Reviews from

in the past

Price: 2 bucks

It's colourful, it's fun, it's pretty good. The puzzles are sometimes quit tough to figure out, but never impossible. There's always some not too far-fetched logic to them, near perfect difficulty.

The artstyle is great, the map flipping can be quite disorientating though. I wish it was clearer that you can't finish challenges after completing the main mission of each chapter.

Every chapter introduces some new mechanic and it never felt like a chore to me. It was longer than I expected but not a drag, one of the best 2 bucks games I've played. Not surprised in the end, as i noticed it's by the same developer as Lost in Random which i also loved

I'll just start off first by saying that Flipping Death holds the dubious honour of being the most spectacularly unfunny video game I've ever played.

I'm not sure where it all went wrong. It has been a great many years now, but I recall enjoying Zoink Games' cult hit Stick it to the Man! quite a lot back when it launched on PS3. It was a game I liked enough to get all the trophies for on THREE different PlayStation platforms, so it must've done something right. Maybe there was a shake-up in the writing staff since then, because Flipping Death flatlines right out of the gate with its obnoxiously loud brand of humour, and abides by it until the bitter end. The core mechanic of Flipping Death revolves around possessing a range of offbeat and deranged characters, which paves the way for an endless bombardment of inane shouting and the same 'hilarious' one-liners repeated over and over again while you try to transit characters from one end of the map to the other. Its screeching, forced and overly-quirky comedy stylings make an average episode of Friends look like an Ingmar Bergman movie by comparison.

"But Mr. Acqui Escence!" I hear you ask. "What about everything outside of the comedy? Doesn't that count for something?" Well that's the thing; Flipping Death's irreverent and brash 'jokes' are placed so far in the foreground that they drown out everything else, whether it's good or bad. The platforming itself sucks tremendously, but I could endure it no problem if the banter made me laugh. The same goes for the obtuse puzzles and the fact that the entire game essentially takes place in one location. But when comedic writing with this much emphasis placed on it is so bad that it makes an Adam Sandler Netflix movie look desirable by comparison, there's nothing that you could hope to redeem it.

Nothing but say, the sweet and merciful release of death maybe. Thankfully, I reached the end credits before that happened.

Lo jugué en un momento de mi vida en el que había perdido a alguien importante, y la cosa es que este juego banaliza tanto la muerte que apenas hice conexión entre ambas cosas.

Coge Pychonauts, añádele plataformas simples y personajes aun más tocados del ala y tienes Flipping Death. Quizás algún puzzle puede ser algo más obtuso, pero de todas formas en cualquier momento puedes mirar pistas en imágenes que vienen dentro del propio juego. También tiene desafios opcionales aun más locos que te dan cartas donde se escribe info de los NPCs del juego, todo con el estilo humorístico que permea en todo el juego.

Lo único negativo que puedo sacarle es que he tenido dos crasheos al final de los dos primeras capítulos, y ya estás. Música, animaciones holgadas, humor, todo genial. Prob no sea tu GOTY, pero bien te lo vas a pasar seguro.