dou a esse jogo é o sistema de batalha mesmo.

there is not a single positive thing i can say about this game other than the soundtrack, this game is built to be purposefully infuriating

First half feels flat, game improves as it goes on, although it has moments where it occasionally feels misplaced. Junction system is fine but tends to lead to not using magic. I found refining magic to be a more fun process than drawing magic. Story is great mostly, music is superb.

Какие же игры во франшизе FF все-таки душные, я даже читы подрубил после двух часов игры, и всё равно игралось ДУШНО. А ещё все персонажи здесь ужасно тупые (кроме гг). Сюжет прикольный. В-общем игра на 6-7, но ближе к 7.

While the Junction system can be a large barrier of entry for newcomers and the story can be a little obtuse compared to 7's, if given a chance and time is taken to learn it's gameplay, you are rewarded with a really special entry into the series.

que jogo lindo, maravilhoso, pra mim um dos melhores da franquia

I know it's bad...but I love it...
Playing the card game and getting massively overpowered are always a fun time for me.

FF VIII but more enjoyable and exploitable by its Junction bullshit.

Parece um jogo legal, não sou chegado em final fantasy então dropei... Mas pra quem é fã eu creio que deve sim jogar pra ver se gosta, eu testei e o início e bem parado, mas acho que fica melhor depois

This game has quite a few good things and bad things.
The ost is amazing, one of the best in the saga.
The graphics are considerably improved over the previous game and it has the best secondary card minigame.


The junction system is very bad and completely broken.
The characters are very flat and empty and the story is bad. It had potential but they play with timelines and there are many plot holes.
From the end of disc 1 the game stops making sense.

hey, you… come here… mhm, just a little closer… husshhh… it's okay, I'm here…

Here, let me hold you…

See? Doesn't that feel better?

Gooood game〜 yeah, you are! Gooood game〜

Hehe, I see that little smile! D'aww, don't hide it from me! Don't be fussy, it's okay…

Score: 9/10

I don't even have anything to say about this game, really. It's just great vibes.
I loved the characters and the humour. I liked the stupidly convoluted, batshit story. It honestly has some of the most hype cutscenes and set pieces I've seen in this franchise. I liked the unique battle system and the Junctioning function to switch up your gameplay style as needed.
I will say, I'm actually surprised we never got a Laguna spin-off game. He was definitely my favourite character in the game and I would love to see more of his (mis)adventures.

The Junction system is way simpler than what ppl were complaining about and allows for some cool things that weren't in games back then. It needs bit or refinement as far as the collecting of magicks. But other than that, I enjoyed what I played.

Finally a Final Fantasy character who calls out that the power of friendship sounds corny as hell. Squall and Quistis are joining my pantheon of the best Final Fantasy characters ever, so much so I now own a Squall Plush. Against my better judgement I will say that I did beat the entire game without playing Triple Triad, I had no time for that, I was busy getting all the Summons.

Many might call this the black sheep of the PS1 era of Final Fantasy games but it will forever hold a special place as my jumping in point with the series. The Remaster beautifully updates the character and enemy models while delivering a faithful port of the game.

Easily near the bottom of the series. It's largely a slog to play through, the story sucks, the characters are dull, this one's a mess. It's not all bad, there are some cool moments, music slaps, but it wasn't very fun.

I like it more than II, though.