Reviews from

in the past

you fight more enemies offscreen than on it

fine follow-up to the first Final Fight, it lacks the frantic action and fast-paced brawling of the previous game thanks to the capabilities of an home console compared to the Arcade at the time but this is still an solid time if you enjoy beat'n ups, Carlos and Maki are good additions to Capcom's portfolio of characters and Haggar is still fun as ever with his grabs and suplexes.

this one is also more enjoyable and fairer in terms of difficulty as well, the first game was obviously trying to get your money in part thanks to the bullshit enemies and bosses back on the Arcade machines so Final Fight 2 was more enjoyable though still tough.

overall an good time to be had but it is an notable downgrade if we are talking about pacing, presentation and action on screen compared to the first Arcade exclusive title.