Reviews from

in the past

Great and unique drawing tool I barely used.

Another fun drawing application. Too bad there's no Flipnote Hatena.

I adored this for making extremely silly animations that my best friend then dubbed.

All of the additional animation should have easily made this better than the original, though one major omission makes me visit less than the original. Removing the online community feature (Hatena), ultimately kills what made the original Flipnote Studio experience so charming and memorable

Nintendo was a coward for not giving international Hatena servers for this one.

i'll never forgive them for canceling the online for the western version

Great tool, but I'm just too uncreative for this stuff :/

Wait this is actually so much fun

This is the app that I can think of when I think of the definition of "missed potential". This would easily be the better Flipnote Studio if it had Flipnote Hatena, as well as any other online features.

They pretty much improved the animation aspect of flipnote studio by giving a bigger canvas, more colors, and 3D depth support, but what's even the point when the whole online community aspect got cancelled internationally and the game was exclusive to club nintendo members for a sizeable portion of its life. I think Nintendo got scared from the great swapnote spotpass scandals and just decided miiverse was enough to moderate as is. You might be able to share flipnotes through streetpass but that had never happened to me in my entire time of bringing my 3DS to high school so that sure goes to show how effective that was. It's a good animation tool for sure, but I just can't think of it as anything other than a complete disappointment with immeasurable amounts of wasted potential.

One of the best toy-like programs to mess around with on the 3ds. the multiple layers and new brushes + higher quality allows for so much more creativity when making animations, and the camera functionality is great too. youll often see joke videos on the internet to this day that were made on flipnote 3d. i do wish i could have just bought the game instead of using nintendo points.

i feel like the original had a bit more charm even if this one is objectively better
i’ll pop into this every now and again

Incredible game when I was a child.
I like applications that spark new passions in the minds of younger audiences, and I will say that this game was a big influence on where I am today.