Reviews from

in the past

I really liked this season for like the first 2 weeks ironically and then not really fucking wit it afterwards but when I was looking through my ps4 screenshots I apparently got tier 200 like I don't remember that at all it's so weird but yeah id give the battlepass a 7/10 all the females were pretty 8 ball is really cool tier 100's chill fucking love Ripley like it there was any character i associate with the my name bloof it's him not like me in general but like my name in general fits the vibe and I like the whole doppelganger alt styles like thats so cool and there's a third style that combined then like that's sick

Upgraded mechanically and a shitshow everywhere else

Battlepass was alright Ripley being my favorite, but damn was this season long, got boring

3/5 uniquement pour le concert de Travis Scott

It was the longest season and it got boring but I really enjoyed it overall, really good season for me.

even with this season being the longest ever and not having the most frequent updates this was a new start and was mostly fun.

I have some nostalgia for this one but this is still one of my favorite games to play even if it gets me mad.

nothing quite like being 12 and getting a new pc so u could actually run this game and then go into the revamped map, SWIMMING, the new animations, idk it was just everything.

i still did not complete this battle pass and i dont really care cause the skins are mediocre but i still wish i completed it

I played three games on my switch because I was bored. Somehow I won all three of them and never touched Fortnite ever since. 3/10 for the three wins.

The chapter as a whole is overhated IMO. Season 2, 3, 4 and 7 were really fun. there was only really two bad seasons and those were 5 and 6.

Chapter 2 season 1 was pretty good overall but it went on way to long without any new content. New map took a bit of getting used to same with new guns bit was pretty good.

all the chapters can be rated separately so im doing it FUCK all of this except s4 and 7

Chapter 2 Season 1 had a great start, the graphics were so pretty, the movement was nice, and the map was so vibrant and beautiful, and an alright Battle Pass.

And for a beginner season for a new Chapter, it did its best. Now, the issue with it was, because this really didn't have a theme, and was just very stripped down Fortnite, with nothing that special, besides the Boats, really. It got boring.

And this also being one of the longest seasons, really made that worse. This season was so boring, and one of the only seasons that when I actively played, I didn't finish the Battle Pass in, this season was just so unfun, and a slog to get through. Luckily, the next season is the best season in the entire game.

Overall: 4/10

Meu primeiro contato de verdade com o jogo. O hype na época era incrível.

puedes nadar y tal, parecía mejor de lo que era

im just going to say it right now, i think the black hole event was one of the best things to ever happen to humanity

i don't remember this season at all

most dry season of Fortnite yet, probably the longest season (it covered Halloween AND Christmas) and it had like 3 content updates total. map was ugly and the loot pool was so bare bones. the only mobility during this season was boats and that was ass, but it wasn't the worst chapter 2 had to offer

Never enjoyed the game at its popularity peak, so it was very easy for me to jump on the hate-train when people decided it was too kiddy (despite literally being a kid at the time). Then out of nowhere, I started playing this as a joke with friends; it ended up being a guilty pleasure amongst us who stuck with it. This game really ain't as bad as its reputation demands. The addition of vehicles really helped with one of my core issues back in 2018, the slowness and dullness of map traversal outside of combat. More shooter experience and playing with friends also made this much more fun. Looking back, I wish I could play on this map again sometimes.

Season 2,3, and 4 made this season man

people who say this is better than any other season is lying. we got a christmas update and a harpoon gun within a 6 month season. actual worst season ever